>disaster movie
>asteroid scenario
>briefing the president
>"its the size of texas, sir"
Disaster movie
>an ice shelf, the size of rhode island, breaks off from antartica
>"it's the size of Washington"
>"D.C. or the state?"
>porn movie
>anal scenario
>briefing the president
>"it's the size of texas, sir"
>movie set in future
>money is called "credits"
>movie set in the future
>money called "euros"
>Movie set in the future
>White people exist
>movie set in a fantasy realm
>money is called "coins"
>just a few clicks north of here
>we'll make it 12 parsecs
>movie ends
>superhero power is speed
>all scenes show him move in slow motion.
keep your reddit capeshit out of my pure frogposting threads, nigger
>it's called merits
>movie set in the UK
>policemen have guns
>hot fuzz
>male character is falling
>lands on his groin, puckers his lips like he just ate a lemon
>other characters go "oof!" and cringe
>terrorism movie
>terrorists are from a made up eastern european nation and not muslim
>Action movie
>Director is black
>Hiphop music during action scenes
>Action movie
>Director is white
>Classical music during action scenes
>martial arts movie
>stunt outtakes play during the end credits
>a character tries food from another planet
>tastes like chicken
>Animated movie includes blooper scenes
Truly the worst
Oh god whhhyyyy
>mafia movie
>all characters love to swear
but i like this trope
>movie set in future
>money is a collection of decentralized currencies free from government control called "cryptocurrency"
>Mafia movie
>Characters are named Tony, Joey, Frankie and Paulie
>what is the armed response unit
>female character running away from slowly walking killer
>blubbering and running like a spastic
>falls over
>gets up
>runs to car
>panics and drops keys
>eventually gets in
>engine wont start
>finally drives away
>killer is in the backseat
>character arrives at meeting
>"youre late"
>...and your other guns
>film set in the future
>no flying cars
>...do you hear that?
I loved it when the Friday the 13th movies just said fuck it and had Jason teleport to wherever the characters were running.
I agree that it's terrible, but maybe it's because the voice actor's fuck up in the studio and they have.. extra budget... so they make scenes... for the fuck up..
>western movie
>character plays harmonica in jail
>character in prison
>bounces ball against wall
>movie ends with bad guy dead
>scene of him waking up after credits
Name 50 movies where this happens
> womyn character
> never on period
>enters office
>"want a scotch?"
>leaves room without finishing it
>"thanks for the drink"
>show a really small and trivial thing happening to a smaller and even more trivial object
>this was essential and the results traumatically impact the plot
>prison movie
>new inmates arrive
>prisoners throw toilet paper and bang on the grids
>film set in the future
>flying cars
Pixar loves this trope
Nice one, user
Fuck you, old Pixar outtakes were great
>and your OTHER hired gun
Denzel casts a fair shadow
>Vietnam flick
>there's a man with a gun over here starts playing
What's wrong with this?
>teen movie
>character loves to masturbate
they did it three times in total
18 years ago
>movie takes place in the USA
>cop fired
>"now give me your badge, your gun and your foreskin"
>Terrorism movie
>Terrorist are white and atleast 2/5 heroes are muslim
>Military movie
>They call helicopters "birds"
>Gangster movie
>They all eat spaghetti meatballs and gabagool not even one margherita
Tbh Horrible Bosses did this trope fucking perfect.
>movie set in New York
>the main character is Italian or a Jew
>submarine or boat movie
>they refer to the ship as "her/she"
One of the great things about Quicksilver in DoFP is how they defied this
Scotch in the office is so weird. Its so obviously written by plebs who have never worked in an office.
Go to your ceos office and look in and see what shit they have.
>we've progressed beyond the need for currency
>police movie
>black sidekick
>fully immersed in a movie
>character falls
>wilhelm scream
>immersion broken
>fantasy movie
>everyone speaks the Common Speech
>we're not so different you and I
>movie takes place In space
>main characters spend almost zero time on screen travelling around
>convenient wormholes literally everywhere
>alright who's in charge here?
>horror movie
>the villain is a human
>And your other gun
>action movie
>AC/DC starts playing
>slow motion
>local cops start their investigation about a mysterious crime
>feds and other guys in suit arrive
>"we'll take the case from there"
>I am
>not anymore *flashes fbi badge*
>your OTHER gun
>my gun demands it
>film set in the future
>the year is 20XX or 2XXX
>hand over your guns
>we demand it
I make schnapps with my boss every year. We have several bottles tucked away around the office.
>flashback sequence
>it's in black and white
>film set in California
>convertables everywhere
>fortunate son starts playing
>film set in California
>wildfires everywhere
>film set in the future
>it's actually the 20th century
pretty good
>New York City, New York
>Present day
>It's the size of a tangerine the size of texas, President Wayne.
>character eats with his/her left hand
>action movie
>main character is ex-military or some shit
>“He’s the best we’ve got”
>aerial shot of a city
>name of the location appears as if it was written by a machine that matches the age in which the movie is set
but white people will win the race war
fucking this x1000000
>American movie
>lotion is used to make a joke about masturbation
why would you bring in real life into this?
*soft but prolonged KEK*
>biker movie
>Born To Be Wild starts playing