>Petition for JL directors cuts reaches 100,000
What is your fave Snyder film?
>Petition for JL directors cuts reaches 100,000
What is your fave Snyder film?
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What's next for Zack? He's done with Warner Brothers, but it would be shame to not use his talent.
Batman V Superman, naturally. The most kino kino of all time.
watchmen, his only good film
his board was, is and will be Pro-Snyder.
For some reason Zack Snyder, the greatest director of the 21st century is under massive attack from the entire movie community. Seriously guys, Trump presidential run is nothing in comparison to the hell Snyder went through. His every movie is under fire from the critics long before it even releases. And when it finally do and turns out to be a masterpiece they still shit on it for no apparent reason. And to top it all off, Disney literally assasinated his daughter and planted its own man to sabotage the DCEU. It's the most vicious move in the history of mankind, an idea born only from hatred to a man who wants nothing, but create masterpieces loved by intelligent and sensitive people around the globe. But what about the rest of the people who cannot grasp the perfection that is Zack Snyder's work? Well...
People fear what they cannot understand.
The videogame Dark Souls for PC port
It's about sending a message.
Snyder's Superman is rejected by nu-males because he's human. They want a robot smiling inapproprietaly and quipping about dying. They want him completely removed from human connection. They want a type of heroism that only a robot could be. They hate seeing Superman man-like because they have to come to terms with the fact that you can be a hero without being an alien. Snyder brings us the most optimistic message possible and it is rejected by sheltered manchildren. Why? Because it makes them feel like losers. Their way of quantifying heroism - forced smiles and inappropriate quips is the mark of a child screaming to be comforted before sleep
to send a message that zack is will not be cowed by WB and that cuck whedon
Petition to remove Wonder Woman as UN ambassador was successful with less than 45k signatures
>That delusional reaching
>that "if arent hope less grimdark its marvel quipshit" childish mentality
You Zackfags really dont care about Superman arent you?
MoS and BvS were pretty great and probably the only genuinely good serious capeshit films. Don't really like his other movies that much though.
Trips for truth.
Zackfags are retarded frogs confirmed
all of them were Disney employees
literally crying over the OP image. i'm so happy to serve with you, my brothers.
Just how butthurt was Disney?
I want him to make a "home movie" featuring him digging up his daughter's grave, holding her decomposing corpse while weeping and shooting himself through the back of the head with a .45. Atonement, so to speak, for more than a decade of giving the world nothing but hot garbage. It would be the best "found footage" film, ever.
I'd pay to watch it.
>People hate what they don't understand. Be their hero, Zack. Be their angel, be their monument, be anything they need you to be. Or be none of it. You don't owe this world a thing. You never did
Why are Marvel Pajeets so cringe with their edge?
most of them are underage
Fuck you Snyderfags are disgusting
I fucking love his Dawn of the Dead film.
His only good film.
Sucker Punch
ESL detected
Sucker punch is his only completely original movie and it's also his worst. Coincidence?
alright now we're getting into tall-tales
As much as I like Snyder that's his worst film imo
And this is arguably his best film despite being a remake. Either that or Watchmen
zack snyder is the orson welles of this decade, and Bvs is his citizen kane
>snyderfags literally LITERALLY think a Snyder's director cut would be any better than what we got
this is really sad.
>autism : the post
>current cut has skips and jumps all over the place, makes very little sense, motives have no depth. a majority of trailer scenes and lines are not even in the movie
>why anyone would want a complete film
The movie was shit lol
Nothing can be done to fix it lol
You can't do nothing about it lol
Look everyone, he's trying to communicate.
Sucker Punch is genuinely misunderstood. It's also very meta in that the people who misunderstand it are the people it's ridiculing.
At least use grammarly or something patel
Yeah but that is fucking ridiculous. Some bimbo actress is entitled to UN ambassador because she acted as a superhero in a movie?
That petition is completely futile.
Even if the footage exists for a complete Snyder cut of Justice League, it would include tons of unfinished or missing visual effects work, and there's no way WB is pumping millions more into a movie that they're probably already losing money on.
“Was that racist, or did it just seem racist?” That was the basic idea of the conversation that my friends and I had as we left the movie theater in the spring of 2007. We had just borne witness to 300, Zack Snyder’s gruesome orgy of CGI blood-spurts and thunderous group-grunts. The movie had been a sensory experience, every frame made to look like a Frank Frazetta painting or a funeral doom album cover. And we were buzzing from it, having fun recounting all the oh-shit decapitations and inexplicable mutant attackers and portentous catchphrases. But as soon as the buzz wore off—and it wore off pretty quickly—we had to ask ourselves if this was all supposed to be some sort of sly Starship Troopers-esque comment on totalitarianism or whether it really was as fucked up as it appeared. And it probably was that fucked up.
Watchmen the movie, is only good because of the source material.