>Lego Batman is great >DC rebirth is brilliant >Logan is amazing >Wonder Woman is looking amazing, and is amazing >Thor 3 looks JUST awful and is being mocked >0% Iron fist lmao >No hype for GOTG 2 which comes out next month
Can marvel do something quickly or is dead?
Anthony Allen
I just want all comic adaptations to end and Hollywood and normies to move on from comics to the next special nerd thing leaving comics be.
Ian Foster
Dude, would you stop with this pathetic company war? Who freaking cares which company is doing better?
Gabriel Ramirez
>i hate popularity
Andrew Smith
>Wonder Woman is looking amazing, and is amazing doubt.jpg
Robert White
>I don't like fun the post
You're the most type of fan. How's your neckbeard and fedora?
Ian Davis
>Wonder Woman is looking amazing, and is amazing
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. almost had me there. Thor 3 being mocked by Sup Forums isn't anything new
Zachary Cox
>I like eating shit because it has superheroes sprinkled on it. No fuck off. TV fans are the worst especially when comics tries to pander to them. It's part of why marvels been shit this last decade.
Landon Parker
Legion is good
Wait that's fox, does it count as Marvel? I don't understand the rules