Just watched these movies again, has any series suffered such a rapud dwvlune the first was great...

Just watched these movies again, has any series suffered such a rapud dwvlune the first was great, the second was fabulously ridiculous and highly memorable, my personal favorite. But Christ, MI:3 is fucking awful, how did that film launch a successful career? Ghost Protocol was better, but still kinda shitty. I can't even remember the last one.

Mission Impossible thread.

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*rapid decline?

Yes, I am phoneposting trash.

Been a while since I've seen them but I do remember that 3 > 2 so you're wrong

First one is absolute quinoa

I've never seen anyone who thinks the second is the best one. Not being rude just never even came across that before. My only issue with the series is I wish they shot all of them the same way they did the first one. Don't know how to describe it but something about the lighting and the colors just looks good and a lot different than anything else.

>the second was fabulously ridiculous and highly memorable, my personal favorite.
shit fucking taste

The first one had a really weird style to it. I never truly understood it growing up, now it's kino.

Ghost Protocol was fucking amazing. I havent seen the newest one, where he's sticked to the side of the plane. Is it any good?

I avoided 2 for so long because of its shitty reputation and its actually really kino but it's also really weird and terrible at being a mission impossible movie. John woo is like a slightly less retarded Michael Bay, so insane that it becomes experimental cinema. The franchise was fucked after that. 3 is a flick but it's great at being a mission impossible story and brought back a formula that was normie friendly.

Not as good as GP but you'll enjoy it a lot.

oh no pigeons

MI 2 is absolute dogshit, nearly tanked the franchise

>That Anthony Hopkins cameo cash grab

MI2 is hilarious and I liked it.

I remember this being one of the first giant disappointments that I saw in the theater. The first was such a great little light spy thriller. The second one went full retard. The rest are just your run of the mill spy action movies that vary in quality.

I really enjoy the 1st one -- it's my favorite in the series.

>beautiful sets and locations
>great cast
>espionage film that isn't pointlessly complex to puff itself up
>"tech" is mostly grounded in some reality
>couple of great action set pieces
>peak de Palma

M:I is fantastic

Power rating:


two and three are on the same level of generic.
5 has rebecca ferguson in a leg showing dress
4 has this nice theme of nothing works as planned
1 is the ultimate comfy thriller

>MI:3 is fucking awful
Are you kidding me? 3 saved the franchise. That movie was fucking great, Philip Seymour Hoffman is probably the best villain of the entire series.

user, theres a bomb in your head..

1 > 3 > GP > RN >>> 2
fight me nerds

MI:2 was complete trash and nearly ruined the series. 3 was a huge success and put the series back on track.

4 > 1 > 5 > 3 > 2

Two is the only one I didn't really care for. Three is pretty corny but at least it has Philip Seymour Hoffman.

It's got all the cancerous shakycam of a Bourne movie (like Bond, MI was similarly influenced) and shitty melodramatic bullshit with Hunt's wife, did she die? She didn't, she did? Fuck, I don't even care.

Like a lot of action movies from the mid 00's onwards it feels like a soulless, cg infused, teal-and-range crapfest with nothing at stake.

>with nothing at stake
>people literally have explosives planted in their heads that can be detonated at any time
>Ethan Hunt is being attacked by fucking fighter jets
>all kinds of other shit
I'm an oldfag and I saw it in theaters when it came out, and it was fucking incredible. You're just looking at it from a jaded perspective, but when it was released it was one of the biggest and most intense movies as far as action. Not only was the trailer exciting as fuck, but the movie completely delivered.

This shit was awesome.

Less is more, there's tons of shit going on in the later Die Hards for instance, but none of that carried much weight.

It's fine to be over the top of course, but it has to be done well, there has to be some art to it.

Normies can't tell the difference though, which is why the series feels more like fast food with each installment.

I can't remember the first one, it's been ages since I saw it. I want to revisit it because I've been interested in De Palma lately.
The second one was shitty and probably the worst one, only saved by some ridiculous memorable scenes
Third one was better and tones down the ridiculousness. Hoffman was great in it and generally the plot more interesting and immersive than all the others.
I didn't like GP but I enjoyed the last one.

>Normies can't tell the difference though

Comparing the later Mission Impossibles to the later Die Hards is retarded, dude. They are nothing alike and the fact that you think they are just shows how much of a pleb you actually are.

DESU Rogue Nation was one of my favourite action flicks these last years