Why didn't she get any roles after Gone Girl?

Why didn't she get any roles after Gone Girl?


Amazing what happens when you get your tits out.


because she can't fucking act.

Sucki sucki only takes you so far.

Gone Girl?
More like Gone Career

Cause she's just a pair of cum-on-me tits.


How do they compare with Alexandra Daddario, Katy Perry, EVA Green and Alice Eve’s?

"just a pair of tits" will only take you so far

>brown eyes

We've already seen her tits. There's nothing more she can offer.

would rather her as WW than Jewdot desu.

She gets paid more fucking dudes

I just found out she was in the icarly at the end

cause fame got to her head and she started acting like a diva and then when she bashed blurred lines people had enough of her.

Hate this idiot but would definitely blast one over the tits

Ava Green can act.

delete this



those nips looked different in that music video

if someone told me I could fuck this semen demon and immediately die afterwards I probably would do it

>dying for pussy


Because good looking vaguely ethnic girls aren't extremely hard to find.

I'm not trying to be insulting here but do you have a very limited experience with women's tits?

Acutally, I could handle the lack of sex better when I was a virgin. Now I know what I'm missing

If you're willing to die for casual sex my man, you really need to get your life in order

Because she only does Kino. She's collaborated with Fincher; now she just has to wait for PTA or Villeneuve to call

easier said than done innit. But yeah you're right. Still, those tits though. God damn