Wich one has the most EDGE
Wich one has the most EDGE
Punisher isn't edgy.
You're saying that a sex slave trader who beats and rapes girls they kidnap don't deserve it? He was doing to her exactly what she does to those girls.
W-what he did to her??
Is that meant to be resurrected Jason Todd (Red Hood) or Red Skull.
Can't I can't fucking tell.
Threw her through the window.
>Punisher isn't edgy.
>Punisher 2099 is the same character as Punisher
Punisher 2099 is a tongue in cheek parody
Squirrel Girl ruined whatever edge he had left
90's: the page
What a shock, a shitty comic writes characters shittily.
All I can see is two Republicans. One who is hard on crime and one who is hard on universal life-preservation. They will certainly find a middle ground that allows them to cooperate, they always do.
this would be funny if i knew the book wasnt shit lol
Any appearance of the Red Skull after World War II is inherently edgier than any other Marvel character.
He is either an anachronistic caricature of a stereotypical Nazi leader or just a complete psychopath with some Nazi surface detail thrown in for good measure.
The Punisher by and large is an archetypical anti-hero who happens to kill his foes, but other than that there is nothing inherently edgy about him at his core. Certainly not his veteran past or dead family.
How a character is portrayed by different writers and artists is a whole other matter altogether. Basically any character in existence can be translated into an edgy parody of itself without changing the fundamental characteristics.
Is that red skull? I thought it's Red Hood.
im pretty sure thats red hood
No, it's Mettle.
With gun?
so edgy
Why do people mix up badass and edgy?
Insecurity, mainly.
I thought it was deathstroke
Why do people mix edgy with "things I don't like?"