What are some kinos with this aesthetic?

What are some kinos with this aesthetic?

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what happens next

he shoots a hole through his cheek and swears in pain this video used to be posted on /f/

Snuff films


name 3 snuff kinos


We already had a gore thread now delete this

Self promotion. He's a rapper.

How's he gonna rap now with a hole in his mouth?

He doesn't give a fuck. Did you watch the video? He clearly states that.


Fucking Kek he swallowed the bullet

How do I become a low inhibition chad like this?

now way the bullet stayed in his mouth. he swallowed some teeth.

damn that's hardcore!

Get busted for petty crimes and then fry your brain in lockup by chewing on hand wipes trying to get drunk off the alcohol in the pads.

>those tags

That's impossible, he probably swallowed a tooth. A bullet would pierce right through your cheek without even slowing down.

>I'm the only one in this room professional enough to carry this glock .40
>shoots himself in front of classroom
Post your gun accident kino.

There's no exit wound. Where did the bullet go?


It looks like when he pulled the trigger it angled the barrel so that it went out of his mouth and then out of the window.

this is absurdist comedy kino

Reminds me of the ending


Maybe it was a low caliber and either or both of his gums stopped the bullet.


holy shit this is too good to be real

He'd be in way more pain if he took even a .22 straight to his gums

bullets are hot when they come out, no? That would hurt to swallow I imagine.