Is this true?
Is this true?
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how is this news to you?
Pedos and rapists, sounds about right.
>in b4 Kubrick "died" a few days after eyes wide shut
No, she never said it.
my point is she didn't need to say it
Who are the pedophiles? Name 3.
>be megarich
>have tiny disfunctional penis
>can't please a woman so feel inadequate
>"hmmmm a child's ass might not be so unforgiving"
>becomes a pedo
>realises all your friends are also pedos
>create network of megarich pedos
literally hollywood
Hillary Clinton
John Podesta
Barrack Obama
didn't trump used to visit that pedo island run by that jew?
>falling for fake news
buy a water filter
Many people dont know this but Kubrick was pretty woke. He put some moon landing hidden message in The Shining and I heard Eyes Wide SHut was about the elites and their weird sex parties.
Rothschilds had him taken down after Tom Cruise ratted him out because Kubrick was making fun of Tom being a faggot. Eyes Wide Shut was a practical joke about Cruise being a homo.
Epstein, Moore, Clinton, possibly Trump (though less likely)
>the world is run by pedophiles but instead of working towards outing who they are I'm going to make a movie that somewhat follows the themes of the powerful but will ultimately accomplish nothing
Did Kubrick just have a fun time making them uncomfortable and get the elite to sweat a little? I can't imagine if he was really serious about all this that he'd just make a movie.
Why paedophiles though? Why not just regular people who you nonetheless disagree with and have an insidious control over everything? Because conspiracy theorists need shorthand for why your boogeyman is bad?
He also said Hitler was right about almost everything.
Kubrick put "hidden messages" for his own entertainment in the Shining to fuck with retards like you
and they're so obtuse that if Kubrick was trying to hide anything he didn't give a shit about hiding it
He died during post-production, I don't think he got to see the final cut.
Roman Polanski
Bryan Singer
Jackie Chan... fuck!
So I guess pedophile ring in Hollywood is all but confirmed.
your god emperor fucks kids. nothing wrong with admitting that.
Whatever shill. Keep munching on globalist cock.
not obama, but the other 2 yes,
also, michael jackson
>Jackie Chan... fuck!
don't even go there. i'd be devastated
we've got a titan of critical thinking here folks
>michael jackson
Oh, that's why people are saying soy boy all of a sudden? Some e-celeb?
wow you are using the new buzzword of the week. you're really cool!
you guys sure are pissy, much be the estrogen in your system due to too much soy
>tfw david icke was right
I like how he directed a movie about a pedophile.
nah, soy boy is just weird. it's like if someone called me a doo doo head. can't feel insulted if it's too weird.
cuck made sense, since people already had an idea of what it meant
I think soyboy is funny because it's outlandish and retarded like something someone would say on a playground. I'm also kinda of fond of bugman because it could be construed as calling them a faggot with aids or another mindless bug.
why the fuck did he pronounce beta like beet-a? it's literally just the greek letter.
>Pedophiles rule the world
>Child porn is illegal
implying the global elite are subject to laws
this is from before the whole pizzagate scandal.
long before that
the dude was head of the LA fbi
She wouldn't, her dad was some kind of super sketchy child psychologist who fled when accused of child abuse then mysteriously died soon after.
Based 'Stanley
I'm scared
how can a manlet with such weak facial hair and femenine jaw make this video? i feel l fail to grasp a layer or 2 of memes and irony
literal paranoid schizophrenics
this guy wouldve been homeless, in the middle of the street 15 years ago, screaming THEYRE COMING THE END IS NEAR, but instead now he has an internet connection and plenty of time on his hands to expand and detail his dark and edgy fanfiction and people unironically believe and post that shit
where did we go wrong bros
>being this edgy
using the paranoid schizos is a necessary tactic. if the anti-establishment people don't get to them, the establishment will.
that being said, there definitely are elite pedophile rings, see and .
Lol so true. I've seen what kind of people you're talking about. I went to that shit hole California is 2014 and I saw a homeless junkie with bunch of cardboard signs lined up reading something along the lines of "Frodo is the people, the ring is the devil is the government is sauraman. We must unite with the fellowship, take down the government and destroy evil once and for All". It was insane. He looked like he put a lot of work into his signs as well.
That pic is pure weaponized psychosis.
>I heard Eyes Wide SHut was about the elites and their weird sex parties.
why do people obsessive about the sex party bit? It's not like it was a hidden thing, it's so blatant in the movie. It's an adaption of Traumnovelle by Arthur Schnitzler, in which the same thing happens
it's about how someone can be driven so far by jealous and insecurity, especially of a sexual nature
I wonder if he fapped to shota doujins.
