Batman V Superman: Really THAT Bad

Part II of reviewkino is here kiddos

Was oddly looking forward to this

I really enjoy these videos even if I disagree fundamentally with them. I kinda want to make my own video making a case for the movie and refuting some of his arguments if I didn't knkw that noone would watch it.

Still, I appreciate his work a lot.


Snyder should be paying rent for living in this dude's head

The funny thing is, he likes Snyder in general.

It's Plinkett tier.

I'm on the "I have questions" segment and a lot of these seems like he just misunderstands the movie.

For example, by the time Lex, Bruce and Clark meet up at the party both Bruce and Clark know the secret identity of the other. It's blatantly obvious when they are bantering back and forth.

>both Bruce and Clark know the secret identity of the other.
That's why Clark had to ask the guy outside who Bruce Wayne was?

lol he just went full SJW and im out

he has yet to raise a well thought out, substantial criticism.

You can boil most of it down to, I don't like this version of the character and I think it's lazy story telling.

He never really explains why he thinks it's lazy.

oh just fuck off and die you fat autistic cunt.
The movie was shit, get over it.

>complains about BvS not having any substantive black characters

>also complains about Cyborg being in Justice League

wow, this dude is an insufferable cunt


Fucking hell i hope you are trolling, BvS may be trash but this guy is a bottom barrell turbopleb
He unironically considers The Avengers to be one of the greatest movies of all time

Care to provide some examples? I watched it this AM and thought it was everything you say it isn't?

Yes, there's some stuff I think he gets wrong. Like how he seems convinced that the moral was "Superman should just be able to do as he pleases and any criticism of it is by definition an overreaction" when it couldn't be clearer that the polarized public view of Superman after the destruction that the battle against Zod caused is a metaphor for the rise in xenophobia as a result of 9/11.

hurr why isn't superman stopping police officers from killing black men

hurr why isn't superman stopping "rape culture"

give me a fucking break dude

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand DC films. The story undertones are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Friedrich Nietzsche's works most of the philosophy will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Batman’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these conversations, to realise that they’re not just DEEP- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike DC films truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance the Batmans ’s existential catchphrase “I'm Batman,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Zack Snyder’s genius wit unfolds itself on their Kino screens. What fools... how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Batman tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid.

It's YMS/Ralphthemoviemaker tier at best

it's definitely one of the greatest "blockbuster" movies of all time

Is this that leftist cuck who lives in his parents basement whom I keep seeing on twitter
>an hour and a half
Yeah sure im gonna watch that

>it's definitely one of the greatest "blockbuster" movies of all time

are you being serious lol?

it was an entertaining flick

why do they dissect everything about DC movies but with marvel movies everything is fine because they have stupid quips every 30 seconds

No one would watch it because all of your points would be babbling circular logic as you try to read new words out of a thesaurus and side-step the mounting realization of how inherently shit the film is.

>1 hour and 27 minutes

So this finally reached pasta status? Good, I cringed hard when I read it.

I'm almost all the way through and this dude truly is completely full of shit. he's made one good point regarding pacing during a ONE HOUR VIDEO.

Holy fuck, he's literally just jerking his dick while hypothetically rewriting scenes to make them more "accessible" to non fans while touting his intellectual superiority over everyone who worked on this movie. Dude, most of your rewrite ideas are absolute dogshit. The resolution of the Martha scene that you suggested would've been even more clumsy and awkward than what we got on screen.

It's funny because he gushes about how genius that scene is thematically and goes on and on and then claims that one little bit of dialogue completely ruins the entire thing. This is truly the most autistic shit i've ever witnessed.

Fuck you for posting it, fuck him for making this shit, and fuck me for actually watching it.

MovieBob, you still here bud?


I just watched BvS recently. Overall, the first 2/3rds of it were decent, but it all goes to complete dogshit at the end.

Lex Luthor is set up as this scheming puppet master manipulating all the events, but then it all loses its luster when it turns out his big master plan is to... create Doomsday? Some retarded orc monster? All that setup pitting batman vs superman and framing supes as a murderer and all of that? What was the fucking point of any of it?

That was his contingency plan. He was expecting Batman to successfully kill Superman.

> 38 hours
lol are you fucking kidding op?

>Bob Chadman humiliating snyder babies
Sounds great

No thanks. I don't watch fat cucks.

This series is going to be nearly twice as long as the ultimate cut of BvS.

oh wow, a leftist cuckboi didn't like BvS.

in other news water, wet.

