39 years later

>39 years later
>several films later
>Superman the Movie is still the only good Superman movie and effortlessly one of the best in its genre
what went wrong?

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What did they do?

They hate Superman, because he stands for things they hate. They like Batman, and they want Superman to be more like Batman.

You mean Zack Snyder hates Superman? People rejected his drab interpretation and asked for the classic version back.

God I miss superhero costumes that actually looked like real life versions of the comic books, not gay plastic shit that looks like it was made out of basketballs.

Superman is the epitome of soyboy

What are you on about? Reeve's Superman is a smooth operator.

Nerds took the superhero genre too seriously and made it grimderp.

It's not a very good movie

I love this movie, and as far as source material of the time goes, it's fantastic, but Mannof Steel is a far better depiction of a more 3-dimensional character. Reeve Superman is glorious escapism and power fantasy, but it doesn't bring much to the table beyond that.

Anyone who says that's all.comics are or all they can ever be needs to read some comics.

Is Reeve's body possible natty?

This was a great sequel just came out way too late so people had nostalgia goggles

I'd think so
Apparently they wanted to pad his suit but he refused so he would have more motivation to bulk up more, and he looks more ripped in the other Superman movies.

but having nostalgia goggles is essential to liking Superman Returns

A lot of people forget that the 70s was fairly cynical decade, comparable to today even, and Superman worked then. It was and still is the perfect juxtaposition. His boy scout nature was out of place at that time and Lois Lane makes fun of him for it. Nevertheless, he sticks to his convictions and ultimately inspires hope. People underestimate how well Reeve pulled off his roles as Clark Kent and Superman. Notice how different the characters are and how seamlessly he switches between them. That's charisma and skill. The first half of the movie is hardly a superhero film. Just fantastic filmmaking period. There is a reason this is still revered as one of the greats of the genre.

I mean that they had nostalgia goggles so think that everything that is 'modern' has to be shit

MoS is superior, plebs.

Cavill > Reeves

Anyone who doesn’t agree has serious nostalgia goggles on.

>pic related

I've never seen the Reeve Superman movies and I've heard the first two were good.

Is Superman II better?

Reeve was much taller than Cavill

that was a terrible fucking movie that made superman out to be a fucking rapist, how can anyone possibly fucking like that terrible fucking movie fuck

>Is Superman II better?

Superman I has better drama
Superman II has better villains

I think they are about the same

State of that fucking hairline

Brandon routh had a better look, cavill was just well directed and had the presence but not the look

nope but it's sort of essential because it gets referenced constantly

>that was a terrible fucking movie that made superman out to be a fucking rapist

slow down champ
he was a peeping tom, not a rapist

Anybody know where I can find a bdrip of the extended 3-hour version? I know that it came out a couple of months ago but the only thing I found was a shitty VHS rip

They put him in the comic accurate suit and played it straight. They had faith in the source material. People are tolerant of the fantastic if the world depicted accepts it. People in the movie reacted to him as Superman, not as some weirdo in funny blue costume. Xmen could have done the same thing.

First movie beats sequels and remakes. What went wrong was that they tried to make movies about the same character, or about different characters but using superman's formula

>had sex with lois and erased her memory
>became a deadbeat dad and left her all alone wondering how the fuck she got pregnant
>not rape

where the hell do you get peeping tom from that?


Because superman is a shitty lazy character than can never be done right in live action, for an indestructible superhero the story should focus on characters and the story, you think DC could make any good story or characters?

arguably, yes.

I don't think it's been released yet m8
It was just announced. And I don't think there was a release date, but probably next year for the 40th anniversary.

why didn't batman make a cameo when he lived literally two miles away?

Superman the Movie is the stronger movie. It has a fine balance between comedy and gravitas. Although it's still a good movie, Superman II doesn't hold itself together as well.

>made out of basketballs
You totally described it

Everything about Routh’s look was inferior, from face to costume, which was legitimately terrible.

you're gay if you like the left

Well, you’re gay if you like the right.

Nah dude thats Kryptonian bath mat. So you don't slip in the shower.

fuck off marlel

Man of Steel is the only good superhero film ever made

kill yourself to death

Zack Snyder loves Superman more than he loves his daughter

Is this the one with Kevin Spacey as Lex

>Mannof Steel is a far better depiction of a more 3-dimensional character.
Stop with this meme

Cavill is a great actor and makes up for the fact he doesn't look like Superman. His receding hairline is hilarious

he has a smaller eye

Man of Steel was good, you're not going to meme that away.

