You think Marvel will ever try to bring him into the main universe?
You think Marvel will ever try to bring him into the main universe?
He was already in the main continuity.
Earth 238 had a Miracleman family, though all of them were killed except Young Miracleman.
He and his sister are like extra doubleplusungoodwrong evil in the main universe. He's so evil, they'd blow up his native universe and retcon the event right afterwards to make sure that nothing survives.
His brother who slaugthered London though? Totally redeemable, 8/10, can stay and pick a team.
Is that the one where Jaspers killed all the Brit heroes?
That would be as dumb as DC trying to bring Watchmen into the same world as Justice League.
He's talking about Alan Moore's run on Captain Britain.
The Fury came from a world where he killed analogues to British heroes. At the time, Miracleman was still being published as Marvelman, so in Moore's version of that world, he named them Miracleman and then years later decided to use that name when Marvelman was published in the US and had to change name because of Marvel.
Hahaha, yes. That would never happen.
You know, I was really hoping for this. When they teased a new addition to the Marvel universe, I was almost absolutely certain that it would be Miracleman. (It turned out to be Angela. Go figure.)
On an interesting note, Miracleman is actually quite low-tier by the standards of the Marvel Universe. While he can (technically) do anything, he's ultimately a 'generic' flying brick with a forcefield. He's super-strong, but he's not *notably* super-strong: It's just that in a fairly grounded world, the implications of super-strength are horrific. (Miracleman's final battle is basically Zod vs Superman in Man of Steel.)
I suppose the question is, what would Miracleman actually do in the Marvel Universe? All the awful, awful shit that happened to him in his home universe no longer matters. In fact, the surreal alien-influenced society he eventually created was basically an attempt to mimic a superhero universe.
If he ended up in mainstream Marvel, he would effectively have found himself in Paradise.
The story would literally be Miracleman taking a victory lap around the Marvel Universe, awed and moved by all the wonders he's found there. Then he'll rescue a cat from a tree or something, and when a kid asks him "Who *are* you?" he'll answer "I'm Miracleman. I hope to stay a while."
Then he'll do the Superman wink, and fly off into the glorious, never-ending sunset, at peace at last.