Why the fuck can no one take a joke in this show?

Why the fuck can no one take a joke in this show?

Woman-tier insecurities.

Because wogs are near-niggers and are jealous and insecure about everything

Ball breaking should be done with people on your level or under, if you go higher, then you're a little out of order.

They cant handle bants. Must be an American thing.

This. Literally the equivalent of making your mother jokes in front of your boss.

To be fair, Tony never did have the makings of varsity athlete

Honestly, after the "How am I funny" scene in Goodfellas, the whole "joking until a guy gets offended and now your life is in danger" became such a lazy way to write tension in mobster movies.

Pasta niggers are weird that way


too much gabba GOOL

Eating 20 pounds of capicola each day makes you very salty.




Take a joke? You calling me a fanook?

because they're not just joking like friends, they're also attempting to subtly exert dominance
plus if they were stable and humble individuals they wouldn't be criminals to begin with

because tony soprano is david chase's self insert
and most of the other characters on the show too
muh parental issues, muh depression, its all his own ego
no one talks about this though, because zomg the show is so deep! it has nihilism! just like me!
basically rick and morty for people too old for rick and morty

Rick and Morty is rick and morty for people too old for rick and morty

This guy's Tony impression is legendary

You realize characters written by anyone usually have a 'part' of themselves influencing said character, that doesn't mean they're self-inserts.

Looks like she a 95 pound mole on her ass


>became such a lazy way to write tension in mobster movies.

That's how these people act in real life. It's all about status and if you're perceived to lose face, even if it's ballbusting, you lose respect.

You can't let someone mock your mother or your family. That's why Chris was never respected. You think Tony or Paulie or Sil would have stood for that joke about his daughter?

c'mon it's a joke