
>75 issues
How the fuck did he do it?

He gave it to em.

Put that letter on anything in the 90's and it would sell

It was the 90's and his book had an X on the cover.

absolute madman

He's showing up in that X-Force book with OML, Rogue and Mystique




If you're legit and not shitting me I will start buying my first Marvel book of 2017.

If you're bullshitting I hope your cock falls off.

no he's not

People are stupid and have bad taste

Please no

my source on this info is my hopes and dreams.

So maybe get with the program and meme magic this into existence with me

Even if he was they buttfucked Nate to the point of irrelevance what with him having trouble even lifting a basketball.


You fucking asshole.

X-Man was a somewhat popular character. There's a reason his book continued past AoA. Looking at sales figures, the book was still selling over 30,000 by the time it was cancelled due to low sales and going through the two years or so before it was cancelled seemed to be somewhat consistent getting around 35k-45k an issue. In 1998 the book was pulling in the 50k and 60k range so sales had dropped but having that level of consistency for a number of years is pretty good. In today's market that would've made it a positively healthy mid-level ongoing.

Samefagging but of course there are things that probably contributed to a book like X-Man being able to hold those numbers right up until cancellation. Chief among them being no annual events like we've had over the last 10 years probably, less books being published overall and (more importantly) the books were more affordable. In 1999, your average big two cape comic was going to be $1.99 which comes out to around a dollar more in 2017. In 2000 and 2001 it moved up to $2.50, which is again around a dollar more. Even looking into when I was first able to start buying my own comics (2003 or 2004) the price point was $2.50 or $2.99. Although, adjusting for inflation, $2.99 in 2004 dollars means you're basically at Marvel's current pricing of $3.99 for an issue.

Since Rebirth, most of DC's books have been $2.99 so roughly the same price they would've been (adjusting for inflation) 17 or 18 years ago. Marvel's prices have been consistently in the more expensive range over the last 12 or 13 and, surprise surprise, there's a difference in the health of the line.

That's all tangent. But yes, X-Men popularity was a factor but I'd say the bigger factors are less events (the idea used to be that tying into an event boosted sales, no we see it's poison), less books (you can focus more on promoting what you have; the customer isn't overwhelmed by choice) and, most importantly, price (a customer will buy far more books at $2.99 than $3.99). I guarantee you if Marvel put a two year moratorium on events, chopped the line of comics (so ONE Inhumans book and only one, less Z-list solo ongoings, no two Iron Man books, stuff like that) and dropped the price down to $2.99 while promoting the "classic" feel of their characters they'd be in a better position and you could afford something like a Nate Grey ongoing... and a real one, not shit like Prowler that's a poorly disguised miniseries.

How about zero Inhumans books? They rarely have a series of their own anyway.

I want X-Man to come back too. And Darkhawk and Silver Sable... at least we're getting Generation X back.

Silver Sable's going to be one of Spider-Man's allies in the upcoming arc of ASM. The entire set up is that Osborn's taken over Symkaria and is gunning to destroy Parker Industries.

>implying it's not a fakeout/new gay-trans Sable because Sloth is a prick and we can never have nice things

Wow, that's cool. I'll have to read that. I loved Spider-Man in those days but I haven't read any of him since the 90s. I've heard nothing but bad things about Slott's run, and not just on here either, but what should I know before getting back on board?

>reading Slott

Ah well that's disappointing.

If I were you I would give some Slott stuff a go

Maybe Superior Spider-Man just because of he concept and to know where does this whole "Parker Industries" come from

TERRY KAVANAGH kept this going through the absurd majority of the book.

Just let that sink in for a second.

Nate/Maddie incest shippers?

I think your point about less books is off the mark. When X-Man carried on going after AoA, the other ongoing X-books were...

Uncanny X-Men
Generation X

and limited series were coming thick and fast (Rogue, Gambit, Sabretooth, Storm, Bishop got two).

There isn't a single good X-Man comic. Fact.

The AoA one do their jobs quite well.

When he came over to 616 it was thrown out of whack and they never figured a direction though, that's for sure.

Young cable with no limits was a pretty big deal in the 90s