Guys, it is not to late to quit now

Guys, it is not to late to quit now.
Are you sure this is what you want? Remember what happened last time they took a beloved kids cartoon and made it dark and edgy for adults?

>Remember what happened last time they took a beloved kids cartoon and made it dark and edgy for adults?
I don't . When was the last time that ever happened? If ever?

No, what happened?

What could possibly wrong?

>Remember what happened last time they took a beloved kids cartoon and made it dark and edgy for adults?


Sealab 2020? Space Ghost? That was awesome

I think he's talking about Ren and Stimpy. That'd be a stupid comparison if that's the case.

yeah I can think of several examples for comics but not cartoons.

like at all.

DAMMIT, did we all collectively forget what it was? Was it THAT bad?

Pic related.