





I've seen some forced memes in my day, but this one is the most forced yet.

Well, maybe not as forced as The Lorax.









I don't get it


















I get it.



it'd wrk better if you started randomizing the order


















Post the MoS Garfield.

Is this what true autism looks like?


>didn't stop on a third panel
Oh come on

What did OP mean by this?

I'm literally looking like an idiot snorting in the hallway. This is hilarious.

What is even up with this


I laughed
Then again, I have a very low standard for humor

Did this guy really stop at 49?


Now where could my audience be? The ones who have so little standards for comedy that 3 images being posted ad naseum can give them joy?

Now where could my memetic popularity be? The popularity I had just moments before this occurred?

Now where could my soul be?

Did he find the pipe?

The pipe is you.

Did you?

No, Jon has been a foolish samurai and lost his magic pipe to a great and powerful evil.

Does anyone ever truly find their pipe? We just live life going through the motions, innately knowing that something is wrong, something is missing. But we never fix it.



>it'd work
I wouldn't get your hopes up