Have you ever stopped to think that batman is ACTUALLY the kind of person that if he killed a criminal he himself would...

Have you ever stopped to think that batman is ACTUALLY the kind of person that if he killed a criminal he himself would never be able to go back to not killing people? Which is why he holds on to no killing so hard.

I can accept his no-killing credo, but there were a shitload of events where he could just let a villain die, but instead he goes full-retard-heroic-rescue-mission because of reasonos.

Honestly that justification always felt wafer thin.

Just because he plugged Joker for nuking seventeen orphanages, doesn't mean he's going to snap Riddler's neck for doing some stupid city-wide crossword bullshit.

tell that to poor anatoli, the poor Russian diplomat has been murdered by this bat freak twice now.

Didn't he once bring Joker back to life after he was "wrongfully" sentenced to death?

Realistically he is the main character so they wouldn't make him unlikable to go on such a rampage, but Batman himself doesn't know that so I think it works as an in-universe characterization flaw. It's ok to get anxious about your own actions. But also they shouldn't write too many stories dwelling on it because it feels dumber.

I think you hit the nail on the head user

but perhaps couldn't more depth be given to the character psychologically to tie him into his mythos more by also have him be one of the "crazies" that he is always fighting? Which is the repressed everything that has built up from the enviormental causes that happened to batman by happenstance?

which ties back to batman being an extreme intellect a being who in order to make sense of the irrational world he lives in psychologically manifests itself in him being this hyper good vigilante

If you kill someone that killed 10000 why not kill the one that killed 9000?

Why stop at the guy that killed 8000?

Why not take care of the president of united states? he kills more people than most supercriminals. The whole concept is simple: Some Capes have the power to take over the world, if they are willing to kill one guy over the number of deaths they produced using the logic that in that way they will avoid more deads why don't they just take over the world? why not attack Israel or Saudi Arabia? Why not completly destroy the weapon factories in murrika.

> Which is why he holds on to no killing so hard.

Bullshit, he had a FATHER that was a doctor, his family has a catholic background and he studied in a catholic school, he lived and was educated by eastern monks, and his biggest trauma involves death, everything about the character screams that for him life is sacred. Fuck off.

The no killing rule is dumb and we all know it's only there for money related reasons (not killing fan favorite bad guys etc...)


But he should kill luthor right?