Bob if you have to spend more than the runtime of the movie to explain why you dont like it then it shows you really dont have much interesting to say
Also kys

But he doesn't complain about Cyborg. He talks about the use of, up until the turn of the century with the Teen Titans cartoon and other media bringing Cyborg closer to mainstream, what was a D-List hero on a line-up of mostly A and B-listers.
Marvel pulled from their B and C list for the initial Avengers lineup because their A-lists (Spiderman, X-men, and the Fantastic Four, as well as properties related to those) were owned by other companies.

DC wholly owned their own brand, they could have picked entirely from the initial JL line-up and been fine.

It wasn't a complaint, it was just "That was an interesting choice for the JL roster"

It's a milestone in cinematic universe capeshit the first big A-team style ensemble on the big screen

But I just don't understand the plan whatsoever. Why involve batman at all? Why not just smuggle in the kryptonite and use it to kill Superman? Why did he need that import license when it's clearly shown that this guy is into so much shady shit that he could have it smuggled in in a heartbeat anyway. And it's true Batman stole the kryptonite, but only AFTER his framing of superman convinced Batman to try to kill him.

And what was his reason for wanting to kill Superman? Just because he didn't trust him? But he's also creating Doomsday, which is far more likely to try to just kill everyone.

really specific gripe you turboautist.

And four times as watchable and entertaining.

>Not enough black characters
>Urgh well the ones that were only gave exposition
>I mean except for Perry but he wasn't in it enough anyway

fuck off Soy Boy

then why is he listing it as something he takes issue with?

he's like the quintessential autismo comic book nerd. complaining about someone else's creation and listing ways that it would've been "SO MUCH BETTER." When in reality his ideas are no better than what was in the movie.

Soyboy is the new buzzword. Keep up.

>one of the greatest "blockbuster" movies of all time
>It's a milestone in cinematic universes, the first big A-team style ensemble on the big screen

These are actual opinions from real 'adults'

I understand why he's making this so long but he summed up all the problems for me int he first part with Intent vs Execution. Snyder has good intent but catastrophically fails in executing it. you could say that about pretty much all his movies after 300 but it's really bad in BvS. Martha scene is probably the best example of that.

Yeah, I tend to agree sometimes Bob acts like he knows it all and his vision is superior Especially when it comes to Spider-man
But I tend to feel like his "Really That ____" series is pretty good at talking about certain movies that are considered timeless classics, or in the case of BvS a monumental failure of a project adapting properties in a time when it is damn near impossible to make a failure of these.

As for Cyborg, I think it might be because Bob doesn't like the character or would have preferred to see a Green Lantern, either Hawkguy or girl, Martian Manhunter, or Green Arrow over Cyborg

It is a milestone, that's not even an opinion.

>Why involve batman at all? Why not just smuggle in the kryptonite and use it to kill Superman?

Why not let Batman do his dirty work for him? He knew that Bruce already had it out for Supes.

>And what was his reason for wanting to kill Superman? Just because he didn't trust him?

Bc he's a psychopathic narcissist with a god complex. He hates feeling powerless in the post-Superman world. He also has a vendetta against christ figures. It's implied that his ultra religious father abused him as a child and he developed some weird complex because of it.

>That was his contingency plan.
Is that why Lex unleashed Doomsday anyway, not even knowing who won the fight?

He's 100% right about Spider-man though.

Okay, but his pitch for a Spider-man movie would have not been any better.

At the very least, Homecoming had a decent villain that for once in an origin/starter movie wasn't just a foil to the good guy.

Which is gonna piss me off about Black Panther. Why does the villain HAVE to have a golden colored Black Panther suit?

he did know. he got a call from batman and then he unleashed doomsday.

"if man will not kill god, then the devil will do it"

Yeah, his ideas for movies seem pretty terrible. I keep thinking about his stupid Fantastic Four pitch involving the team being sent through time from the 60s into modern day. The fact that they're actually doing something like that but in the 90s with Captain Marvel just makes it worse.

Didn't he call Watchmen one of the greatest movies ever and the next Blade Runner or something like that?

That legit surprised me from the trailer.

I thought that they had moved away from having the villain be a reverse copy of the hero.

There is a point when people say that marvel's villain might be the weakest part of their movies.

Bob was raped as a kid by a male figure in his life and hates anything even remotely masculine, which is why he's autistically obsessed with a shitty superhero movie and treats it as if it's some personal attack on his livelihood.



Hmm no wonder he hates Lex's character so much.

Hits a little close to home

why are they all looking at walls

This would actually explain alot about this soyboy

He did surprisingly enough. I like the Watchmen movie but I don't think it's nearly that amazing. It's both too close to the source material on the surface and too different in the themes and style. Works better on its own though I'll give it that.

>do you seriously agree with the majority of critics and the film audience in general lol?

no shit