>bland characters with no chemistry and no time for real development
>convoluted and contrived story with too much happening
>action-packed to the point of numbness
Man of Steel is everything wrong with the genre neatly wrapped in a grim, shiny package

>what went wrong?
Your intellectual and emotional development
Even the early 2000s showed us the potential for adult, meaningful dramas utilizing the characters from these comics, but man children like yourself piss and scream any time someone tries to make something that isn’t “muh cartoon” or that has more depth than a puddle in Arizona

Your arrested development robs the rest of us of what could have been

Guess superman is /ourguy/ now

Absolutely based

>hey lois wanna come to my fortress of solitude?
>it's where I keep mah rapin' room

>>bland characters with no chemistry and no time for real development
blame WB for not releasing the 3 hour director's cut that was planned
>>convoluted and contrived story with too much happening
Blame WB or Zack Snyder for making it a single movie instead of dividing the story in 2 parts as it was intended
>action-packed to the point of numbness
action-packed is the best part of the film and how any superman movie should be done
>Man of Steel is everything wrong with the genre neatly wrapped in a grim, shiny package
Your opinion is everything wrong with this genre. You belong on the Lord of The Rings fanbase, not this one.

>nostalgia goggles
>think that everything that is 'modern' has to be shit
Choose one. You obviously don't know what "nostalgia goggles" are.

t. Guy that doesn't know what it means either

>doesn't talk about performance as the character
>relies on a meme
Holy shit, you a really are a faggot.

Its meant in the same way people view rocky with nostalgia goggles so when Creed came out people thought it was gonna be shit even though its a sequel just after a long time

Fuck off nostalgia old faggot. Grow up with the times. Man of steel actually shows the mythos of being superman

You didn't green text your post so (You) just admitted that you don't know what it means. Good job, faggot.

There’s actually some retard ITT saying Man of Steel had “no character development” - despite it being one of the single best examples of that in the entire genre - and crying that the simple First Contact story was too hard for him to follow...

This is why we can’t have nice things, guys

Don’t call it capeshit, it’s the future you chose

>Fuck off nostalgia old faggot
You do realize every week the old superman movies are aired on TV right? I saw Superman 2 for the first time a couple days ago in full HD on MaxPrime (maybe it was FX I forgot)

MoS wasn't that bad. Not great but not bad.

Another shit that doesn't know what "nostalgia goggles" means.

If you want a glimpse at the future of comics films, picture Paul Rudd snickering at a fart joke forever

It was fantastic. The only scene I would change is the STOP MY INVINCIBLE SON and the crucified truck (not because its not MUH SUPERMAN, but because I think he should have gotten back at him differently)

For real tho why did Superman's adoptive father die in mos

Compare the death of Pa Kent in Superman the Movie and Man of Steel. Which is the more mature and grounded of the two:

who and when?

Explain it then you utter fucking faggot

If they did the same thing he would've been accused of copying, how would you kill him off? Apart from a heart attack

because superman really wanted a couple of extra months of anonymity even if it meant letting his dad die

He hated raising a monster and his wife was a bitch. He saw a chance to end his life without Clark interfering and took it.

Mos is a better movie overall. I don’t have anything against the old superman but it’s old. It fit that time. It was the first time people saw supes and that stuck with them. Mos actually goes deep into what it takes to be a superman. We learn about kryptons rich culture and we get to see superman get his ass fucking kicked and see him punch. We need more of this and less of quip fest


ITT underage faggots defend their shitty updated version of Superman.

They don't talk about the portrayal of the character or the performance of the actors. They just spam "nostalgia goggles" and they don't even know what that term means.

Even Zack Snyder admits that the 1978 version is awesome which is why he based his movies on it.

This is fucking awesome. Justice League bombed and DCfags are trashing their own classic movies to feel better. ROFLMAO

Why does Superman even need an alter ego, I'm sure there are crimes and shit going on that he could stop when he's just fucking around as Clark Kent

he wants a normal life, Superman is the mask, just like Bruce Wayne is the mask

You are just anti nostalgia googling faggot

what went wrong is you. these movies are called capeshit, and they are for adolescents and children. you however still haven't grown out of childish things, and so you expect capeshit to entertain you as an adult. that is what went wrong. you need to stimulate your adult mind with intellectual things, not with childish fantasies.

keep posting the only good scene on that movie
that will prove something

Because one is based on 90's superman that Pa' kent died with a hearth atack and the other is based on new 52 Pa kent were superman lost BOTH of his parents in a car crash and became a lonely chad.

>They don't talk about the portrayal of the character or the performance of the actors. They just spam "nostalgia goggles" and they don't even know what that term means.
They confuse intention and ambition with execution. Anything "serious" or grim is automatically mature and therefore superior. Dark color schemes are even better and overpowering music is even better. Since the original movie is colorful and has a sense of humor, from their severely flawed perspectives, it is childish and only for the brainless.

