Pray this film is not a success...

Pray this film is not a success. They are dipping in the water for the huge untapped latino/mexican audience across our lands. If this is a success you will be seeing new mexitrash every week showing their backward barbaric culture which is a step away from arabs.

At least they have a culture, unlike whites. Back to pol

You do now Hotel Transylvania is on its third movie, right?

It's about a music.
Fucking stupid.
I thought it was going to be something else.

How short do you guys think OP is? He can't be any taller than 5'5", I reckon. Probably prematurely balding too, kek

They have already done films about Arabs you actual retard. Fuck off you your super weak thread. Contribute something to the world or die already.

>all this ass hurt itt
Disney shills are everywhere, user.

>Y-you're a disney shill if you call me out for being a pathetic loser!
Soyboy, please. Hit the weights, take a shower, buy some rogaine, gain some height, and get a clue.

It must really burn you that Disney has already done a lot of (generally) successful movies about various cultures, including Arabs.

>when he calls you a soyboy

Are pixar racist?

How come there's hardly any black characters in their films? Can only think of Frozone.

>If this is a success you will be seeing new mexitrash every week showing their backward barbaric culture which is a step away from arabs.
Your average Trump voter, ladies and gentlemen.

So? if Veggitales makes the christfags a gorillion dollars everytime a tomato self-flagellates itself, why shouldnt the beanera make some money?

>All this butthurt ITT
You all have to go back

youre right, Lion King is about kangz

>if you disagree with me y-you're just butthurt!
>y-you have to go back!
The manlet rage is real. Poor little soyboy.

Be careful OP. Sup Forums is like 80% Mexicans like DannyBoyTBH.

>untapped latino/mexican audience
Do you think they aren't already eating up the same shit as everyone else? They already watch movies you know

Also pretty sure Coco is already the biggest movie in Mexico ever, so too bad bub

they did the market research, it can't fail

Went to Mexico City last summer and it was amazing, will be seeing this in hopes it gives me nostalgia

I hope this is successful so JUSTice League crashes and burns even more

It will my man. It's a pretty fine movie.

It's just a movie. Besides there's huge amount of Latinos in your country, makes sense Disney is pandering them.

>when reddit tries to adopt Sup Forums insults because they cant think of their own

I just want to see it do better than Justice League so I can laugh
>mfw all the news about JL being a bit hit in India
>mfw pesos are worth 3x more than rupees

>being this much of a paranoid racist

ICE is staking out showings. be warned my immigrant freinds

Mexican culture is literally just Catholicism.

does mexico have that yellow washed out tint that movies show?


why does this upset u

what is that like

No? where did that cliche started anyway? if there is something characteristic about Mexico is that it is colorful as fuck.

I teared up to this fucking film

Christ you couldn't make it more obvious you're a Redditor if you tried.

the last 10 minutes just punch you in the gut specially if you have lost someone recently.

my nigga

You're fucked OP
Mexicans love Coco

WRONG. Mexican here. The movie has been on our teathers for over a month now, for obvious cultural reasons.

Let me tell you this. The movie has a subtle anti-emigration plot. One of the characters, dies unexpectedly and leaves his daughter father-orphaned because he wanted to make big bucks in the big city. Now, this is supposed to be internal migration, from a small town to the big city, the USA is not even mentioned once, the movie is setup in like the 50's. The entire trouble of the movie would not have happened if the character didnt migrate. Its maybe subtle but its there. The movie is heavily pro-family, pro-traditions.

Are you not aware that hispanics and latinos already eat up American blockbuster movies like they're the greatest works of art in human history?
Talk to any young hispanic guy and their general opinion on recent movies is basically "Justice League and Avengers are the greatest movies evar" or something along those lines.

mexicans are heavily pro-family and pro-traditions

reminder that this is the OFFICIAL rankings of immigrants/3rd worlders

1. Asian
2. Mexican
3. Arabs
4. Niggers

>the movie is setup in like the 50's
No it wasn't

I live Southern California and just came from a matinee of Thor. Lots of mexicans were buying tickets for Coco but I didn't notice any whites getting tickets for it.

how did (((they))) allow this?

I've seen no marketing for this, I just found out about it because of the pixar rapist articles mentioned it.

>the movie is setup in like the 50's.
No it's not, it's in modern times

i think i'm going to buy two tickets now thanks senor! lol!

Good goyim, watch Coco to spite evil racists like OP! Dance goy dance!
Congratulations on triggering all the Mexicant pygmies ITT. Nice dubs btw.

was Book of Life such a huge success that Pixar had to rip it off???

>day of the dead
As a Mexican who knows almost nothing about his culture, I have zero desire to ever see this movie. Every time it's dio de los muertos. Is there no other culture or identity to Mexico other than "lol people dying is a celebration"?

