>0 percent on RT
>33 on Metacritic
>10 rotten review
Welp, there goes normie popularity and respect.
Iron Fist (Danny Rand) is going to be Marvel's Aquaman among the casuals.
0 percent on RT
How can you shoot yourself in the foot like this? Getting the fights and weird mystic stuff right should have been a priority, no one cares about board meetings.
Besides the pc shit, Loras is a shit actor I don't know how he got cast.
When does this come out?
Also what were the complaints given in the reviews?
Expect to see Iron Fist be treated as joke for years to come (even in Marvel's own comics).
They really screwed the pooch
Good grief, I can already see something like SNL and Family Guy making a gag about it.
>what were the complaints given in the reviews?
It's boring, the fights are shitty, Finn Jones not convincing as a fighter
>How can you shoot yourself in the foot like this? Getting the fights and weird mystic stuff right should have been a priority, no one cares about board meetings.
They were afraid of the source material and afraid of appropriation. They didn't realize that by just buying into the weird mystical bullshit (and maybe hiring someone with martial arts training) that the appropriation would have been given a pass, especially with strong supporting characters.
Oh well, this is all based on the first six episodes. Maybe it'll go nuts in the latter half.
March 17
Sluggish, focus on company crap, no mysticism, bad action scenes, and an unlikable protagonist.
People are going to say white male protagonist is the sole reason though.
Finn Jone's career is now hanging by a thread.
All they had to do was basically make a Martial arts show with glowing fists. Goddamnit.
Bad story, bad fights, bad editing. It's boring. There's little to no mysticism and little character to Danny who seems...emotionless, rather than Zen and who isn't convincing as a fighter.
Those are pretty damning complaints. I was expecting mostly bullshit complaints.
>Maybe it'll go nuts in the latter half.
The damage has been done.
This isn't a JRPG where you have to accept quality to come after 6 hours.
Iron Fist will have 1 season, Finn Jone's character gets killed off, and they replace him with an Asian to try and cool the fire when the real problems lie in how the first 6 episodes are boring as fuck
>it's all SJW crap
Nigga do you want to see boring corporation crap in your martial arts capeshit?
>Iron Man 3, Thor 2, and Incredible Hulk at least had some positive reception and didn't hit rotten territory
>Netflix was seen to be the grace of capeshit
>People will make a culture war out of this show
Yes. I also wanted more courtroom crap in my blind vigilante capeshit.
That's not even the problem. Most of the SJW whining are peripheral to how it's being described as a poor man's Daredevil, except more boring, has inferior fight scenes, punctuated by stale corporate drama BS that passes as the main "story".
>and they replace him with an Asian
I really hope they don't do this. SJWs have to be the most racist people on the planet if they can't let cultures mix together. It's like how all those colleges want "non-white"/"white-free" zones for POC students. How goddamn backwards can you get?
But Iron Fist's appeal isn't corporation stuff, it's martial arts and mysticism.
It's a show that has no mysticism or good choreography
Also expect Danny to get killed off and replaced by an Asian whom people will also bitch about
And because of synergy we'll see the actual Danny killed off and replaced in comics.
Remember that one girl who harassed and antagonized Finn Jones out of twitter because she hated white people and saw them as fragile?
Her smugness will increase 10 fold
Did Disney run out of bribe money on this one?
>Danny gets killed off
>Everyone acts out of character and immediately move on for his Chinese female, lesbian, successor
>Even Luke Cage isn't mourning
I think the thing that really gets me is that you can just tell that Marvel was used to people beating off over their shit and getting positive buzz and IF just shat all over that.
I know people who don't really pay attention to comicbook related shit but even they're talking about the reception Iron Fist as gotten.
I can see it now.
They spent it all paying people to talk shit about DC
>You, Nancy Shanequa Wong, are a true hero for which I wish to hire.
I couldn't care less about the MCU.
I'm just upset that Danny's going to be looked down in general after all this bullshit with the casting and the show's quality.
They kind of did that in Iron Fist: The Living Weapon. The sequel, Iron Fists, will have Danny training his successor. This insanely unlucky monk girl
We'll never get a true Iron Fist popularity surge. It'll be another C-lister killed off and legacy'd for progressive points.
God fucking dammit. This show wasn't that hard to do. How did they succeed with daredevil and punisher but mangle this?
Thank god Trump won.
Fucking really?
How does that even work? How can he have a "successor" if they haven't gone through the training and fought the dragon?
>Iron Fist Season 2 gets the new title to differentiate the previous series
>Still no mysticism
>Main character is skinnier than Gal Gadot
>Gets good reviews anyways
>Synergy adapts this into the comics
I take it you didn't read living weapon
She got the powers, because Davos killed that baby shou lao in front of her and not from hugging and dragon and fisting its disembodied heart.
Is there still a chance for him to be in MvCI?
