Did xkcd actually make a sensible chuckle?

Did xkcd actually make a sensible chuckle?

Nope. Just more comics for idiots who think they are smart.

Is there a joke in here?

Nah, he's the kind of guy who'd rather make something smug than something entertaining.

Is this a Subnormality comic?

It's a substandard comic.

I keked at "Can feel pain"

this, and honestly the "IBM buckling spring home button" got a "heh!" out of me.

>projecting this hard
It's not even that clever a joke, if this is what you think is smart/smug then you should go back to middle school

it is funny

"Foldable (once)" is up there for me

This post made me laugh more than the comic.

Okay, that one is admittedly funny. The fact that I didn't really notice it until your post probably speaks volumes about the comic, though.

It seems like it's meant to parody those ads for new phones that list like half a billion features so it kind of makes sense that it looks like it does?

If all the jokes were as good as that one, it might actually work. Unfortunately, they really aren't.

I'm starting to think "smug" just means "right and not afraid to say so"

But I work a NASA, therefore I'm right.

Both of the people in that comic are smug. The bald one is smug because they feel the need to point out atheists and fundamentalists are annoying (presumably unprompted). The hairy one is smug because they're talking down to the bald one.

With smugness, as well as other social interactions, context is key.

You can express your dislike of atheists with and without being smug.

How do you tell someone that you find atheists and christians equally annoying without being smug?

I can't enjoy a comic when I've seen the leaked scatophile pics off fetlife.

What's the joke?

no, you just lowered your standards to fit in with your facebook friends. again.

By not being a passive aggressive sarcastic brat