>not appreciating the absolute Kino that is MoS
Look at this pleb

Just because No capeshit managed to surpass superman doesnt man other movies in the series are bad

Superman 2 is a great movie with a terrible ending.
Man of steel is Almost as good as Superman

It's just so over the top and stupid that is borderline self-parody. Seriously. Jonathan's death is easily avoidable. Arguably his actions were nonsensical at best and selfish at worst. Instead of sending the young man to rescue the dog (which he could done without exposing his powers), the slow, elderly man decides to rush out into a frikking tornado to do it himself. More of a suicide than a sacrifice.

Supes remained anonymous until he was 33 and forced to show himself by a world ending threat
That scene takes place when he was a teenager, didn’t know how to fly, didn’t have super speed, didn’t know how the extent of his invulnerability, and had absolutely no experience using his powers - of course his adopted father wouldn’t want him to endanger himself and simultaneously reveal himself as an alien in front of the entire town

This scene makes a great pleb filter because for whatever reason it absolutely snares every brainlet who gets mad about someone adding depth to their cartoons and making characters face tough choices without easy, tidy solutions

Are you pretending real estate Lex and magic deus ex machinas like spinning the world backwards, magic amnesia shoulder rubs, and wall rebuilding vision weren’t peurile and childish? Can you even read this post through your nostalgia goggles?

>local news: boy saves dad from tornado
>"the wind was like, really strong" claims onlooker


besides, it doesn't matter if his dad were willing to die to keep his son "safe, the fact that Clark were willing to comply is what's really fucked

a normal son would go "I'm not letting my dad die if I can help it, fuck the consequences!" and rush to his aid without a second thought

I think it did in October

Hackman's Luthor is far more interesting than that lame excuse for a villain in Dawn of Justice who just so happens to manipulate the government and the heroes. Literally Palpatine-tier writing and more out of place given the "grounded" approach of Snyder's universe. Reversing time is the only major flaw in an otherwise exemplary movie and is the beating drums of detractors grasping at something to bring this movie down. But it works in its universe.

Those other two points are from the inferior sequels that nobody defends. You have no argument.

How, in your mind, do you see the rescue going?

Keep in mind:
>Clark cannot fly
>Clark cannot move at super speed
>There’s no indication that Clark weighs any more than a normal human or would be any way resistant to be whisked away by the high speed winds
>The amount of time that passes between when Jonathan is clearly in danger and Clark is spurred to act and when he’s gone is less than 2 seconds

that's like saying woman has sex, gets into accident and has amnesia. Just because she doesn't remember it, doesn't mean she didn't consented at the time. now shut the fuck you tumblr whale.

Clark would have been in and out had he gone when he initially wanted to.

>39 years later
>donner's superman is the only actually good comic book movie

>but captain america civil war

But that movie is shit compared to Man of Steel

Where the fuck did this idea that Superman had to learn his powers come from? The kryptonian villains got all their powers the minute they landed on earth, why wouldn't this be the same case with Superman?

>Hackman's Luthor is far more interesting
Unsubstantiated opinion
>who just so happens to manipulate the government and the heroes
What do you mean by this? Could you not follow the character’s motivations? Could you not follow his methods
>Literally Palpatine-tier writing and more out of place given the "grounded" approach of Snyder's universe
His writing was excellent (Terrio is rightfully lauded as a master of his craft) and heavily layered with double meanings, hints at the scope of his knowledge and ambitions, clever wordplay, resonant metaphors, and fascinating glimpses into his psychosis. If you prefer Hackman’s blustery wig humor, that’s fine, but don’t pretend Terrio’s rendition isn’t a more intelligently written character
>Reversing time is the only major flaw in an otherwise exemplary movie and is the beating drums of detractors grasping at something to bring this movie down. But it works in its universe
It doesn’t work for the precise reason that you hate the tornado and the neck snap: it’s a contrived deus ex machina that serves SPECIFICALLY to make sure that the character never has to make difficult choices, that everything can be tidily wrapped up without growth, moral compromise, sacrifice, or character-building failures in order to make sure that the simplistic ideals that make up the heart of the film never, ever get challenged. It’s adolescent fluff, and could never be anything more

How? No super speed, no flight, no special resistance to being carried away by tornado-tier winds
You’re projecting the fully developed character from your cartoons on to what’s explicitly shown to be a teenager struggling to even recognize, let alone master, his abilities

You literally can’t even come up with a way Clark could have saved Jonathan, and you somehow miss the point of the character development that the scene exists to deliver

>A physically fit young man, with slight superhuman edge even at that moment, couldn't have saved the dog faster than his overweight, slower, and older father.
Really makes one think