Which Punisher was the Punishest?

Which Punisher was the Punishest?

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Charles Bronson

Tom Jane was a good origin story that kinda felt short. It really needed a sequel where he was the Punisher right and proper.

Warzone franked more franks, but it was very schlocky.

Netflix show is kinda like the Tom Jane movie. Good introduction and setup, but feels like the real franking is yet to come.

Why no Lundgren?


fucking hell thomas jane's face is so perfect.

Jane movie had the best story

Second guy was the best Punisher but on a really shitty movie

Walking dead guy atually tried but was directed by retards

Haven't seen the newest. But Warzone is pure wonderful silly action kino.

The best Frank is Bernthal, but he’s wasted on an atrocious story.

You should just drop the on-screen Punisher and submit to Punisher MAX

>tfw you will never see Clint Eastwood play The Punisher
Kill me.

>wasting clint eastwood on capeshit

>Warzone is pure wonderful silly action kino
I think you may have forgotten something.

MAX is too high test for today's audience. Why else do you think we got a hobbled Punisher.

Tom Jane in this kino.

Loved this as a kid

Barenthal obviously

my man

Hey. I didn't say that one isn't a lot of fun either.


How many times do you think Kevin threw out his back/tore his quads doing this scene?

Surprised he didn't book himself to win the fight.

This what a bunch of fucking children on here.

Vietnam vet Frank Castle after 30 years of slaughter and mayhem would be really interesting.

If Thor: Ragnarok does good, maybe we will eventually see a more light-hearted Punisher film once Bernthal stops being an edgelord.

>never have too many grenades
>never have too many weapons
>so much for bobby. now for ma'
>dat hell hath no fury cutscene

god damn that game was great as a fan

One who doesn't look like a scrawny lesbian

So I'm halfway through the netflix series. And I'm burning to know...

Does the Punisher end up cucking hackerman? Because it sure as fuck seems to be heading that way.

>Never given a fair shake

Next to Stevenson the others don't even register as Punishers

trips of truth

whos the milf

Loved this scene

The wife kisses him but that's it

Hey it's discount Emily Blunt.

while her husband watches? that's literal cuckolding shit

I loved that game.

giv me i'm broke!!

It's Stevenson by far. Then Bernthal and then Jane. Anyone who ranks Jane first is clinically retarded and has objectively shit taste


Well I don't want to spoil too much but the way its handled is pretty adult. It's just there to ratchet up some drama between Micro and Punisher.

no, but she cucked him anyway. with tons of other guys. while micro watched (unless she fucked them in their house)
>Second guy I've kissed in 15 years.
>Oh, boy.
>I'm kidding. I mean, um... Wow

>pretty adult
They show full on penetration uh?


All of them. The Punisher is an interesting character but his comics are complete garbage, have no story whatsoever and only rely on edgy violence.

No more like there's no cuck shit. A woman who thinks herself a grieving widow kisses a single man who is also a grieving widower and then Frank does the right thing and doesn't cuck Micro because he isn't a douche

Jane has the best movie so far. Bernthal is great in the Daredevil series but the writing is poor in his own series. It would have been nice to see Jane in another movie.

She doesn't look like Blunt to me.

Blunt is very attractive but this girl is a lot hotter

the flashbacks he randomly gets where great.

That's crazy talk.

This game is unironically the best piece of punisher media.

Tom Jane has the best Punisher voice. He can talk with a growl without sounding retarded

Tom Jane used to blow guys for money

Blunt is just like Scarjo, depending on her hair and makeup and angle she's either a 10 or a strong 6

Because its shit not even worth comparing

why does protagonist HAVE to be a relatable guy that I want to be?
how fucking dumb is the audience?


Objectively the best.

Frank returns to the house because she turns off the wlan which makes all of hackerman's cameras go out, he repairs it, she kisses Frank after drinking too much because he brought flowers as a made up reason for his visit, Frank stops her and leaves then

Definitely, the emotionless killing machine from the MAX version is much more relatable to us adults, amiright?


Jon hamm wouldve made a good punsher

>30+ seconds of nonsensical mass shooting
god, I miss XX century


I like Thomas Jane the most. Bernthal is good he doesn't really look the part IMO.

