Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Who's a better comic artist I ask you?
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Who's a better comic artist I ask you?
polmblr fuck off
Kelly threads are fine though? Fuck off
Get and stay get
Please, and I'm being sincere, consider suicide.
How tolerant of you. :^)
>Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
No and fuck off
Take your shitty meme back to Sup Forums and take your shitty propaganda back to Sup Forums
Learn from the man
>unironically wishing death to people for a drawing on the internet
Back to Isis with you
>ironically shitty political comic
>actually shitty political comic
I'll scratch your fucking eyes out I'm not even kidding
Also, is that real or Sup Forums edit?
It's probably real.
Garrison started going on Sup Forums to figure out who was making anti-Jewish edits of his comic and ended up getting redpilled by them.
>yes this is the comics and cartoons board
what the fuck?
Wait. Leftists don't support Israel?
This man is an idiot and so are you if you think he's "our guy"
Perhaps Sup Forums should have built a wall as to not be saddled with an unwanted demographic that damage the social cohesion in the user base? Makes you think, doesn't it?
Yeah, he made a thread trying to get to know why these people were damaging his reputation only to find out at least half of them were genuine fans of his and although he doesn't approve of the jew edits he has warmed up to them a little. Mind you he hasn't gotten fully indoctrinated.
He's no Chuck Assay. That guy was nuts. Sure Chuck, gay marriage is just the same as property rights and if gays can get married than people should be able to ignore any laws they want.
Muslims are leftist's darling population as of about two ,three years ago.
Fuck off Sup Forums
Just goes to show OP never intended to have any kind of honest discussion about Garrison, just wanted to troll.
Garrison fucking sucks, period. Maybe someday when you grow to get an ounce of discerning taste you'd see why.
Embrace the truth.
>Sup Forumsmblr sucks the taint of every Kelly thread that pops up
>loses its shit over a political cartoon critical of the left
>racist and sexists aren't welcome
not inviting people you define as dangerous? who does that?
alt-right university gladly invites anti-fa and isis to debate with them
Hey, it's not my fault how the thread evolves. Blame the other anons here, not the innocent victim just trying to discuss a web comic artist.
Racists and sexists are welcomed, just have to target whites and males and you'll be welcomed with open arms.
Not really since said wall is proven ineffective and already exist. Selling ice to Eskimos
We did build a wall, yet the unwanted demographic still comes.
Now doesn't that make you think?
Why is feudalism good?
Makes me think you need more severe measures in response to an invasion
The list the guy's reciting in the cartoon makes no mention of racists or sexists. If you believe anyone in the listed demographics is those things, that's your own bias coloring your worldview. And if your immediate response to that is "But all [x] are racist/sexist!" or "You can't be [x] without being racist/sexist!", congratulations: you're a hypocrite ready to lump entire groups of people into a single negative stereotype, you bigot.
>tfw Red Skull males sense
if he wasn't a literal Nazi he could've been a cool guy
We are yet they still come
It actually does, second line from the bottom. Garrison is so stupid he thinks the reader should have to break out a magnifying glass to fully understand his work.
No. The Israel gov't is full of assholes and their leader is a dickhead like Trump. Honestly the creation of Israel was the dumbest things done and highly hypocritical considering the countries involved in its creation like the United States who did this under the guise that because of all the awful things done to the Jews in WWII they deserve a land of their own all while completely ignoring all the awful things done to the Natives of North America by the invading settlers.
>this used to belong to the Israels (even though Palestine was controlling it for 800 years and the land itself the Jews also took according to their own holy text) so we're making you give it back
>here, Palestine, you can have this small sliver of land and Israel will get the majority
>we're also gonna give Israel loads of money annually and give you next to nothing
>this is totally fair and just
Gee and you wonder why Palestine has such a huge beef with Israel.
>he actually undermined the point of his own cartoon by including those, however buried down the list
If there were an added commentary on how the labels "racist" and "sexist" have been overused to the point of being nearly meaningless, then it might still have a leg to stand on, but as it is, he ably kneecapped his own point.
fuck off
P's ruled by petty assholes as well, but yeah, the gov't is so used to being babied that they act like spoiled children.
