flavor of the year kpop group?
Isn't the Thai one in the group a shitskin?
>plastic looking Asians with no hips or ass
Pleb tastes
Is that like a new softcore version of BLACKED.COM?
wew lad
Don't talk shit about Lisa, she's a qt
oh look another gay who likes kpop, color me shocked
>Hot girls are gay
Stick to masturbating to traps you faggot.
Jennie... I wanna be there when her pussy gets plowed by Teddy-hyung.
>Black Pink
i never said that. the lady doth protest too much methinks
isn't that the group that's been getting shit lately for their lazy and lip-synced performances?
you're thinking of twice
But wasn't it Rick & Morty before it was changed?
t. assmad marvelcuck
that’s BTS
I think rick and morty are running on a different screen.
What do I need to do to get such a sexy korean?
>that smile
they'll like it
be rich and famous korean kid
I don't watch Marvel.
I was just asking a question.
>ezra the homo
now post their pics before the surgery and makeup
lol terraformers
go to school college and uni
if you want nice ones they usually study really hard
go to the Korean clubs for on night stands
they tend to avoid Koreans for one night(thats how they say one night stand) because its a small community
I stoped with kpop after jessica left snsd
what's the best songs of this group?
Only numales and former 2neq female fans like black pink
They have 5 songs only. All of them are good.
what is it with twinks and kpop
>more soul-less generic Asia-pop that revolves around dancing flat-chested girls
>flat-chested girls
good point, i wonder why Sup Forums doesn't like kpop more
>All countries in the world have beautiful women.
>except Korea, they are all plastic gooks
Flawless logic right there.
I‘m already 27yo tho, are big white cocks in demand in south korea?
white guys are in demand
if your good looking it helps a lot and makes it easier. a lot of them do prefer kindness over looks
few girls I met was asexual they'll fuck you because they love you, be they do not enjoy it
Asexual? Wtf is that and why the fuck is some 20's Asian girl asexual? With your homones going full steam ahead at that age claiming you're asexual is bullshit. You'd have to be mentally I'll.
people say I look like a nonmanlet hot version of aaron paul so I guess I have good chances getting a south korean girl.
do I have to learn their ching chong language in order to communicate with them or are they all speaking english already?
>ching chong language
it's super easy to learn. so you have nothing to lose. a week of time at most.
lewd tongue