Write a better ending

Write a better ending

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Don finds his girlfriend fucking some nigger she met at a dive bar.

The computer explodes, validating ginsberg's fears. Don moves to britain and makes

Sal comes back and rapes Don, giving him the gay cancer.
Don goes through a genuine existential crisis, now that he's faced with his own mortality.
Don, realizing that his entire life's work has promoted indulgence and gluttony, goes crazy from the guilt, murders his family and cowerkers and is locked away.
Last shot is camera zooming out of his laughing face as the door swings shut to his cell, as he is now the true Mad Man

Actually follow through with this.

imnagine like
if we took like a thing
like drama
and then
had the characters
be nihilists
duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude so fucking deep bro, dude, like, existential insecurity for critical acclaim, bruhhhhhhhhhhh

>Britbongs are so retarded that there was a mass hysteria of people slapping others and saying tangoed due to this ad
>They literally had to revoke the ad because it was getting out of hand
All fucking Bongs must fucking hang

That sound epic.
Last episode directed by David Fyncher.

Hey what if all the characters motivations and turmoil are based around financial income even though they're making nearly double the average salary in one week

Don destroying a nation was the final step of his self-loathing plan

Draper becoms Buddy from Baby Driver

Having money doesn't make you satisfied. That's one of the themes of Don's character arc you dum-dum.

Flashforward to 2017, Don is celebrating his 100th birthday when he's accused of raping a secretary back in the old days.
He then dies of shock as his family has to try and reconcile his depraved lifestyle with the man they knew and respected.

nearly 90% of the show is based around the company only having a couple of million in reserve and threats to it

Fuck. That would have been amazing. They actual ending was for pussies.

1) That has nothing to do with what I responded to
2) Considering they're an advertising company with dozens of employees (at their smallest) and they service at least a dozen clients (at their smallest), that's not a lot of money (even for the era).

It would have been nice to get a more definitive answer on whether or not Bobby had Autism. Not even memeing here. There was evidence to support it throughout the series.

Don should have died as a result of his reckless behavior. The whole point of the show was that he was a tragic hero but then they pussed out on the ending.


>Don jumps off the roof of a building
>Polly comes and breaks his fall, saving his life

>mad men
are you retarded?

Even though each of the characters have their quirks (self-loathing, attention seeking, victim mentality) they all ultimately only make decisions based on making money and feeling sad about when they don't make money. At no point does Don ever complain that money isn't the thing not satisfying him and even during that weird break arc he constantly goes on about how the companies still paying him.

For a small firm they had more than enough to go on but were greedy fucks

Is it silly how much it annoyed me that the writers seemed to completely forget Polly existed. A dog is for life not just for a couple of episodes.

I can't. The only better ending in film is No Country for Old Men's ending, which objectively cannot be surpassed.

the ending was the opposite of that tho

like it's implied he made that coca cola ad and commercialized the bullshit hippie crap

it's just like in the begining when he's mocking the retarded beatniks

>can't understand a goddamned word
>suddenly a smooth american black man's voice at the end

what did the bongs mean by this?

Literally every happy ending in this show has nothing to do with money:
>Roger fucks off with Marie
>Peggy and Stan get together
>Betty comes to terms with her death and gets visibly closer to her family
>Sally finally grows up and learns to forgive her parents
>Don literally gives away his shit throughout the last few episodes and is living out of a bag when he finds enlightenment

You are drastically oversimplifying every character by saying their decisions are only driven by money. For example, Don offers to pay Peggy more when she leaves, but she still does. It's about getting more respect and responsibility for her. It's like you never actually watched this show.

>For a small firm they had more than enough to go on
What the literal fuck are you talking about? When they lose big clients they have to lay people off. The partners have to pump their own money into the company to keep it afloat.

