Why did they cast Jason Alexander in this role? It was impossible to take this episode seriously, I kept thinking "George is trying to run a scam on Captain Janeway and the Think Tank is probably one of Kramer's schemes."
/trek/-Jason Alexander Edition
his Brooklyn accent was ruined the character
His whole performance was kind of ridiculous. He was really too soft-spoken. It seemed like he was pretending to be someone who wanted his schemes to be noticed, rather than someone who was scheming and wanted to get away with his schemes.
Is that 'acting without acting?'
I like when he tried coffee
>You.....enjoy this?"
Why didn't the think tank just recreate 7 of 9 on their holodeck? They were able to hide their ship in subspace, surely they had holodecks. It's been established that the Delta Quadrant has indigenous holographic technology.
Did Riker ever get into trouble for forcing himself on aspiring young ensign chicks, using his rank in a Weinstein-esque fashion?
I refuse to believe this Intergalactic horndog didn't use those pips to get that puss
Considering that every single away mission he goes on either ends with him being cloned by a transporter or getting in bed with an alien I'd say that probably, yes, Riker probably raped a few Ensigns. But that's only becaue it's made very clear in the show that everyone in Roddenberry's fantasy world has a very fucked up idea of sexual morality. It's like free love gone horribly wrong: all that is necessary is male consent and females immediately become pliant, willing like dogs before a steak.
Must be too early for a good trek thread, I guess
Good logic makes for poor stories.
Like whenever Picard tells Worf to hail some ship, and before he even has time to receive a reply message he says "no response"
Also here's a nice picture of an Indian and an Andorian
Jesus Christ, is there an episode with George's dad, too? Is the Delta Quadrant just New York spread out over more space?
>I'm afraid you're mistaken, ensign. That was my transporter duplicate Lt. TOM Riker; I'm COMMANDER Will Riker. I understand how this must be confusing for you...
Every time
Truly, a future we can all hope for.
However, I would contest that that is more Kirk style than Rikers. Riker makes it clear on several occasions that he does not require a docile, bovine woman, but rather an intelligent and driven equal.
>Good logic makes for poor stories.
That might be an excuse that the writers use but I, the viewer, watching with a quasi-critical eye, simply cannot take the concept of the Holodeck seriously anymore.
At first I started making my Holodeck posts as a joke ("Why don't they call it X instead of a Holodeck? The name is misleading") but I'm starting to get annoyed whenever anyone uses the Holodeck. I just can't stop thinking about all the plot holes, the unbelievable decisions that people make, the fact that it's possible for the technology to work flawlessly while not responding to controls because of some major spatial anomaly, there's so much about the Holodeck that doesn't make even a little bit of sense.
And then there's the fucking Doctor. They put a bunch of EMHs in a cave system to mine dilithium or something, but they can't set up holoprojectors around Voyager? Actually, we know that they CAN and DO do this--in that episode with the Hirogen, we see it done, it's the entire plot--and no amount of handwaving can make me believe that there is some reason that makes sense diegetically NOT to have done this before. And the mobile emitter almost never malfunctions; when it does, they can fix it, no problem. It's even more unbelievable than Geordi's ability to operate on Data's positronic brain without actually being a cybernetics genius like Singh was. Why the fuck can't they make more Datas? Why the fuck can't Data experience emotions but Moriarty can? If a Holodeck replicates matter on demand, why can't the replicate and android? Why does that replicated matter lose cohesion when it leaves the Holodeck if it's replicated, rather than projected? Who decided that the Holodeck was a good idea?
Actually he goes for a social superior on that planet of Amazons. Anyway, it's hard to watch most Trek series without feeling somewhat uncomfortable about the way sexuality is portrayed.
One thing that always bugged me about the episode A Matter of Perspective was that Riker and Manua Apgar had two conflicting stories about what happened.
Troi sensed that Manua was firmly convinced and totally believed what she said about Riker trying to rape her. Yet subsequent investigation showed that Riker was actually telling the truth. However, they never explained why she believed what she did.
>Why does that replicated matter lose cohesion when it leaves the Holodeck
It doesn't.
Daily reminder Dukat did nothing wrong.
But it does, according to what characters say. Obviously nobody on the ship understands holodecks because they think matter can't leave it, but Wesley gets a snowball on Captain Picard's shirt and those gangsters manage to run out before disappearing.
What a stupid concept. Incoherent, annoying, lazy.
Not everything is replicated.
Why was Rick Berman in Lucas' dream?
>Actually he goes for a social superior on that planet of Amazons
Variety is the spice of life, mon brave. Just because you prefer redheads doesn't mean you won't nail a sexy blonde.
It would have happened, but Hurley left after the second season.
He's a monster that needs to be locked away.
What is your point?
>ywn fuck a woman who is a foot taller than you and has a world-spanning government at her disposal
Why live?
The things that can leave were replicated (snow ball, river water, Moriarty's sketch etc.), the things that can't weren't.