>the emotionless killing machine from the MAX version
so you've read an entirety of 2 issues then. good to know

IIRC doesn't MAX have a literal black tranny special forces badass?

goddamn she is so fucking hot

literally perfect milf and im not even into that usually

It's a common argument that's made a lot by people who know fuck all about the Punisher but just want to defend Netflix.
>Punisher has no character
>Punisher has no emotion
>Punisher can't be interesting
>That's why they had to completely change him into someone else

Dirty Laundry was a good sequel of sorts it was cool of Tom Jane to do it.

She looks for and asks for him immediately after hackerman gets home

>Literally all he needed was a skull shirt.

Netflix’s Punisher is fucking garbage

It’s absolute garbage that completely disregards the source material that made the character popular in the first place. This is more like Homeland than The Punisher. It’s boring, it’s preachy, some of the fight scenes are very poorly choreographed, and it’s full of heavy handed political agenda that’s about as subtle as getting hit in the head by a brick. Be very wary of positive reviews, many of which seem to be repeating running themes from the Netflix marketing department. (“Jon is the Punisher”, “it’s a slow burn.” Etc) You ruined a great character Netflix. I will never trust you again.

>My brother of african descent.
May be my favorite punisher so far.

its a new take using the iraq war, gun crime, and homegrown terrorism as a backdrop. boo hoo it's not classic frank franking about. did you really think that is what it would be? have you seen s2 daredevil? frank was already in it as this character. you must be slow man

DDS2 Frank and PS1 Frank are hardly even similar.

How is it preachy?

that is what i said. dds2 frank was pretty much classic frank - we already got that. ps1 frank starts as a broken man who knows his break, and eventually comes all the war around to fix it and try to stop fighting his neverending war.

You mean punish guys for money?

the main plot centers around torture as an interrogation technique and agent orange is a fairly heavyhanded reference to cheney.

there's also a white vet terrorist, and they talk about veterans issue in group a couple times. basically butthurt babbies can't handle some entirely relevant political undertones

It’s just a liberal propaganda show with the forced inclusion of an Iranian woman. It’s not entertainment, it’s literally designed to manipulate your opinions and the way you think. It was not born of the creative process. It was created by committee, using a standard checklist of liberal politics talking points

Also Frank would never support the torture and killing of an innocent man.

This show also pushes hard the “America is the real bad guys” theme that is so popular among liberals and communists

The war drama stuff isn’t relevant. It’s political propaganda. It’s meant to target the normally right leaning folks who enjoy the Punisher series.

Just like the overweight old white vet with right leaning politics is meant to be a shameful and insulting parody

Anyone defending this show is a shill

Right so what's the point of making a season out of that character and not actually making him that character? He's not a logical evolution of that Frank, he's not the next step in that Frank's story, he's just a totally different Frank. Let's make Daredevil Season 3 entirely about how Daredevil wants to start an orphanage and focus on his law career and settle down to marry Froggy. Did you think that season 3 would actually be about Daredevil being Daredevil and doing Daredevil things? Nah man that's already been done.

I like how you all conveniently ignored the Senator's and Karen's pro-gun subplot. I thought this show was great for showing both sides of political arguments and staying generally neutral

Frank Asstle.
There. I said it.

You’re mixing things up

lmfao you literally sound exactly like the "right leaning" character lol. He's not "right-leaning" he's a fucking idiot and a shitty person.

the war drama is literally the backdrop for the entire show. frank's origin still has extreme similarity to the original character. he's still a hunted man trying to blend in, he still has to interact with a family, he's still a good, honest person deep down. "frank would never support torture" well you're right, he didn't. he was gonna beat agent orange to death in that tent. pretty clearly against it.

i think your problem is that you have a deep seated bias, one that makes you only see things that confirm your beliefs.

"anyone defending this show is a shill"
again, sounds literally like fat idiot.

i'm sorry, if you think that this wasn't the next step in frank's story you're a dumbass. in daredevil he can barely tell them who he is and what happened to him. at the end of punisher he is a free man speaking about how not having a war to fight makes him scared. I can say that's a pretty serious emotional progression. He's becoming a fucking human again.