Ben Garrison actually thinks that racism should be tolerated and the triggered sjws are in the wrong, amazing.
Make me.
I can get as far down as rape culture into the guys speech before it gets too small
But he's right
as said, it's in the list, but at the end because garrison doesn't want you to think they wouldn't invite black republicans that aren't provocative attention whores.
Palestine put assholes in charge because they feel threatened and powerless by Israel and these guys want to fight back against them.
Yes, his cartoons are very nuanced and insightful.
>wahaaaa give me big labels I am too dumb to read by myself
Jesus fuck, you are an embarrassment.
defacing a cartoon doesn't really goes in favor of calling the original artist dumb.
>reddit bumper sticker
nice subtle edit
but where could my pipe be?
so are you saying we should give up and accept Sup Forums on our board?
No he isn't. There is nothing about racism or sexism that should be tolerated. Please explain why someone making an uneducated racist/sexist remark should be tolerated? Free speech doesn't protect them from the consequences of using that freedom.
Honestly, that version is probably a lot more intelligent than what it was like originally.
Garrison is just the definition of your typical neofascist drone who parrots right wing views he hardly understands, takes cheap potshots at opposing views he understand even less and thinks memes are a substitute for jokes.
Basically, he's your average Sup Forumslack but probably even less self aware.
Now this is a good comic.
Dear people on the right,
You know you're evil right? Like, you are evil. History books will call you evil because that's today's truth and the future's truth.
How the hell do you live with yourself? Being racist, being sexist, being xenophobic, being a nazi, not supporting women's rights, not supporting lgbt rights, not helping the poor, etc.. that's all evil.
Fuck off.
These pages are great Hitler parody because instead of offering rational solutions to real issues they go right to genocide and mass murder but then play the victim
dumb, double line jumper.
Hmm yes very classy
>Please explain why someone making an uneducated racist/sexist remark should be tolerated?
Is it uneducated to research DoJ crime statistics that show blacks commit half of the homicides in the US?
Reality is racist, you can't get rid of racism anymore than you can get rid of the laws of gravity.
nope, you aren't gonna brainwash anybody today, retard. It's not intelligent, just like you yapping "he is le dumb" doesn't make him dumb. You are just showing your true nature to us today, the one of a fanatic that can't breath without converting people to his cause based on his own stated truth (you keep repeating yourself without any backing up) and badly disguised "or else" statements.
SJWs are tolerated/welcomed in Universities, and they are racist/sexist. And I don't just mean in the "against whites and males" sense either.
You didnt actually post any statistics though
Hell no
You didnt actually post any statistics though
just report and move on
Serious question though. How do whites who get hammered with this shit everyday live with themselves? If you were told everyday that your very race is everything that's wrong with the world, how do you keep your sanity? Is it the same as Christians who were told about "Original Sin"?
People who post about blacks committing more homicides ignore the factors that lead to those numbers. Most of those crimes happen in highly impoverished urban where people are forced into crime just to get by. The biggest paying thing is illegal drugs, which is a dangerous business if you get involved with the harder more expensive stuff. Police do very little to keep order so gangs forms and fight against one another for territory.
by shitposting on Sup Forums and doing shit like pic related to lefties
I dunno what universities you've gone to, but at mine basically diversity and inclusion just means that you can't shit on someone for being gay or transgender or whatever.
Like no-ones stopping you from thinking or believing what you want, just others are allowed to go about their business without turbo-spergs actively being a prick to them.
And they are turbo-spergs. Every single Sup Forums browser I've met in real life to a man is a socially awkward, not particularly attractive turbo-sperg who just HAS to let you know all of their beliefs. Who is clearly internally jerking off every time someone points out that saying shit like "Hitler was a great man" might be a little contentious as though their right to freedom of speech also grants them the right to a freedom from criticism.
I've met a few people who are on the "fuck white cis males" train, but the overwhelming majority seem perfectly capable of championing the notion of greater equality without dragging anyone else down to do it.
Fuck snowflake cunts who cry about this shit. Most workplaces are as much a safe space as universities are. Don't be a cunt. That's the overriding thought process.