>The only better ending in film is No Country for Old Men's ending, which objectively cannot be surpassed.
This. That ending is so fucking nihilistic. I don't think Hollywood has the balls to make another ending like that.

flashforward twenty years, late 80s/early 90s
Don is on his death bed in the hospital, finally all the smoking and drinking got to him and he's in the last stages of multiple cancers
he tries to tell something to a nurse, but because of all the machinery he's attached and his rotten respiratory tract to he only manages to barf out some unintelligible grunts
having lost all hopes to communicate any last words he may have had he then falls asleep and dies unceremoniously
a young and smiling Pete suddenly appears on screen and pointing his fingers at the camera says: "And remember kids, smoking is bad!"


>can't buy me love doesn't start playing over end credits
Only thing I wish they had done desu


Pete hits too close to home sometimes. His whole arc with the commuter's wife and Pryce fight was tough.

If they did it subtly, like playing an instrumental cover it might be okay.

yeah dude that film was so nihilistic like the dark knight and suicide squad. Damn... didn't know hollywood was capable at making real movies like that anymore that are deep.

Pete is one of the best TV characters ever, how I started with absolutely despising him in season 1 and ended cheering for him in season 7 is still amazing

Just a full hour of Alexis Bledel naked

>Write a better ending

>don goes home and says farewell to his dying wife
>don is a father to his 2 children
>don apologises for being a total faggot for the last 3 seasons
>the end
it wasn't even hard desu

>Don apologizing
Don is a sociopath, this is like asking Hitler to say something nice about the jews

>for the last 3 seasons
He's been a cunt for far longer than that

Don buys a shrimping boat after inventing the pet rock and goes off to write Chicken Soup for the Soul with his orangutan sidekick?

>muh la hippie woman who advise to just let people in

americans know only clichés

yes, I love how betas get caught cheating, then they claim they will never do it again and ofc, they cheat again with a random slut craving orgasms

Did they not? I saw an interpretation that was pretty much spot on with the ending as is.

>a hard day's night starts blaring
>Don walks into a bar
>"Set em up Joe," he says, and looks directly into the camera and smiles and winks
>smash cut to Don's grave with no one around it, no music playing
That would have been the perfect ending to me.

Best character?

Pete shoots up the office

looks like Pete got the best end


Don returns to McCan after having been gone months, full beard and hawaiian shirt, sun glasses turned up on his head. Barges into Hobart's office while he's meeting with about 20 lawyers.

>I quit.

>Don't think so, you've got a contract.

Don grins
>You've got a contract with Don Draper. I'm Dick Whitman.
He throws him his ID and social security card.

>Gotchya. I've been working with the FBI since the original Sterling Cooper deal. You've made me wait years but I'm finally taking you in, Dick.

Don smiles and throws and office chair at the window, shattering it. Lawyers flee as high winds blow papers everywhere.

>what the fuck are you doing? you're a mad man!

Don smiles and flips his sunglasses down
>You're goddamn right
jumps out the window. camera follows him down a few floors in slo mo then the opening theme starts to play but abruptly stop halfway through as he hits the pavement. cut to black, roll credits

that's dark, and he doesn't even get to comeback for a song and dance post-death

been wanting to rewatch Mad Men for a long time, but then i remember seasons 3 through 5.....

the best seasons? so what's stopping you then?

Which character advocates nihilism, user?

Um, no thanks. I'm not gonna support the work of a literal rapist


''I am now truly...a Mad men''. end credits

It was. That poster can’t read tarot.

I honestly think this was just Weiner shoving his dick in the face of AMC. He didn't need a Beatles song there, and he demanded it though because he wanted to show them how much power he held over them


>Weiner shoving his dick in the face of women

fixed that for you

this show is just fodder for guys in business who wish it was the 70's so they dwell on the past.

matt weiner is such a pretentious asshole, yes matt, the women all represent so much than themselves and the 70's was an AMAZING time for feminism.


I've re-watched the series 7 times now... I'm 100% sure that it's not possible to come up with a better ending than what we got.

But, with that said, I feel like if the series ended on the episode Lost Horizon, it would have been pretty good.

Don kills himself and the final scene is his funeral where no one attends.

Holy fuck some of you are so retarded. No wonder people think this show is "boring".