Is he , dare I say it, BACK?

Is he , dare I say it, BACK?

Just listened to his podcast for the first time in months. Much to my surprise he was in full feminist bashing mode. Incoming divorce and return to comedy genius confirmed

>feminist bashing

He sounds really fucking pissed lately.

This is what made him a good comic you filthy pleb. Then he married a feminist and became a hack. Keep up with the story mate

So what

i bet you dollars to donuts that nia made bill go to HER family for thanksgiving

shit like that really gets a mick's blood pumpin'

You must be some sort of teenager

>thinks feminism bashing is the peak of comedy
>calls others plebs
You literally cannot be any more obvious. Just start screaming that you're a virgin from the rooftops already.

His best special was that one he shot in black and white, whatever it was called. Wasn't he already married at that point?

I can't wait until he is divorced. We will get the GOAT stand up from his personal Hell

The moment he decided to talk about what's "in" in his latest special, he jumped shark.
It's also important to note the multiple times he's been cucked by Nia's crazy requests and his transparent responses of "Oh that's the wife, what do I tell ya!".
He's done until he's done with Nia- which will never happen.

Yeah, it was pretty shocking, he want on a full half hour rant of how shit women are. Haven't heard that shit from him in years. Bill really is our guy. He gets it

But can it bring back cleo?


Nah, I think he gets it. He gets that she only got rid of his dog because she was on a power trip, he gets that she wants to suck life out of him and he resists. He won't be broken that easy

which date was this podcast?

>I can't have mah daughter here with a dog, billy KILL IT
>sure honey...
>couple of months pass
>billy I got us a dog isn't it a cute little FUCKING PIT BULL
He should've walked away then and there

It's in one of the three or four latest podcasts, don't remember which one. Probably the newest one to be honest

pic of the baby yet?

The latest one.

no he's sane, he doesn't live on social media.

Daily reminder that shills always get the first post on threads they want to drive and alter.

Wut she got another dog?

this didn't happen right? right?

It still won't bring Cleo back it