> give me big labels
You know Garrison is one of those stereotypical cartoonists who can't make their point without labeling everything, right?
In what other sense then? Because they see minorities as something to be saved and cuddled?
wow you're projecting hard! that post didnt mention white people at all!
white women! white lgbt people! non-American whites! impoverished whites! are negatively impacted by the right
look at the "It's a choice to be be poor" rhetoric being thrown around this VERY week by the GOP. Talking about buying healthcare instead of iphones and Jesus will take care of the poor if they really believe and other nonsense
Didn't post any stats Sup Forums. Your point is made numb.
Well "Original Sin" covers all humanity so in the eyes of devout Christians, everyone is a sinner regardless of age, race or class.
>dog has a tiny cigar as well
Not just that. They lump all minorities in the same category of "POC", they think all races think alike, thus making assumptions over what they should be offended/not offended at, they believe that their culture should remain pure and not tainted by outsiders like filthy whites, etc. etc.
He's looking for them right now. I mean it's probably true so I'll reply with something about blacks being socioeconomically downtrodden and suffering from centuries of abuse and lack of opportunity and malicious laws and the prison-industrial complex and Jim Crow and Reconstruction betrayals and the highway anti-black conspiracy and Black Wall Street being burned down and that black neighborhood literally being firebombed by the national guard etc etc
So we will have reached a stalemate but at least I got him to waste his time lol
I believe affirmative action is racist as fuck because it basically says that we need special treatment and handouts to compete with whites
Good lord Shia has ruined himself
It's a shame, because I grew up when he was an actor on things like Holes and Even Stevens, and I have very fond memories of those. A simpler time, when identity politics didn't turn people into nutcases.
>at least I got him to waste his time
user, I believe you underestimate the power of weaponized autism
Keep it to yourself coon
Yeah, the GOP live in a fantasy world where people don't need access to the internet or a cell phone to get by in life when they obviously support a system which has embraced and demands the use of cell phones and internet to get a job. You can't even bring a resume to fucking WalMart anymore and have to apply online and take a short quiz.
>Free speech doesn't protect them from the consequences of using that freedom.
In the context of the OP comic, it does. Public universities are beholden to nearly a century's worth of supreme court caselaw defending the free speech rights of college students. If a public university was indeed discriminating against certain protected groups they would be violating the 1st amendment. No, the 1st does not merely mean "the police can't arrest you" which is what it's been flanderized among the left these days. A lot of the bill of rights has been incorporated to lower governments over the life of the nation and that includes government run colleges having to protect the free speech of their students.
Part of is also that the threshold for 'racism' and 'sexism' has been so greatly lowered that simply stating the truth or having a different tack for dealing with a problem or even innocuous mistakes or ignorance is treated as a moral failing or personal evil. In California, for instance, they were trying to make criticism of Israel hate speech. The same people who decide that Israel can't be criticized for human rights violations are also the ones who decide whether you're a racist or a sexist and decide to capriciously punish you for it. Meanwhile, gender studies classes abound with talk of "all men are rapists" or the schrodinger variant but lol, that can't be sexist because misandry don't exist heh.
(Private colleges are still bound by contractual agreements so capricious and politically motivated punishment can still be countered legally if they do so in a way that they treat one group with kid gloves for similar 'sins' while going to town on another, or breaking their own due process rules.
Well you apply some common sense and appreciate that as a straight white male, that you have a inherent advantage over everyone else. Not everyone utilises this advantage, but you do.
You also apply some common sense and realise that people pointing this out does not mean that they specifically mean you, or that white blokes in general have actively conspired to make the world this way. It's not a personal attack on you
Thirdly, you apply common sense and realise that white blokes having an inherent advantage doesn't make us evil or an active problem, but rather you strive to break down man made forms of very minor segregation in order to better give advantages to others. You don't have to drag white people down in order to do this, but rather raise everyone else up.
But of course there will always be morons out there who can't objectively think about such things without making it about them personally, and then crying as though they themselves are being blamed for societies ills.
I'm sure they'll stop burning their own cities and shooting each other and generally become civilized if we just keep giving them more money.
I do. If I ever said that out loud I think I might as well dress up as SS officer.
You didnt actually post any statistics though