Is there a link to the video? can't find it
nvm found it. pokertube.com
22 minutes in
So it's that simple? I'm sorry but that's retarded. The characters in The,Big Goodbye who walk off can't be purely replicated. They're photonic.
They weren't replicated, that's why they evaporated.
But their clothes must have been replicated. Their clothes disappeared with them.
fat seinfeld guy isnt a good actor
Why would their clothes have been replicated? The real people's are, but not by the holodeck.
It's because he is a terrible actor. He's just Costanza in every role.
I remember reading the replies to this and it was a bunch of furious women acting like this is a career-ruining thing and on the level of Weinstein and Kevin Spacey. They really are like a different species.
Well if they weren't replicated then why did the disappear when the characters left the Holodeck as if they were photonic?
You don't actually have coherent answers to my questions. Please stop replying.
nothings replicated in the holodecks, user is just being contrarian
there are minor inconsistancies that the writers overlook because they are not autistic
I don't think you know what a species is
women are the niggers of gender
I read a research journal that said women actually did not coevolve with men as was previously believed, but actually evolved from Arabs.
They're not not autistic, they're lazy.
Does anybody else just hate Guinan? Every single time Whoopee Goldberg shows her ugly face during a perfectly enjoyable episode of next gen I am forced to skip through it. It's not only that whoopee pie is a bad actor but that she is a condescending cunt that the other characters inexplicably take seriously.
women are the niggers of gender
She was fine at first, making a major celeb a very minor character on a sideline was quite amusing.
But then she obviously had to get superpowers and an important spot and everything is ruined.
>It's not only that whoopee pie is a bad actor but that she is a condescending cunt that the other characters inexplicably take seriously
Part of the issue is that women in Trek are almost never done well, they're usually just more in touch with the universe or their emotions or the lunar cycle than men and that's what makes them women. Guinan is there because Goldberg was a well known actress who wanted to be on the show and probably didn't ask for as much money as the average actor of her caliber. She's the black version of Counsellor Troi without the screentime. Her acting doesn't fit with the show. Ten Forward is probably the most boring pub ever.
i dunno, it seems unlikely they'd be able to dot every i and cross every t with a plot device such as a holodeck, it's like the geordi and roe phase thing, they just have to overlook some things to get an interesting story through
The Holodeck is literally a set piece showcased in the first episode of the show, you fucking cretin. There is literally up excuse for the inconsistencies in the way it's written. You can try to excuse these idiots all you want but most Holodeck heavy scripts never should have been OKed if there were serious standards involved in producing an episode of Trek. That episode with Ro and Geordi is garbage, btw. People like you are the reason we got the Abrams movies.
>It's fine if it seems cool
Fuck you, you're everything wrong with science fiction.
Are you deliberately contradicting yourself? You say non-replicated matter should disappear, then you ask why non-replicated matter is disappearing.
>(taking it all in)
>I didn't believe these could be so real.
>Much of it is real, sir. If the transporters can convert our bodies to an energy beam, then back to the original pattern again...
>Yes, of course. (indicates) And all these have much simpler patterns.
The holodeck is established as using the same technology as the transporter for simple things. It makes real things as well as holograms.
I'm asking that idiot why replicated matter disappears and how he knows it's replicated. It's called reading comprehension, idiot.
>It was impossible to take this series seriously
Yeah, that's Voyager.
Also, Jason fucking loves Star Trek.
>it's ok for her to have her big, fat, swollen tits hanging out of her shirt to distract the men, but it's not ok for him to use that against her.
It disappears because it isn't replicated. You're the one who keeps saying it is. You're clearly either a moron or a troll, but you're definitely an autist.
>the episode where worf gets baited into punching a klingon lawyer after he fired on a freighter
good or not good?
>It disappears because it isn't replicated.
My entire fucking point is that the concept of a Holodeck is incoherent, my questions are meant to make that more obvious than it should already be. Fuck off and kill yourself.
>there are no logical inconsistancies with the depiction of the holodeck, it is air-tight
I love these screenshots with subtitles taken out of context.
Shut the fuck up about the holodeck, I'm so sick of reading you people sperg about it. It works on magic or recycled shit, who cares.
>you people
it's just one very lonely man in dire need of something to talk about
computer, transport user to holodeck 4, run program alpha-four, add 14 lwaxana trois, disengage safety protocols
>It works on magic or recycled shit, who cares.
People like you are the problem: you think you deserve thought-provoking entertainment, but you don't want to actually think about your entertainment.
I just found out today that Gates McFadden has been sick for a few days with the flu, so I'm going to lay of Crusherposting until she gets better. Stay comfy, Gates.
The exact specifics and limitations of the holodeck are not what most people find thought providing in trek but the interpersonal conflicts and ethical questions.
everyone say something nice about her
>Dude just turn your brain off when you're not supposed to think
I'm sorry, you're a fucking idiot and don't deserve kino.
