>Logan vs X-24 for the first time
>Logan gets his ass kicked
>go meet Victor in a gambling bar
>introduces Laura to uncle Vic
>"You must be truly desperate, to come for me for help, runt"
>"I need you"
>"For what?"
>"for doing what you do best, putting me down"
>Victor vs X-24
>Victor has the upperhand like he always does and will always do
>X-24 loses but is fed a high dosage of the green vial
>Victor dies to X-24
How do we fix Logan
would give an arm to see that
That sounds terrible. Is this bait?
>How do we fix Logan
You fucking don't.
Venom T-rex
sounds really fucking gay
Take your fanfics somewhere else. I'm so glad you retards will never be in charge of writing any movies.
I'd love to see Lev as Victor in Logan. But not liek this.
How was X-24 fully grown while X-23 a middle schooler?
If they wanted to have Logan face his past in a literal sense. It should have been Victor or Daken.
Did you sleep thought the movie? They used that green super stuff on the DNA to make an adult it a months time. It was their plan B after the kids turn out to be hard to control.
Logan getting any help from old contacts cheapens the narrative. That and the more old mutants that show up in a world that doesn't have them anymore makes the theme a bit confusing
Nah, he hasn't been used since the first film. There be no weight to the scene. Now old man Magneto would have been interesting.
If you include Sabretooth in it, then he's either in X-24's spot or they team up at the end against X-24
Play up that Logan got what Victor always wanted (the metal) and it killed him
Have Victor make a promise while Logan is dying to be a better man for his niece or Logan will crawl out of hell and kill him
Otherwise don't bother
Victor has to still be young looking. To show that the admantium is behind Logan's failing health.
Is that some kind of an edgy retarded Wolverine clone with an extra chromosome invented by Mark Milar
Why would you want Sabertooth in it? Isolation is a huge factor to the movies theme, if he has contacts and buddies it starts eating holes into the plot. The best I reach is a compromise where he good looking for him to get help only to discover a old charred corpse of him surrounded by decayed troops remains implying he died during the hunt/purge. Also doesn't help he was only note worthy in two films and one of them was just garbage.
The writers didn't know that X-23 was named for her allosome, they assumed she was the 23rd Weapon X clone. It's an easy mistake to make when you don't know or care about your source material.
in fact the whole program was called X-23 in the movie. Laura was X-23-23, meaning the 23rd subject.
Thats awful.
Also Victor from Origins had flabby arms, chubby body and a baby face covered with a shitty beard.
They should have used fake muscles like the production suggested instead of letting him "hit the gym" or the pastry shop as seen by the results.
Also this. They are suppused to be alone, Helpess and on the run. might as well call Magneto so he goes full genocide on them.
I would have prefered Victor was in X-24's spot.
The intention with X-24 is having Logan face his past, and the monster he was/can be.
Victor not only fills that concept, being Logan's dark reflection, but he also represents Logan's failure to have a family, over and over again.
When Laura uses the suicide bullet to kill X-24, she saves Logan from the literal and metaphorical monster; if it had been Victor, she'd be saving him from the failures of his past that haunted him, killing the concept of the impossibility of him having a family.
And since Victor would probably be lobotomized/experimented on, it would add to the feeling of decay of Logan's world, seeing yet another person that he once loved become less and less of themselves.
Yeah, Creed would do better in X-24s role. No major shifts to the narrative, just adding some actual emotional weight to the 'big gun' the bad guys turn loose on Logan. The metaphor of Logan fighting his violent past is still intact, and you can actually tie off that major bit of the character.
This exactly. You could have Creed be as much of a shell of himself as you want, willing to go along with things to fuck with Runt once again.
As long as its the retarded X1 version of him and you explain it as lobotomized or something, sure.
>doesn't have them anymore
that's bullshit because there are clearly many older mutants left. But I guess that it would've conflicted with the tone a lot. Same reason the technology level in the movie is almost the same we have at the time aside from the big-ass harvesters.
i'm curious:
did she saw the movie was starred in? how's the policy on that?
She wouldn't be allowed to go see it on the theater.
Presumably they'd allow her to see it internally, I mean, she won't be shocked by all the blood and violence, after acting it out and having all the makeup and shit.
I don't know about the other kids.
>She wouldn't be allowed to go see it on the theater.
What if she had a parent with her?
I don't think so. But I guess it depends on local legislation and each cinema's policies.
Not that it matters, because her daddy is dead.
I dunno about other countries' policies, but in the US a child can go see an R-rated film with a parent or guardian.
This is retarded.
>o show that the admantium is behind Logan's failing health.
it was his food suppressing his power
>To show that the admantium is behind Logan's failing health.
But that's plain wrong. It was the chemicals that JUSTed his healing factor.
But it wasn't. His body had always been trying to reject the adamantium, but was always physically incapable of doing so because it's indestructible and coats his bones. Thus why his healing factor was failing.
No, he had lived with the adamantium for decades and it never poisoned him until the chemicals were introduced into the food and water.
Also, the Wolverine in the DoFP future was just fine, so it couldn't be the adamantium alone.
>he had lived with the adamantium for decades
>Also, the Wolverine in the DoFP future was just fine
DoFP present. And he was fine because the adamantium hadn't started to take a toll on him yet. It took decades for his healing factor to start failing.
It was both plus old age
>her daddy is dead.
Damn you, right in the feels.
Is X-24 the capekino pleb filter?
they flat out fucking said the food crap just made it so no new mutants were born and it didn't do anything to existing mutants
The DOFP future is 2023. Logan is 2029.
In the original timeline, he gets the adamantium in '79.
In the new timeline, he's captured at some point after '73. It's unclear exactly when, since at the end of DOFP, the Stryker that captures him is actually Mystique, but he ends up in the real Stryker's hands anyway. Maybe Mystique got made and had to escape without Logan, maybe Logan got captured again years later. We don't know. We also don't know when he got the adamantium, only that it was before Apocalypse, in '83.
So, assuming in both timelines he gets the adamantium around '79, there's only a 6 year difference. It's hard to believe 6 years is the difference between DOFP Logan and Logan Logan.
Now, if he gets the adamantium at the earliest possible point in the new timeline, in '73, that's 12 years of difference, and the decay becomes more reasonable.
Now, if he gets it somewhere closer to '89 in the new timeline, it makes the gap smaller, and it starts making less sense by the year.
>and it didn't do anything to existing mutants
OGA OGA OGA chaka!