Didnt even try to save Wally

>Didnt even try to save Wally

Can someone explain to me what the fuck is going on?

He has been an asshole since episode 1 of this season

Barry only cares about saving Iris, simple as that.

He was a rival for Iris' affection.

He was an asshole in season 1 too. Tried to manipulate Iris into leaving Eddie as if he had some kind of claim on her just because he knew her longer.

Flash is the worst comic book show on tv

Given the shit he puts up with from his friends he's a borderline saint.

>Tried to manipulate Iris into leaving Eddie

Not really. He enjoyed flirting with her because she was wet over the Flash but he never made a play until time travel shenanigans reared their head and he got a punch in the face for all his trouble.

Agents of SHIELD exists.

Barry is savitar. Savitar is Barry when he keeps fucking around with the timeline.

He knows Wally is a spook

The darkness withing told him it had to be that way, he sensed it in the speed force
like what? except for frost stealing the shard

What was he going to do, pull Wally? Tear him in two?

yes, or fuck go with him. he had been in the speed force before so he has experience

>haven't followed the flash since early season 2

What's happening? Did Barry destroy a multiverse too?

Almost did.

Also fucked with the timeline because reasons, killed discos brother, let reverse flash loose, and refuses to go back and tell himself to take a chill pill

That's why I know Barry is the main villain of this season

no. Wally was controlled into taking a stone shard into the speedforce so now megatron will destroy the city.barry did not save wally and now he is trapped in the speed force. also it tuns out barry was megatron all along

Does he actually love Iris though? Even in his proposal he spent 2/3 of the speech talking about the ring rather than her. Her main plus to him seems to be that he says she makes him a better person. Iris feels more like some sort of trophy teenage Barry wanted.

Though until she found out he was the Flash Iris treated him like a dickless gay best friend. So they're probably made for each other.

true and true

>it's a "Flash is distracted by something for five seconds and the villain gets away" episode

If the flash were so fast, why doesn't he become distracted for only .5 seconds?

Clearly he is doing it on purpose, that demented fuckhead

its more like
>Flash got there and just looked

You see this face, Sup Forums?. This is the face of someone who knows he's been rattled. This is the face of someone who knows he's been exposed. This is the face of someone who know he needs to dispose of someone







And here we have the villain of the season planning how to eliminate the threat that is in front of him

It's almost like..he's the same .person

Every thread.

1. Flash and co. unethically, illegally detain criminals in small cells.
2. Flash and co. are responsible for the deaths of several of these criminals.
3. Flash knocked out Julian, a civilian, just to shut him up. Imagine if you read a story about a cop doing the same -- you would be pissed, right?
4. Flash refuses to beat up female villains, only ever pushing or cuffing them. Meanwhile, male villains, even those that perform minor crimes, get beaten to a pulp by him.
5. Flash has altered the timeline how many times? How many lives has he erased? How many lives has he created? How many lives has he changed? He really doesn't seem that remorseful over all this.
6. There is no reason for villains like Plunder to be a threat to the Flash at all.
7. Why are the writers so afraid of having Flash or the Rogues perform any tricks with their abilities?
8. After 3 seasons, are you really going to tell me that the team doesn't trust each other enough to not hold secrets?

Defend any of these.

>Didnt even try to save Wally
Wally should not have narc'd on berry saying he only married Iris because in the future vision they were unmarried so he used the marriage to change the future a little.


>7. Why are the writers so afraid of having Flash or the Rogues perform any tricks with their abilities?
you forgot conscript him and force him into dangerous mind destroying experiments
>After 3 seasons, are you really going to tell me that the team doesn't trust each other enough to not hold secrets?
at this point I would be more secretive than ever. its like vampire diaries

That's not how you spell Arrow


I've been thinking this since I saw the episode - if wally could fight the pull of the breach, although failing to completely free himself of its hold, then Barry could have at least tried to come from the side and attempt to pull him off with extreme speed
But he just watched wally struggle to get free

And here is an innocent bystander speaking the truth about the situation

That's not how you spell IronFist

both are bad but still better than legends

That one hasn't even come out yet

i wish they had the balls to kill wally for good. the actor looks and sounds borderline retarded and the character is possibly the worst written character in any comic book series.

Early reviews say it's shit user

>the actor looks and sounds borderline retarded
Compared to Jax they won the black lottery with him tbqh.

>I'm a sheep, user

What happened to Sup Forums?

>>I'm ButtHurt Over A Show user
Get over it

Sup Forums was calling it shit before the reviews once they said there would be no costume or mysticism

>Early reviews say
>reviews say
only way to judge a show is to see some of it yourself. "its bad/good because someone told me so" is never acceptable

>believing this hard in reviews, especially reviews of shows that haven't even come out yet


Savitar keeps fucking saying "I am the future, Flash"

He's obviously the Future-Flash


What in my posts gave that impression? Calling you out doesn't equate to that

That said, the fact that Sup Forums keeps making rotten tomatoes threads and keeps posting doesn't help Sup Forums in the long run

>Barry was there when Savitar was created, but didn't create him. Savitar created himself when he killed Iris and caused Barry Allen to become Savitar.
>Barry trapped Savitar in the future; Barry manages to save Iris this season and that Barry never becomes Savitar, he traps Savitar in the future.
>"You gave me the idea for Kid Flash when you created Flashpoint", Savitar is Tyler Durdening him.

>from my point of view Barry is evil

I think most of that is shitposting while threads actually about content like this are more legitimate.

Everyone knows it's going to be bad.

