Sup Forums discussion general

Hiroshimoot says we can have one thread per board to discuss board workings.

That being said, how the fuck do we fix this shithole?



Less bitching and more reason.

We ban live-action threads, Sup Forums is the true cancer of this board.

I think forcing them into generals would help if they don't want to straight up ban them. It's usually not a problem but I don't really need to have to hide 5 Iron Fist reception threads made within like an hour of each other.

That was months ago, it never worked and just turned into circle-jerking or people trying to kick out board elements they hated while offering no constructive criticism. Don't take the bait, people.

>Less bitching and more reason.
Keep dreaming.

Ban twitter screencap and all other drama-baiting threads, ban live action threads with no Sup Forums connection, actually moderate other threads.

i personally find Sup Forums tolerable and fun to discuss.

Sup Forums on the other hand...

Seriously this.

Fucking make a MCU general, a DCEU general and a Foxmen general. Let them keep their cancer contained at least.


Remove Sup Forums and quarantine console shitters.
Also, fix the post timers, it fucks up storytimes.

I usually wasn't against Sup Forums movie threads but it's getting out of hand. People bitching and shitting up the board with crying about Iron Fist when the DAMN SHOW AINT EVEN OUT.

This a thousand times.

Countain this shit. Its worse than Loud House and SU, and THESE have generals to contain them.

If they arent going to be banned, make generals obligatory for live action capeshit.

>Remove Sup Forums
This should be priority. There's no reason a thread should devolve into a racebaiting shitfest that last for 2 whole days

live action threads are fine when discussing a single movie/show and staying on topic.

its the company wars and Sup Forums nonstop raving about tumblr/reddit/sjws that makes this place a shithole.

case in point, i dare you to talk about Horizon Zero Dawn on Sup Forums

Honestly, get new jannies/mods. Half the stuff they remove is Sup Forums related while they keep Twitter caps and shit up.

I take it you're pretty new to Sup Forums.

Because as someone who's been here for a long time, Sup Forums has become unbearable in the last 2 years. The console war shittery and twitter drama ruined this board, it's pretty much Sup Forums-lite now.

Live action needs to fuck off to Sup Forums. They don't allow adaptations in /lit/ they shouldn't be here either

> Horizon zero dawn

Huh? That game looks great. I'm busy with Breath of the Wild and want to play Yooks Laylee first, but I'm gonna get that game later this year for sure. What's their beef with the game?

This. They deleted the fucking sales thread

Fuck that. Comic book movies are ours. The problem is shitposters.

Oh and for the record, this thread's going to be pruned because whatever Mod rules over Sup Forums clearly does not give a shit about that screencap.

Split comics and cartoons. Two separate boards.

Live action goes to Sup Forums where it belongs.

Our boards should be set up by mediums. Comics and Cartoons are two radically different mediums with wholly separate industries, creators, and markets. They're not as closely related as anime & manga which honestly could get divided up as well but that's neither here nor there.

You may actually have a point here.

Film discussion seems to be a major source for the companywar bullshit.

I'm tired of Sup Forums being used as a dumping ground for any "nerd" shit. If it isn't a comic or cartoon then fuck off

Please this. It's fucking cancer. It's been cancer from day one, and it has no place here.

>Comic book movies are ours

No they aren't you fucking cunt. They're live action. They belong on Sup Forums. By your shit logic we should discuss every cape video game that gets released. Those threads also need to go