You know, I almost wish that Danny WAS cast as Asian-American. So the eventual fallout of the show can't easily be attributed to "muh white savior".
Nah, Living Weapon was too grimdark for me.
That makes even less sense. Why the hell is Marvel doing this?
>Main character is skinnier than Gal Gadot
Fuck that, if they go diversity I want a big sassy Tyler Perry looking black woman doing magic kung fu.
Now watch as she writes a celebration article that ends in saying how "Finn Jones is a whitesplaining baby who can't handle the Asian domination"
>martial artist character
>give him a show with shit fights
>Iron Fist becomes "Iron Mama"
>Stars a black women
>tumblr gets conflicted feelings
>Bendis writes a book starring her
How do you think Marvel is reacting?
Who will they fire?
He tossed the corpse away. She held it close to her (he was her animal sidekick after he hatched) as it died and that's how she got the power. So she technically cheated without meaning to.
And man, you didn't read Living Weapon? It was a pretty wild ride.
Don't forget a black lesbian with coloured fro streaks.
You'd think they'd go for wuxia.
All that sounds great til you get to Bendis which then retroactively makes the rest terrible. So close.
I love how she talks about her discussion with him being civil and then turns around replying to her supporters that about how he was whitesplaining to her and coming down on her when she "didn't even ask for it" despite being the first one to confront him anyway.
I mean you're not wrong
That's insanely retarded, though.
Living Weapon was about revamping Danny for new readers, why phase him out in the sequel? And in such a stupid way.
And nah. I couldn't take the bleakness and darkness of it.
All I wanted was that scene with Davos preparing to kill a group of Hydra guys by telling them "it's as natural as being born".
That shit gave me chills.
Who suffered from a broken streak worse?
Marvel or the Undertaker?
Interesting that this thread should appear just a few days after the twitter.com
>Her fighting style includes stereotypical martial arts with purse swinging and pepper spray
>Before a fight she takes off her rings and says "mmmhmmm"
>She hides nunchucks in her fro
>this many replies
>only 18 posters
Ah, shills are out in full force today I see.
Interesting that your post should appear just a few minutes after I finished masturbating to a black woman being slam dunked in her butt by a white man.
>She's acting sweet and innocent
I fucking hate this harpy
What's this all about? Fill an user in.
Shilling what?
This thread has been mostly negative
>Living Weapon was about revamping Danny for new readers, why phase him out in the sequel? And in such a stupid way.
What are you talking about? Danny's still going to be an enormous part of it. He is the mentor after all and Pei didn't get very far in her combat training before things went FUBAR so she'll need al the help she can get
Living Weapon just addresses all the nasty stuff in his origin story like how his mother threw herself to the wolves to give him a chance to get across that bridge into K'un Lun. And it's not without humor or tenderness, particularly the portions that detail Danny's turbulent youth growing up in the mythical city.
If you don't believe me, give it a read yourself:
I'm fairly certain she's a psychopath.
Exactly, chucklefuck.
I want to anal fuck her while pulling her hair up and forcing her to watch the show.
She targeted and antagonized Finn Jones off of twitter for whitesplaining and not being Asian since she wanted an Asian Iron Fist
She's a nut
I'm fairly certain she's autistic
She's Asian-Australian that called Finn Jones on him being cast as Iron Fist and when he civilly explained to her to give the show a chance and have an open mind, she threw a tantrum which caused Jones to temporarily leave Twitter. Following this, she started acting like the victim talking about how Finn Jones was "whitesplaining" to her.
There's always Into the Badlands.
Yeah the acting isn't the best but I think the universe it's set in is neat-o and the fight scenes are pretty dope.
You should see her recent interview with MCUexchange
>I just thought it was ironic. Finn never directly talked about #AAIronFist and when he tweeted that, it didn’t sit well with me. I never expected a reply from him. Maybe a reply from some of his fans but not from him. It was unexpected. He’s a famous actor. He could’ve easily ignored my comment. Most famous people do that with criticism. I was doing my own thing until someone told me he replied to my comment.
>Even those comments didn’t sit well with me. I was trying to get him to understand why an Asian Iron Fist is so important to us. He talks about being progressive but throughout the conversation it felt like he was deflecting the points I was trying to make. I have no hostility towards him. I was being respectful and calm about it. I just feel upset that he just deactivated his account after saying this:
>Of course! I’m hoping that he portrays my favourite superhero right and does the character justice. Right now, I feel a little iffy about it because of what happened. I know people who have watched the series already and they’ve left hints about how the show is like. I don’t want to jump the gun so I’ll watch the show and come up with my own opinion on it.
But he'll still get phased out in exchange for a focus on her.
Maybe I'm just jaded by Marvel, but I legit can't see them doing it for any other reason.
Where's my Dog Brother #1 spin off mahvel
She reminds me of certain women Sup Forums loathes.
You know the ones
Just gonna leave this here.
>I don’t want to jump the gun so I’ll watch the show and come up with my own opinion on it.