Savitar is also bit mad, he sees himself as separate from barry since he was trapped for a very long time and went mad, he thinks of barry as too weak to get results
>only a meta deals in absolutes
>Have you heard the tragedy of Darth Savitar the speedy
>its old speed force legend, earth 2 fags would not have told you about it
>it was said he learned to go so fast that he could beat sonic and even save his loved ones from dying
>ironically he could not save himself from himself
>can such a skill be learned
>not from a zoomposter
polish it, Im busy

Look the fact is they need to cancel all the CW cape shows, period. Whatever enjoyment we had originated from "well its building up to ___, it going to get good". Im tired of this watered down shit. CW writers are terrible and only hurt the brands. Go read Rebirth or something

And here we have the villain watching as his threat gets disposed of

writers are fine mostly, legends and supergirl have shirt writers, other than that its mostly budget but I agree that its time to let it sleep

how many coffees could he have gotten in that time?

Wow, glad I stopped watching Flash, what a cunt. Also further proves CW writers are shit at creating drama

Or you can just stop watching.

Holy shit. I dropped this show early in the season and thought you guys were exaggerating when you said he just stood there.

Why the fuck is he just standing there?

>Why the fuck is he just standing there?

Barry is good at 2 things:

>Fucking up the timeline
>getting his ass kicked

since this portal didn't offer Barry a chance to get his ass kicked or fuck up the timeline, he couldn't get involved here

There's no reason to get himself trapped as well.

No dont give me "the writers are fine" horseshit. We were forgiving early on for all of these shows because again, we all had the hope it would get better and that Oliver/Barry would become the characters we know. Didnt happen. Instead we have these shitty shows that only got this far because the writers had to follow the basic origins as a stepping stone but ultimately shit the bed when the training wheels were off. LoT is also a vehicle to recycle characters they cant use anymore. All they do know is cater to the most cancerous fandom imaginable and enable synergy that can fuck over the comics. We're just lucky DC hasnt gone full retard with Rebirth, because we all know what happened to the Green Arrow book in New 52

You're the reason why we cant have nice things

The writers don't understand how to give Barry actual threats so they have to make him look like a complete retard for anything dramatic to happen. They are still doing the pep talk shit even.

um, no. aos has found its groove

both way better than Flash

Why is jesse the most under used character?

>hey stand here as a prop
>omg you're such a girl! stay here to look at a dumb rock, don't save people from burning to death
>your bf is about to get killed by savitar don't run out there to try and help him just stay in the room and look bored

What a waste

Why trapped? Who is to say he could not free them both or combined effort would not be enough while single persons effort is not enough

You know its funny, comic Wally had more experience getting in/out of the speedforce than Barry. Also you know the writers are shit when speedsters are jobbing to gorillas, not Grodd

I can excuse a lot of things but I lost it when they said only Wally and barry could go to put out a BURNING APARTMENT because jesse was "still busy gushing over the ring". burning building is when you go for overkill and take everyone you can

even if its safe you still take her because it will be a good way to train and build up exp.

We Goku in Super now

I never watched DBZ. What do you mean

Him and Jesse are fucking terrible. Dunno what they were thinking

I just rewatched the episode, there isn't a comma pause.

he is literally saying, "I am future flash" No comma.

>i'll never kill Grodd!
>but I don't mind killing atom smasher!

You mean New 52 Wally right?

It's Eobard disguised as Barry. The real Barry's been stuck in a cell since Flashpoint ended.

Fuck you. He's actually almost likable considering where he started last season.

Cause wally is fucking shit. He deserved this

That would be fucking terrible!

>He's actually almost likable considering where he started last season.
he is but he is written as a teen, 17-23 tops but his body is too old for that so they should age up his character

>That would be fucking terrible!
the next season could be about barry being buttmad about how no one could tell the difference and how Irish let him touch her. every night he will be thinking about how many times Eobard creampied her

Everyone is saying Goku is the next villain of Super because of the whole universal tournament he made happen.


I'm less irritated by him being written as a teen and more irritated that the writers don't know how to write. Relying on CW drama between him and Jesse is gonna bother me, and I was actually rooting for them

they hate white Danny

I know. That's why it's going to happen.

True. But he was slowly improving. Now we're going to have to sit through the inevitable PTSD/waffling on the sidelines arc.

>The Flash is way better than The Flash.

Does anyone else get the feeling that Wally is Sav? His want for fame and Sav's god complex make me think so. Not mention the sheer hatred both have for Barry at this point.

well you know, he can time travel

As you watch future episodes, imagine Barry is a complete psychopath, manipulating everyone around him however he has to, in order to get them to do what he wants. Maybe he wants to see them suffer, for instance. Just keep it in the back of your mind with each episode.

>he got a punch in the face for all his trouble.

And then pretended to have brain damage to get an apology out of Eddie.

Barry's been a dick from day one/

holy shit i fucking forgot about the brain damage thing. barry really is a shit

he murders a lot too

>tfw cried twice in this episode
Fucking Joe is a great actor, I hope he gets work after The Flash

Ceno was going to destroy the other universes anyway, Goku just gave them a -fighting- chance.

>cried twice


We all know Barry doesn't care about saving people. He just wants his stepsisters poonanny

I'm not even sure he wants that anymore, I just think world not doing what he wants bugs him on a fundamental level. I think the Anakin skywalker comparisons are only going to grow.

Such a weak episode full of characters just trying their hardest to make sure they lose.

Nigga just stands there and watches him get sucked in.

>>tfw cried twice in this episode

I don't understand people like you.

da fuk