Is it really as bad as reddit makes it out to be?

is it really as bad as reddit makes it out to be?

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No it's actually better than Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Punisher.

>Jessica Jones, Luke Cage

Not a high bar

in the comics iron fist just gets beat up. seriously it was some sort of running gag with a dynamic to comic book fights that got out of hand. the characters that can take the hits do. think back to x-men. does jean ever get squished by a sentinel or omega reds tentacles ? no. rogue gets swatted out of the air and through a water tower and wolverine gets stepped on

iron fist can heal himself though slowly so every time what happens. he gets beat the fuck down and runs off and heals himself a little then comes back and sucker punches the bad guy who in some cases is sabertooth . yea the guy who fought with wolverine a lot seems to have a habit of beating up iron fist


it's the worst of these marvel/netflix shows by a wide margin.

Yes. But it's probably better than Jessica Jones and Luke Cage.
it's even worse

DD isn't great but it's decent, pretty much just watched it bcos Punisher

If I was forced at gunpoint to watch a netflix marvel tv show, I'd pick DD. but that's the highest praise it'll ever get from me

and which ones are the best?

i haven't watched any yet

this is the best scene in the entire show

daredevil is the best clearly.

>literally blessed with divine power to be the best fighter in the world
>gets his ass handed to him constantly
>every episode is a step down from the last one
>spends 50% of screentime on a villain who just gets fucking BTFOed by the REAL villain and nothing even fucking happens through the entire series luke cage did the same thing with cottonmouth
>inconsistent as fuck characterisation of Danny, constantly flipping between angsty emo teenager, serene monk-dude and divine warrior anti-hero

I mean I know the point is that Danny has all these different things going on and he can't decide who he's supposed to be but it really just feels forced. He goes from teaching the masses how to achieve inner peace in one scene to slitting his wrists and listening to death metal in the next.

I think common consensus is that Daredevil S1 is by far the best. A lot of people hate on Jessica Jones but I actually really liked it as more of a noir detective story disguised as capeshit. Luke Cage is decent throughout until the very last couple of eps. Iron Fist and Defenders suffer from the same problem of setting everything up and getting you hyped early on and just petering out into fucking boring nothing towards the end. Punisher is good actionkino but isn't really related to the others.

DD S1 is decent & in S2 you get Punisher which is pre cool

Yes, but Jessica Henwick eases the pain.

watching the Defenders, the only hype moment for me was when daredevil shows up suited up for the first time, the others character's shows simply didn't capture the superhero feel as much

yeah . daredevil and elektra carried that show.

>guy in charge of netflix MCU literally said he hates superhero costumes and didn't want to give them all one which is why danny literally just looks like a hobo and DD doesn't suit up until halfway through defenders
>literally first scene of Punisher is Frank burning his Punisher(tm) shirt
>only agreed to give DD his costume because the plot required him to have a secret identity

I hope he gets fucking replaced, the DD costume is fucking great and I wish we could've had that level of costume design for the others.

if this is the best scene i dont even want to imagine the worst, jackie chan movies from the 90s have waay better production and choreography than this

It’s worth watching for this reason