
Someone give this kid a genetics test I fucking need to know what concoction led to that face, that hair and blue eyes.

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Uh, he's white you shitlord, I mean obviously.

Wow, never heard him speak before. At least his retard voice matches the retard face.

i hope i'm not the only one who thought this video was really adorable.


I'm going to assume Spain would produce the same results because I know nothing about geography.

It's called Stranger Things.
Burnt-out favorite website.

he's basically european muh heritage. soooo euros are just naturally ugly

Why does this kid have the quintessential Le 56 percent face?

Pretty sure he's been incorporated into the actual meme by now.

He's 100% American

My guess would be significant afro/semitic heritage either on the maternal or paternal side

That skin pigmentation sure as hell isn't a regular european one and not even the most hardcore mediterranid specimen exhibit that kind of effed up jewfro hairstyle

Basically 56 mystery meat personified if you ask me

Italians don't look like that at all, though.

He's obviously just got some kind of medical condition.

There is literally nothing wrong with genetically denaturing gentiles for purposes of control, you disgusting anti-Semite.

this video's top comment (600+ likes or whatever) was "GATEN IS SO HOT"
it's been removed it seems

>genetically denaturing gentiles

What does this mean? I'm an brainlet goy



he was born with americranial muttosis

He does have a condition, but it only accounts for about half of his weird face and doesn't affect his hair or eyes.

I thought he was a legit 56%er but it turns out he's just part Italian. Mystery solved.

He's 100% amerilard.

He must know about the meme at this point because he is just making it too easy now.

It's because he's not wearing dentures.

You're making fun of a kid with a birth defect for how he looks. You're making fun of a kid who's such a mess he needs dentures to look normal. Think about that.

We don't make fun of Sophia's brother for being a lobster with no legs.

Not defending the mutts but top left isn't American.

First kid is Polish, but still funny maymay.

>12 year olds in america wear dentures

jesus christ

she was influenced by american values tho

He has some chromosomal disorder. So basically the avg 56% american

The Jews are giving us hybrid vigor as repayment for centuries of acceptance and love.


He probably found out this site loves to bully his retarded face and pays a fortune to see a therapist


She is a typical European baby in the year 2017 then

I wish I could punch amerimutts like you tthrough the TV screen.

>Non-Americans with birth defects spend their childhood as pariahs because they have to go to school with a bunch of missing teeth

>hahaha kid doesn't look generic

the absolute state of soy t-voy

why did he become the poster boy for 56

Harvey Weinstein knocked this mutts teeth out for fast access.

>a birth defect for how he looks
being american is now a birth defect?

Why would they make teenage boys talk about their feelings about each other? This is fucking insane. Any semblance of masculinity has left these non-humans.

he honestly does look interesting it's good for people with genetic conditions to have roles in television and film. maybe you edgy teenagers will develop empathy one day.

America the beautiful.

>t. retard


Fucking hell the 56% meme is actually real

>that is an altright "hottie"

Why does Sup Forums constantly shit on this kid but weirder looking older actors like Walton Goggins, Steve Buscemi, Willem Dafoe etc are considered /ourguys/? Even Adam driver doesn't get shit on as much as this kid

honestly, he looks much worse than all the people you just mentioned. At least they have something to their looks that could be attaractive or just plain, this kid looks like a Sup Forums experiment on creating the average american gone wrong.

He definitely doesn't look worse than Adam driver or buscemi

This retarded kid is what the meme was based on...

Out of all the stills they could have used for the thumbnail they pick the absolute worst one, he looks like a damn turtle.

he absolutely looks worse than them

he really does. Driver has large ears and a weird face, but he still has strong facial features and doesn't look like a tard. Buscemi is just someone we're so used to and I can't say there's much attractive about him, but I do know at least one chick who would bang him so he does has his fans. Plus, like Driver, he doesn't look like a tard.

