Characters who could have won if they did literally nothing

I will start with the most obvious.

I mean, if you want to get technical...

if she had just waited til the earthlings destroyed each other in the next world war, she could've just moved on in and conquered earth without a fight.

Disney Hades?
Then again it was fate.


I dunno if Hades counts. The prophecy specifically stated that *if* Hercules/the son of Zeus joined the battle, he'd lose. He still needed to break the Titans out of Gods Jail and ensure there were no sons of Zeus around in order for this specific plan to work.

Otherwise he'd have no plan.


Pretty much any immortal villain opposed by mortal heroes could guarantee victory if they played the long game.

I too like Mammoth Mogul.

Would she want to rule a barren nuclear wasteland though? Or do you mean she would move in right before that happened? There'd still probably be Power Rangers to stop that, and they'd probably be able to collaborate with the military in that scenario, so it'd be even easier. A group of trained soldiers would fuck up a group of putties easier than even the Rangers, since they have, you know, guns.

>You've thwarted my plans one time too many
>So I just won't do shit until you die
>I can wait
Fucking perfect. It shows that he's smart and not above giving up a bit of pride and admitting he's not infallible.

Didn't protect him from being written out of continuity.

He would have won some races if he didn't stop to cheat.

Well he wouldn't have "won". He'd just have lost less. If I'm remembering right; it's been a while

Mmm depends what you mean

I mean he did do what he set out to do

it just didn't have the desired result

unless you mean like if he somehow found one of those time rift things that went further back in time that formed because of what he did (I think that was a thing although I am not sure)?


No, I'm fairly certain he meant by the standards of the first reply. If Nox had just accepted losing his family, he would've cause a lot less destruction/death

Time rift wouldn't have solved his problem. He didn't want to time travel; he wanted to rewind the universe.

Traveling to the past to save his family and smack the sense back into his past self would have solved everything, but it also mean that "he" would never be with them. His reformed self would be.

If he reversed the timeline, his place stay intact and he'd get a do-over with his life.

Cheating is an art, and Dastardly is an artist.
He doesn't give a shit about winning
He only care about how to make a plan good you will remember about it as the greatest plan

This happened in Power Rangers RPM technically. There would still be power rangers to stop her.

There's no long game if new heroes replace the old ones.