>"Open up Sir, we know you've been illegaly downloading movies."
"Open up Sir, we know you've been illegaly downloading movies."
That much SWAT attention for illegally downloading movies? Unrealistic.
They'd call in the military to haul in your ass.
actually theyd just nuke your house
Just push the one in front over and they'd all fall down
The ISP is pressing charges, not the government. There's no police unless you don't feel like showing up to court
Meant for OP. Also I meant to say they're suing, not pressing charges
The SWAT brigade is merely delivering the court summons.
someone post that webm of the guy destroying his cd's in a microwave and putting a magnet on his hard drives
and sauce
Post more good jokes from New Simpsons.
Wow, a joke that's been made a million times already. That's so funny
It's from the Core. Find it yourself.
>Joint Terrorism Task Force
Is that the department where you get to help fund ISIS?
No. Any other moronic questions?
No, that's SAD boys over at the CIA.
Well technically the Israelis fund Isis but since the USA is Israel's bitch then he is technically correct
Why would an ISP call the police on their own customer? Most of them are pretty don't ask don't tell from my experience. Just don't be some kind of mega-seeding dummy
I'm sure the US is capable of doing morally dubious shit on its own accord.
Absolutely. The people of this country need to wakeup to the fact that our leaders profit off of these useless wars.
Funding sunni death squads for the purpose of building a greater Israel is the (((The US))) doing things on its own accord.
The guy in the back sees it coming,just stands there shaking nervously.
>trusting jews
>this is what 12 year olds actually believe
t. Goldstein
>dude the bushes didn't make money by supplying Hitler with oil lmao