Justice League - Power Rangers #3 (of 6) Storytime
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Is this the first time we've seen Billy in Rebirth?
>Batman. Get in the Mastodon.
Ya forgot your thread theme OP
I don't think there is a Hawkgirl on Earth 1 right now
4 pages ago
>You need our help, we know how to deal with Zedd's monsters
>Just hit them really hard until they're destroyed
I can't believe it's actually that easy to steal a Ranger's powers
Great Hera
Billy's gone full Superboy Prime.
I really should have seen this coming when I found out Brainiac was part of this series
Wait was Tommy in the Dragonzord cockpit?
And why does he get to keep his dagger?
Someone got a tan
>I can't
Bats' face is priceless
See this Zack?
This is how you write Superman.
Hope you guys enjoyed it
I thought it was the best issue yet
why do I think there's a meme there?
Why so smug Barry?
>Batman. Get in the Mastodon.
Best line yet
Are they color coded?
>Let's punch a hole through space
>Dimension travel fueled by punches
lol good stuff
I agree OP. Thanks for the storytime
This is pretty fun stuff. Nothing convoluted or pants on head retarded, just simplistic fun
That's a fucking awesome page.
This entire crossover has been pretty enjoyable honestly.
I sort of want more comic with the other power ranger series now.
>Batman's dejected face in that last panel
>Superman's smug as fuck smirk in that last panel
>I sort of want more comic with the other power ranger series now.
Hey, you know what'd be great? More MMPR pandering instead of that.
Solid stuff.
Thanks, OP.
You sound upset
it definitely was, thanks for doing this
If they told Batman that then they'd have lost a bargaining chip to stop him from ruining everything.
Batman BTFO
>And Batman is.... well, Batman is Batman.
That was so sad and pathetic after everyone else got their descriptions that I just had to laugh.
The fuck will having Dick, Babs and to a lesser extent Garfield fight in this situation? These things are skyscraper large.
Beast Boy can turn into dinosaurs right?
That should help a bit
jesus batman stop being a cunt
i don't even know which DC continuity is this supposed to be
why stealing their communicator robs them of their powers? shouldnt they go for the belt?
I think they also grabbed the coins out of their morphers. The one who attacked Kimberly has something glowy and pink in his hand
3 issues in, and the rangers are only ever relevant in their zords.
Can they ever be more out classed?
Batman insisted that they were useful just like he is in a brawl against Kaiju.
This makes me very happy.
>And why does he get to keep his dagger?
I'm guessing they will use it later to snap Dragonzord out of Brainiac's control.
The names Batman and Superman have bascially become adjectives at this point
I get the feeling that the "Zedd isn't YOUR villain..." bubble here was not meant for Superman.
>tfw Superman will never tell you he believes in you
Supes said it meaning the Rangers don't have to shoulder all the responsibility of fighting Zedd, that the League is going to help.
>I get the feeling that the "Zedd isn't YOUR villain..." bubble here was not meant for Superman.
I think it was. I think Clark's point is that while the Rangers are the ones who fight Zedd, they aren't responsible for his actions, the damage and pain he causes aren't their fault just because they haven't defeated him.
Ah yes! The old "the LHC is magic" asspull.
In the DC universe? With a Flash involved? Yes
>Is this the first time we've seen Billy in Rebirth?
He was in Hellblazer.
I'm pretty sure that the only Hawkgirl on Prime Earth was evil and is dead. Not that either of those matter much in capeshit, but..
I kind of love how they're willing to laugh at Batman in this crossover. This is kind of delightfully silly.
>in an earlier issue Batman got his shit stomped in by the Power Rangers and had to call for help
It's great.
Link to #2?
While it was funny, you have to admit, Batman -was- fighting like, what, 6 individuals with borderline metahuman abilities that he never met before. He was outclassed.
What makes it funnier is that a man in his 30s got his ass beat by a bunch of 16-17 year old kids.
Batman sometimes has trouble fighting regular street thugs. Sometimes just The Joker by himself.
Is it ever explained just how smart Billy is? I remember from the show he made all sorts of crazy stuff.
He created the communicators and used them to tap into the teleportation system
And he eventually aided in the creation of the Zeo Zords
I personally like that moment because that's actually the smart thing to do. This Batman is willing to admit to himself when he's outclassed immediately instead of going into denial until batgod plot armour activates. Later jokes about him aside, this Batman actually feels like he's on the Justice League instead of that guy who occasionally show up at parties to be a dick.
He also made a flying VW Bug.
And batman, can order pizzas like nobody's business
why is diana black on the cover
It's a shadow you turdgoblin.
I need that last panel
>No Go Busters x DC
In the DCverse they call it cosmic treadmill
Stop making me want toku crossovers we'll never get.
Really need this in the future
Why is Dinah flying
>Green Lantern/Star Trek
>another Batman/TMNT
>Gotham Academy/Lumberjanes
>Green Lantern/Planet of the Apes
>Batman/The Shadow
>Justice League/Power Rangers
Why is DC so based, anons?
What other crossovers should they do?
>And I assume you guys can travel across dimensions?
Let's be fair though, there are very few things that would not be improved by the Destroyer of Worlds wandering into the scene.
Nightwing you retard
>Batman can blow into a Zord
How powerful is that stuff?
>forgetting the DC/Looney Tunes crossovers coming soon
>Hanna Barbara/DC
>Booster Gold/Flintstones
>Space Ghost/Green Lantern
>Banana Splits/Suicide Squad
>Adam Strange/Future Quest
Maybe she's doing what Banshee does and using her screams to make herself fly. Somehow
>Space Ghost/Green Lantern
Is this real?
It's coming
Well they've lost their zords now and their powers
So presumably the next issue will be them working with the League to get it all back. We probably won't see the Megazord itself until issue 6
>Actual nightmares
wasn't there that one monster that was literally nothing but eyeballs?
>All Riders vs The DC Univese
I'm just imagining Double and Firestorm sharing drinks while discussing the foibles of their respective fusions.
What are some things Batman can't do?
>have living parents