Drink Fluids, Gates
Not him but the holodeck can't be fucking explained, faggot, and there are plenty of other things in Trek that can't be explained because they're impossible and will never happen. It's not that we don't want to think about it, it's that we literally can't. Thinking about how the holodeck works will only yield technobabble nonsense. Go ahead and explain to me how you think the holodeck works.
>Thinking about how the holodeck works will only yield technobabble nonsense. Go ahead and explain to me how you think the holodeck works.
lol I think you're taking a minor detail way too seriously. the holodeck is just there to facilitate episodes in different locations than would be normally acceptable within the confines of the setting. it has nothing to do with turning your brain off but you being unable to accept a story device for what it is, like so many other questions regarding the technology in trek the answer to your question will just be some unsatisfying technobabble.
You have autism.
How does warp drive work?
If you can't give a satisfactory answer then we will be forced to cancel Star Trek and delete all traces of it from the world.
>the holodeck is just there to facilitate episodes in different locations than would be normally acceptable within the confines of the setting
I'm aware of its purpose, I'm saying that it was a stupid fucking idea that makes no sense. Most of the locations they go to on the Holodeck are fucking stupid, anyway.
And these writers clearly didn't have brains.
I want to fuck this ship
>Most of the locations are fucking stupid anyway
Whatever you say pal
lol, calm down egbert
Galaxy-class ships look fucking stupid, IMO. Probably the least A E S T H E T I C design of all Trek craft other than Voyager.
I'm right and deep down you know that holodeck episodes are just diversions, more excuses to keep TNG from having a discernible plot and to keep Voyager in the Delta Quadrant for another season.
I like Star Trek
As you said, that's your opinion
Intrepid-class ships look great, though
If you're so right then why did you run away from like a coward?
Why does it need a proper plot? Trek has always been at it's best as a story of the week show. Go watch ds9 if you want that tripe.
I didn't see it.
Warp drive works by fucking up space in front of and behind a ship.
It's also really incoherent and there really is no excuse, but at least often enough it's left vague enough that viewers aren't supposed to understand what's going on.
>Warp drive works by fucking up space in front of and behind a ship.
If it has no plot then it should have character development. It hardly does. Characters don't start to develop until Generations, which came out when the show was already off the air. You can not have one, but you can't also not have the other.
It's incoherent but more essential to the show than the holodeck. The holodeck is a concept the writers use when they're feeling lazy, warp drive is essential to the show. There is a fundamental difference between what makes holodeck stupidity intolerable and what makes the warp drive tolerable. For one, starships shouldn't fucking have holodecks in the first place, while there wouldn't be a show without warp drive. I'm not saying that everything has to make perfect sense--I'm saying that telling me to turn off my brain for holodeck plots is a sign that you don't care about the quality of the media you consume.
>characters don't start to develop until generations
So you have to turn your brain off in order to accept the warp drive? Then you're already turning your brain off to watch every episode of Star Trek.
You should have no problem accepting holodecks because you're already watching Star Trek without a brain.
Name one instance of character development that has consequences later on. I don't mean characters fucking each other, I mean character development. And I don't mean 'someone mentions it later,' I mean 'it has obvious effects on characters that show up over the course of the show.' The Inner Light is the only episode that comes close.
>You can accept A? So why do you have a problem with B?
I just fucking explained it to you, you idiot.
Data's character arc spans the entire show's run lol
You can't accept B because it requires you to turn your brain off. But you're already accepting A even though it requires you to turn your brain off.
Do you turn your brain off when you're posting on Sup Forums too?
This is like walking into a padded room and arguing with the guy in a straitjacket. He can't be pleased so just ignore him. You want anonymity, then you have to just be disciplined and ignore people like that.
Enterprise D is too bulky imo. That saucer section is too wide and makes it look off balance. It's almost like the ship is pregnant or something. It looks like a cruise liner more than an exploratory vessel.
"I have to turn my brain off" isn't the problem, the problem is that the Holodeck is fucking retarded and you're supposed to treat it seriously. Warp drive is dumb, too, but not in the same way, not to the same degree, and it's more essential to the fucking show. Maybe you think holodecks are what Trek is all about--I think it's about interstellar civilization and social progress. I will accept plenty of plot holes, the Holodeck just goes too fucking far too fucking often.
>Do you turn your brain off when you're posting on Sup Forums too?
He literally doesn't change until Generations, though. Nothing that happens to him ever has any effect until he installs the emotion chip in the movie.
Explain it to me, how do transporters work? You turn your brain off for them, but they're not essential to the show. They could just use shuttles instead.
>the Holodeck just goes too fucking far too fucking often.
Q is magic. Same with a Douwd. Same with all those TOS fantasy people. Same with the wormhole aliens. They are complete fantasy and you accept them. Can we talk about something else now, you've beaten this horse into pulverized meat?
>He literally doesn't change until Generations, though.
The Most Toys was definite development.