I wonder what would happen to the cast. They clearly had futures

I wonder what would happen to the cast. They clearly had futures.
would Gus die first, or Wally? would Gwen and Andy be together forever? does Jim ever settle down with a lady? does Posey get a job?
The shows that last and last have no story and reset every episode, but the ones going somewhere seem to get cancelled

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Man, I miss this show.

Such a great show. Watching it as a kid made me hopeful for my future. Watching it now makes me sad. Cake helps.

It showed me that you have to live in the moment, as in, with friends. The only one distracted by the internet was Kevin for a bit, but he still did everything with his pals.

Of course. I more so relate to Andy. I'm 26 and been a huge slacker since college.

The writers had some kind of rule like Andy gets a new job every 9 episodes and a new girlfriend every 13 episodes, I don't remember the exact number.

Most cartoons with the premise of a cast that actually grows up in real time have to drop that premise because it's too complicated. King of the Hill was originally supposed to be like that.



The show had such a great look to it and probably the most comfy show I've ever watched.

I wish we got more episodes.
