Be 27 years old

>be 27 years old
>watch the room for the first time

is this what DMT is like?

Other urls found in this thread:

Go watch it at midnight premiere, and dont forget to bring spoons.

It's what 2012 was like


I saw it in 2008 and thought I was behind the times.

No, this what the American Dream is like.

No. The ceilings of Islamic mosques are the most accurate depictions of a DMT trip, except imagine that the geometric shapes are morphing and changing patterns rapidly and you're flying through a tunnel/space gate at lightspeed. After that is the breakthrough, which I have never experienced personally, but is incredibly more profound and many report universal entities/gods/fairies speaking with them telepathically.

this is surprisingly accurate

Everything also takes on a kaleidoscopic effect. Physically, as you exhale, you feel like you're on the cusp of the peak of the tallest roller coaster in the universe. And then, instead of falling, you're blasted upwards through space.
I highly recommend DMT.

I have anxiety, should i still try it?

The Room ends up being a competent movie once you watch Neil Breen's kinos.

>falling for the DUDE WEED LMAO meme

i would not do any psychedelics if you are anxious or don't personally actually want to do them.

No fucking film or cg recreation will ever do justice to what a DMT trip is like. Enter The Void's scenes are horseshit. It's WAY crazier. Impossible to replicate.

Spoken by people who have never had DMT or probably any psychedelic in their life.... wikipedia 'trippers'.

The only correct answer is that you become god, or more like you become aware that you were god all along, and so is everyone else.... that we are all the same primordial being experiencing itself subjectively, because that's the only way an immortal singular being can cope with eternity.


I want to, i've done acid, good experience. DMT seems like other level shit

I have anxiety, and I've had about 20 psychedelic experiences all in all (LSD, Shrooms, DMT, Salvia).
I've had good times and bad times. It depends on your state of mind. If you feel like you're at a good place in your life, give it a go with a buddy. The comeup can be anxiety-inducing but the drug will naturally release dopamine when you peak and you'll feel like a million bucks.
There may be times during the trip where you're scared or sad or whatever. Take a timeout, listen to a favorite album, and take the time to listen to your brain work out its worries and stresses. You'll realize that what you're worried about relates to your everyday life worries.
Also, feel like my rollercoaster analogy wasn't quite accurate. You get a sick stomach like you're about to plummet from the top of the tallest peak of a roller coaster and then you plummet so fast downwards that downwards becomes upwards and you're flying through space at Ludacris speed.
Tl;dr You either have a good time, or if you have a slightly negative time, you learn some personal life lessons for yourself that only you could have realized.

you should only do it if you really want to and if you have any mental issues i would advise against it. the thing with dmt is that a bad trip is possible and it is terrifying but you will always feel immensely good afterwards even if the trip itself was a bad one. these are incredibly strong drugs though and you should be careful.

Smoked DMT on five separate occasions. Already stated I didn't break through, only reached the first couple stages. Go fuck yourself.

how does it feel being a newfag all the way up to age 27?

>speaks like an objective authority on drugs that provide highly subjective experiences
no lad

At the ego loss breakthrough stage they aren't subjective experiences at all. There is only one experience, and that is the experience of complete 'oneness' and essentially becoming god (or more accurately - aware that you were always 'god' - for lack of a better term).

The psychedelic experience is only subjective at low level trips.

Sorry then mate. I highly recommend taking a 10 strip of acid (assuming you can find real LSD and not some shitty RC). It's a lot easier to reach that ego loss level trip.

I just can't stand how people think that psychedelics are just 'ooo pretty colours and kaleidoscopes maannn'. The visual aspect is really just a side effect of the overal experience, which is learning how much you can actually control, as you start to come into your realisation that you're 'god'. A good indicator of a wikipedia tripper is someone stating all the cool visuals they see....a true tripper will say something more along the lines of actually becoming the visuals.

McKenna has bred a whole new line of fake culture 'trippers'.

Of course there's more than just the visuals, you're right, too many people get hung up on that part. It's your consciousness/thinking that's altered more than anything, and you realize your relation to the universe and the Earth and God.
>we are all the same primordial being experiencing itself subjectively, because that's the only way an immortal singular being can cope with eternity.
This was perfectly put. For me, as a fan of Schopenhauer, I 100% believe this, that we are each of us the Will's (or God's if you say) way of observing/experiencing itself.
But the visuals are a huge part of the trip. As a cartoonist I like to draw during trips and take away influence from my visuals later on so I do focus a lot on the visual aspects of psychedelia

Too scared to take 10 tabs. I'd rather smoke a fuckload of DMT and risk a bad time for fifteen minutes than risk a bad time for 6-20 hours. Kind of a pussy. Also I prefer shrooms to LSD.

For me with the connection to God thing it's almost like God/The Will/The Universe follows one mathematical fractal pattern of unbelievably impressive scale. The dendrites in our body look the same as the branches on a tree look the same as etc 'cause it's all one pattern. I can't explain it sober but while I'm tripping it's like I can see the pattern that we're all apart of and see our place in it and my connection to the rest of it.