What exactly caused all of the satanic abuse hysteria to come back?
He was probably too busy sleeping with real shotas every night.
and here is assange right after the las vegas shooting claiming the establishment takes mentally unhinged people and setting them loose on the public. here is evidence that he was medicated.
MKULTRA was a real thing, most of which is still classified, and is sensationalized and turned into the stuff of fantasy make-believe land by the likes of stranger things, being fed to mass audiences. and now there is an attack on anybody who might try and find these connections.
The Internet allows people to say all kinds of retarded things. Most people don't even checks the info if it fits their world view. Hence memes such as Rothschilds owning all central banks except in Syria or North Korea.
But the first wave of this bullshit was in the 80s before the internet was popular at all, and it had died down by the late 90s.
there is nothing better than young meat, the rich and powerful know this but forbid it for everyone else.
This. I feel like there isnt anything else too it besides this. Young children are absolute pure innocence. (((They))) must get off knowing they're doing these evil acts to such pure and fresh people.
>Hence memes such as Rothschilds owning all central banks except in Syria or North Korea.
it would be false to state the rothschilds own it all. but what are essentially oil barons, eugenicists, and technocrats are trying to take over and unify the world monetary system into one in which everybody is distributed a limited amount of "carbon credits" to get by.
Kubrick would know, he is a Jew
>what a bunch of jerks
is this a norm reference?
He claims Nicole Kidman what?
Donald trump , sterling , and moor come to mind everyone knows trump diddled ivanka
>implying technocracy isn't the natural conclusion of the enlightenment and the final stage of capitalist development
Do you want to become a Type I Civilization or not, faggot?
It would be a lie because most central banks are owned by governments. They aren't private institutions.
Prove me wrong.
As someone who attended a posh boys school in England yes it's all true all the teachers were pedos and the boys were definitely sucking each others dicks. Most are MPs, high level execs, and powerful media people now.
Did Dolly uncover the child sex scandal during her visit to Rotherham?
She visits... shit hits the fan...
That post is bullshit.
The reason why "Satanic cults" kill and drink victims' blood is because when we are scared our bodies release adrenaline. Drinking blood laced with adrenaline makes your tongue tingle, and also gives you a short high. You get buzzed from it. In the "satanic literature" this amounts to drinking their "energy" or soul etc. They think it'll make them immortal or some shit.
It's nothing to do with DMT or pineal glands. That's some Eddie Bravo retard-level shit.
>it's a lie that there are those trying to unify the world's monetary system
>banks being owned by governments somehow nullifies this point
what are you doing here, don't you have an indoctrination centre to scurry off to?
I could believe in a pedo rings, but this occult child sacrifice nonsense.
It's a lie that the Rothschilds control the central banks.
The Bohemians have a job in helping run the world, yes
It's true though, the Bohemians spread suffering to individuals.
watch this he was the head of the LA and california fbi. he literally did a 'true detective season 1' and uncovered a fucking pedo cult ring.
alot of what you see ITT is bullshit, but that isn't
Abramovic and Moloch connections are bullshit. Most of her art isn't about children and doesn't feature them, and that Moloch email was obviously a joke.
Why do ' " sometimes turn into '
I've had lots of saved htmls fuck up with that
Damn people really just don't get Eyes Wide Shut do they?
It's a movie about a doctor who thinks he's hot shit when in reality he's just a middle class loser who can't please his wife sexually. He puts on airs and walks around flashing money and his doctor badge thinking it makes him high class, but when in the presence of the true elite he sticks out like a sore thumb. Paying a prostitute $150 even though you don't fuck her doesn't make you a gentleman nor does giving some costume shop owner a few hundreds to open up the shop in the middle of the night mean you're a baller. He wants to cheat on his wife, but he's too much of a pussy to do so. His wife flat out says to his face she would have cheated on him with the naval officer if given the opportunity and he wants to "get back" at her. He's got this idea of himself in his head that is way more prestigious that what he actually is and when hearing that his wife fantasizes about other men it destroys his ego. He then goes out for a "night on the town" in the hopes of re-affirming to himself that he is sexually desirable. But he ends up in over his head and ends up seeing just how "innocent" and inexperienced he is compared to others sexually, and the only woman he can "pull" is a AIDS ridden hooker. He even builds up this idea that the model at the party sacrificed herself for him, when in reality it was all just a show (everyone knew he didn't belong from the start) and her overdose was completely unrelated. He can't wrap his head around the fact that he is average - or in that circle, below average and in the end he decides to settle for his hum-drum life with a stale sex partner because it's safe.
this makes too much sense