Besides, you had edgelord Russo filling up the space of being a psychopathic killer. Frank was never about being an emotionless killing machine. It's about the war he's fighting inside himself, wanting to punish the people who have done him wrong versus wanting to keep his now frail humanity.

honestly, i really liked that they him being a sissy and a hypocrite. obviously some people who are pro-gun are in it for themselves and have bad intentions, just like almost every other politician (hah).

Ori is definitely not a character for which we are supposed to feel sympathetic

>Frank was never about being an emotionless killing machine
>It's about the war he's fighting inside himself, wanting to punish the people who have done him wrong versus wanting to keep his now frail humanity.
Absolutely incorrect.

The core of Frank has always been that he is a superhero like any other (powers or not) but he simply sees that the justice system does not deal in justice and chooses to go around it. DD Frank captured this, they had the fucking choice in what, episode 4? That perfectly explains who Frank is and what happened to him, and he never wavered in any of it. Punisher is about a tortured ex-marine who blames himself for his family's death in a government conspiracy and whines like a bitch all the time. That isn't wanting to keep his now frail humanity, that's just being a whining bitch. Comic Punisher has always been a very human character, compared to literal super-beings who can gladly help arrest serial killers knowing they'll be free within a week he's the most fucking human person in the entire Marvel universe.

it seems like you have a problem with emotional development

the one without the head rubbing overacting faggot

Spotted the Netflix shill. It’s so painfully obvious too marketing fag. No one is buying your act.

This show was written by people who did my like the source material and wanted to do something about it

Fact: America is the “real bad guy” is a central theme of the show.

Fact: Absolutely no one wanted the Iranian female character. She brings nothing to the show but the writer’s own heavy handed political agenda

Fact: Frank would never support the torture and murder of an innocent man.

Fact: Bernthal’s portrayal of the character is laughable.

You can seriously go fuck yourself shill

1989 Punisher is based and should be included, fuck off if you think otherwise


Completely agree.

And the new show is such fucking garbage that it shouldn’t be included at all

>Fact: America is the “real bad guy” is a central theme of the show.
Not a fact at all. Marani says at one point she was born in the best country in the world
>Fact: Absolutely no one wanted the Iranian female character. She brings nothing to the show but the writer’s own heavy handed political agenda
The fact that she's Iranian is to give her a reason to care about the Iranian cop that was tortured and killed by Cerberus
>Fact: Frank would never support the torture and murder of an innocent man.
He didn't and that's why he was gonna beat Rawlins to death in the tent. He clearly regrets it too when he admits to Marani he's the one who pulled the trigger

Fact: You're autistic as fuck

Honestly that was a depressing moment. Your family thought you were dead for a year, and when you finally return home, your wife is asking where some other, stronger and manlier, guy is.

>not at all

Fuck off you idiot. The torture, murder and then cover to the murder of a “poor innocent Muslim man.”

Seriously shill. You’re a fucking idiot and no one is buying your act


Deal with it. She brought nothing to the plot. No one wanted her. She ruins the show

This is the ultimate proof that she was included just to satisfy political agenda

Get fucked

Ennis is a liberal tho.

The Slavers is literally Frank working with social workers to stop sexual exploitation of women.

the real Franking was in Daredevil s2, for like 4 episodes

Bernthal is good as Castle but the show was just not done right. it needed to be all the action and brutality from DD S2 which is only gets to in like the last 3 episodes (if that). he spends way too much time not killing people and trying to talk. the writing was weak and it just felt rushed overall. no style or substance.

Stevenson is great as the Punisher who has Punished for 20 years already and in terms of sheer unstop-ability. he's a force of nature whereas Bernthal and Jane get beat up regularly and need doctors all the time. if Bernthal had rolled with the punches like he did during DD that would have been awesome.

Dolph Lundgren best Punisher

Why are you so paranoid and angry? The show's not about the tortured cop, it's about the corrupted Cerberus op. Marani is there to be the link between Homeland, Anvil and Frank, that's what she brought to the show. If you had paid attention instead of sperging out whenever a brown human with a vagina showed up on your screen I wouldn't have to explain that