>netflix bought out veggie tales
>now has nothing to do with the bible
>just boring vegetable shenanigans with a terrible art style
Real shame because veggie tales had some really intricate humor while having interesting stories with good lessons for kids

My mother got addicted to telenovelas. They are some garbage and now I know where sunset beach was getting all their ideas.

So the master race

nice to see another chicanocuck submitting to whit*Toid cock like the good boy he is

What are you trying to say?

Disney isn't stupid they hedge their bets

why do all mexi/latin girls i know look like this? i even know a colombian who looks like this bitch same small nose and chinky eyes wtf is goings on?

Are you only talking about the nose and eyes? I live in Southern California and very few latinas are that pale or have a face that wide unless they're fat.

That's america for you, same goes for tacos and cinco de mayo. These are the things that americans think when they think about mexico, in the case of 5 de mayo that's not even a mexican thing. Mel Gibson did give us Apocalyto which was kino and Road to El Dorado was pretty good too.


Pixar has actually ripped off a lot of stuff.

Shits good and kino stop being a faggot


Soyboy pls get out of Sup Forums lift some weight whining on the internet doesnt work

>As a Mexican

why do you call yourself that when you are clearly an amerigoblin chicano?

Better Mexican culture than Amerishart "culture" (read: consuming mindlessly for 70 years and then dying)

>At least they have a culture
>unlike whites

Lmao, well lib-meme'd. Too bad I aint takin the bait. Back to leftypol.

Just be thankful people are no longer associating your country with Speedy Gonzales

Is this reverse psychology, OP? Because you're making me want to go see it.

>white numale gives it a bad review because of "muh stereotypes"
>every mexican reviewer fucking loves it.

These fucking nerds need to stop getting offended on other peoples behalf.

>all those random-as-fuck colors
>no aesthetic
>all the buildings just slathered in gaudy, lead-based paint


They like Speedy.

>I aint takin the bait

but you just did

Back to shareblue, kike

>he took my bait

Looks like the tables have turned. Now get out.

>Pray this film is not a success. They are dipping in the water for the huge untapped latino/mexican audience across our lands. If this is a success you will be seeing new mexitrash every week showing their backward barbaric culture which is a step away from arabs.
>which is a step away from arabs.

yeah we wouldn't want disney trying that shit

Both are worth 10x more than yuan


Coco is racist and creepy as fuck. No one cares about the "El Dia De Los Muertos" aka Day of the Dead other than Mexicans. Even other types of Hispanics get creeped out when they bring food, and clothing to grave yards and throw parties for dead bodies.

I wish we had more colorful houses desu.

No, I will not support a company who literally made a solid attempt at COPYRIGHTING the name of a holiday ("El Dia De Los Muertos") for this movie

Fuck Disney

>a company who literally made a solid attempt at COPYRIGHTING the name of a holiday for this movie

Don't forget about how Disney succeeded in taking a name (Princess Aurora) that was already in the public domain out of the public domain, just because Mattel was going to make a CGI Barbie princess movie where barbie was going to be named Princess Aurora .

You got it backwards, Mexicans don't care about day of the dead. It's just a holiday for us. White people are the ones that love that shit because aesthetic or some shit idk.

Are you retarded? The yuan is 10x the rupee and ~3x the peso.

How the Jew's have co-opted Disney is absolutely disgusting.

>Ay carumba.

>first Disney Latino movie

very subtle,Disney. I like it

You don’t wake up with a headache every day, your head being so ridiculously full of shit?

>everyone has a cheesy Mexican accent
>random Spanish words thrown in
lol, that shit would not happen if it was set in medieval Sweden or some shit like frozen

>doesn’t mention height in the OP
>doesn’t mention hair in the OP

Holy fuck, somebody call the AV Club because they’re missing a projector.

>doesn’t mention height in the OP
>doesn’t mention hair in the OP

Holy fuck, somebody call the AV Club because they’re missing a projector.

>a fish who doesn't know he's wet

disney isnt run by normal people anymore, its run by the same group of child rapists who run hollywood.

>Drumpf PLEASE do something about these scary Mexicans!!!!

Don't you drumpfkins ever get tired of bitching and moaning?

Disney used to be the one goy studio.
They weren't having any of that.

Don't you shitskins ever get tired of abandoning your countries instead of improving them?

It's okay John
your daughter will be alright sucking my stinky uncircumcised brown cock

Spics are mostly white, retard.

well meme'd

>As a Mexican who knows almost nothing about his culture
>lol people dying is a celebration


It would have improved Frozen.

Nope. We like going to your country to steal your job. Then we earn delicious dollars while living a spartan life. Years pass and we go back to mexico with dem dollars. Then we start a new business and build a two Storey house without even having to ask for a loan because dollars are worth their weight in gold.