How did the director of Nightcrawler JUST so fucking hard?

>$22 million budget
>830,000 Box office
>Shit to mediocre reviews all round
Was Nightcrawler a fluke?

Nothing about this movie seemed interesting at all.

It's a limited release, you can't judge it based on box office profit when it's only shown at independent theaters.

Movie looks dumb though and no one really cares about Denzel anymore.


Nightcrawler was better marketed than this movie.

> black lawyer
I'm all for suspension of disbelief but come on

this t.b.h.


It opened wide yesterday to $750,000 dollars. This is compared to Nightcrawler that made $3.2 million on it's opening day wide release. JUST

Where da wypipo court at muh gugga?

>make a movie
>release it in america on the day where everyone is forced to not go out and have fun but instead stay at home with their families and stuff their fucking face



This. I didn’t even know this was by the director of nightcrawler until I saw this post

Nightcrawler also had festival hype when premiered at film festivals before wide release

Nightcrawler wasn't particularly impressive in terms of writing or directing, it was just carried by Gyllenhaal's stellar performance.


But nightcrawler sucked too

Nobody wants to pay to see some mouthy nigger. We get that enough for free in 2017 America.

i have seen the trailer twice in theaters and still dont completely understand what it is about or what type of movie it is

One has Jake, the other doesn't

It's probably alright but no one will watch it because HURRR WHERE MY BASED JAKE????

Is Jake really that much of a god tier actor?

Absolutely yes. The minute I see based Jake pop up on the screen, no matter how fucking shit the movie looked beforehand, my mind is already made up about seeing it. The dude is fucking magical.

I think it's some kind of Breaking Bad-style degeneration of character. Watching a guy go off the rails and discover what he's capable of.


changing the title from INNER CITY to literally ISRAEL may have been ill advised

We've already seen Denzel play a lawyer.

It's a good movie if you like legal movies, I think the problem is the title is really awful

It has Israel in the title. No one in Europe really likes Jews and isn't gonna go see a film with that in the title

>Nightcrawler: A man without compunction finds work filming crime and accident scenes for news stations.
That sounds very interesting
>Roman J. Israel, Esq: A lawyer takes over a law firm after his boss dies
Okay, and?

>Denzel Washington stars as Roman Israel, a driven, idealistic defense attorney who, through a tumultuous series of events, finds himself in a crisis that leads to extreme action.

Doesn't sound that different conceptually from Nightcrawler

Watched the trailers, saw commercials, don't remember what it's about and I don't really care
Didn't look interesting

he's black


>and stuff their fucking face
isn't it what fun is in america?

I saw the trailer last month in the theater and it looked like a "serious, character-driven movie," i.e. bad feels all over. No-one is going to pay to see that sort of thing unless they have hipster friends to impress. If it's a success with the critics, it won't hurt his career.

Nightcrawler is about sociopathic WHITE loner.
This movie is not only about a black guy, it's a legal drama. That's why it's a "fluke", white boys can't self-itself as yet another badass white guy.

Any award bait movie without oscar buzz inevitably bombs

wow another movie about a nigger I don't care about, Can't imagine why it failed.

Has anyone here seen it, though? Is it any good?

Nah, I like Denzel and don't mind blacks in movies. This one just looked like a movie with famous people, ultimately about nothing. Like there was nothing in the trailer that was enticing or interesting at all.

Nightcrawler was a lightning in the bottle.


Wait, Roman J. Israel isn't a real dude? Why the fuck would you title the movie that? It makes the film sound like a pretentious biopic for a civil rights activist nobody cares about.

One hit wonders. Neil Blompfcamp is another

The title of a movie is more important than Sup Forums would ever admit. And the title puts people off.