Maybe the kid will grow out of it, look better when he's in his 20s or so, but right now I don't see how anyone can stand to look at him.

This kid has a ton of fans, including female fans. It's only on this site that people seem to think he's some sort of hideous monster

>It's only on this site that people seem to think he's some sort of hideous monster
I can guarantee you it's only because you're actually allowed to say it here without a million asswipes jumping on you and screeching about how you're bullying a kid and how dare you.

Nah man you're delusional. He looks weird, no one is denying that, but to say you can't see how anyone can stand to look at him is a gross exaggeration. He would never have been cast if he was as ugly as you make him seem.

He's undergoing jaw surgery as of a month ago.

All the kid needs is that, then a nose job and he'll be chad. And he can afford it.

Youll all stay incels

don't you ever fucking dare to bring Sophia into this

The future is Mexican. Deal with it Cleetus!


you guys do realize youre bullying a little kid, right?

What's with the fucking faggot who keeps insisting he'll be a chad lol
He's already older than the other kids and the boy who plays Mike is already towering over him

>being this retarded
>lives in YUROOOP
>makes sense


Can we please just stop picking on Jewish experiments please?

He's going to be wonderful breeding stock for America someday, and you all need to just accept that.

Which one of them will break out of the child actor curse?


he's italian, but suffers from a relative mild case of cleidocranial dysostosis.

Italy was the first interracial breeding ground, they are our future when the former american empire is 2000 years old.

Probably Finn, he's the most interesting one, but Noah (((Schnapp))) is jewish, so they might try to force him into movies for a while

>blacks and whites combined form ayy lmaos

was this the true message of prometheus

is this shopped or are they all deformed?

Finn is a Jew as well

Probably caleb desu. He's going to be the next Tyler James Williams or Donald Glover.

Maybe finn

they all look like normal pleb stock children you elitist eel

He's only a quarter jewish ethnically, they might not count him as one of them

They are all Jewish reptiles

maybe in america


Finn and the girl.

Well Finn is only a tiny part jewish so they don't have the same privilege.
Noah Schnapp's first acting gig was in a fucking Spielberg movie, while Finn was in a music video he found in fucking Craigslist

>this thing pulls more pussy than you

first kid is a polack

None. Most of them will fall into obscurity and drug addiction.

who will...

>do a few shitty movies before their career peters out and they just become "that kid from stanger things"

>go on to have a successful career

>drop off the face of the fucking planet and just become some boring normie who works some boring normie job

>become a drug addict meme that everyone mocks and laughs at until they OD and then everyone pretends they are sad

>continues to work, but has a mediocre career and tries to leech off the success of the one with the successful career

That doesn't fit Muhammad's agenda so just ignore it

He has some sort of bone disorder and his jaw and teeth dont grow.

>Muhammad's agenda

more like Ivans

>Walton Goggins

Fuck you faggot, Walton Goggins is handsome as fuck.

Finn will become a full time musician

I doubt it, playing music don’t make as much money as acting

Stop making fun of him


Explain the nose. It looks 100% negroid

1. noah, he has potential but not enough
2. finn, hell he's already there with stranger things and IT
3. caleb, as much as the sjw's browsing here will loath to admit it the negro doesn't stand a chance with the masses
4. The 56%er. Although It's hard to tell.
5. Millie, holy fuck she's a train wreck already starting to derail. I've seen her type play out many times. In fact, if she doesn't go full lindsey lohan then I'll consider her a success story.

He has a facial deformity


>tv spends its time making fun of disabled actors for looking disabled

But he doesn't look disabled per se. He looks like a typical mix-breed.

>Millie, holy fuck she's a train wreck already starting to derail.
Elaborate, because people keep saying this but I haven't actually seen much of a catastrophe on her part yet

He should have been thrown into a ravine at birth I don't care. He's a mutant and barely human.

Adam Driver and Steve Buscemi unironically look like extras in The Hills Have Eyes.

Actually that's a quintessential britbong now