Okay you know what? As funny as the reviews are bashing it for the acting and story, this bitch knew exactly what the fuck she was doing when she tagged him in her tweet.
>I-I didn't think that he would reply! I'll still give the show a shot though even though I think it's racist!
She can't have it both ways: Either she thought that the show was racist and boycott it or she wanted to watch the show but got on the AAIronFist bandwagon.
Are we seeing the end of capeshit adaptations?
Will Ghost in the Shell be a hit and have execs and normies finally leave comics alone?
>my favourite superhero
This bugs me more than anything else. She'll lie through her teeth and marvel will pander.
>Who will they fire?
Loeb, hopefully.
Welp. I know I'm going to shill Iron Fist hard now. If it's any good, that'll be a bonus, but it's quality is a non-issue now since I'm going to be promoting it out of spite lest these racist cows utterly dominate the pop culture narrative.
>No budget
>Mysticism is confusing and potentially racist, you guys
>Cultural appropriation
>No relatable
>There's not enough drawn-out DRAMA!
Honestly, they couldn't make most of the show about Danny growing up, training and fighting in K'un-Lun, becoming Iron Fist and it ends when he returns to America?
If it's any consolation, Pei's from before the big, weird Marvel diversity push and she spent most of TLW getting rescued by white people.
The absolute dumbest thing about Asian Iron fist is that is actually makes no sense. The Iron Fist isn't some random person from Kun Lun that leaves to fight for random goodness. He's an outsider that experienced a traumatic event and practiced his whole life to be able to do what needed to be done to avenge the deaths of his family. Being and outsider to Kun Lun is important and gives him his motivation to leave for his revenge and later after learning to futility of revenge does he decide to reintegrate into his intended life and also use his training for the greater good. You'd lose Iron Fists entire sense of purpose if he' just sum random Asian from Kun Lun that goes"meh fuck it, I'm gonna fight crime in the mean streets of new york"
I bet she didn't even know who Iron First was til Jones's casting announcement. Iron Fist is pretty low in the normie knowledge pool.
>read three negative reviews
>all spewing about asian culture and white people
should I even bother to keep reading? Trying to find out what is actually bad without getting shit I couldn't give two fucks about.
So i just screamed a few racial obscenities and had a relapse while looking up finn jones on twitter. When will this race entitlement aera end so i can stop calling people actualy racist terms out of anger?
The sjw complaints are all moot because the real problem with this series is that it fails at the most fundamental levels of action tv production. How can you presume to be a martial arts superhero show, and fuck up your action scenes so monumentally?
>You'd lose Iron Fists entire sense of purpose if he' just sum random Asian from Kun Lun that goes"meh fuck it, I'm gonna fight crime in the mean streets of new york"
yeah, he'd wind up being a Wonder Woman rip-off.
Never. That's the funny thing.
I wasn't racist until they kept badgering me about it. I reckon we'll be seeing a generation of that.
It won't. Not for a long time. The left won the Culture War. Trump's the last gasp of the Right, it's last chance to set things straight. So if you're not for him you're for these kind of people.
I just want to enjoy comic books not rage out and bust some ghettos puss filled lips out
I hope rumors of the next generation being more conservative actually manifests itself into reality.
>Be Asian
>Have an Asian best friend
>Both of us love comics
>Both of us are fine with white Iron Fist and agree that Shang Chi should show up in the show because he's fucking awesome
Trump won the culture war by winning. Hes the ultimate fuck you to these people and the fact that their opinions dont matter in the eyes of the law. Shouldnt they die out slowly now?
Naruto's getting a live action movie
Here comes the Shonen Jump Cinematic Universe
Yes please. Let's divert all the normalfags, casuals, sjws and wannabe geeks towards anime. And hopefully comics can recover.
I fucking hope she doesn't become a "martyr"
I fucking hope
JoJo is also getting a live action movie. Directed by Miike.
you guys say that adaptions are ashamed of the source material way too often but it actually seems to be the case here
how do you make an iron fist show with no mysticism
The guy who did Ichi the Killer?
You can be an Asian kid and still be an outsider in K'un-Lun by the virtue of being a "non-involuntary immigrant", and similarly go through everything a paleface Danny did. And then for whatever reason end up leaving and going to America, maybe hunt down Davos instead. Or prepare for the tournament involving the other immortal weapons. Danny's revenge plot was always one of the weaker things about Iron Fist.
Is there still hope for Finn Jone's career?
Not when there's so many old people to pepper spray in the face!
Fun fact: There was a recent social experiment/play where they rule63'd some of the presidential debates and the audience (who were expecting sexism to give Man!Hillary the win) were shocked to discover that they really took a liking to Rule63 Trump (who spoke and acted in the exact same way), liking her moxie and tough love stance while finding Rule63 Hillary boring and feeble.
>implying Iron shit will ever be as well known as Aquaman