>Extremely crippled, described suit as a living coffin >Lived as a pawn of Emperor Palpatine >No living relatives that didn’t hate him >Felt urge to occupy himself constantly because he didn’t want to remember his past life and how badly he fucked up >Spent most of his time in his meditation chamber because that’s the only place he could live without his helmet which he hated >Had a massive palace, and was virtually infinitely rich, but it was almost completely empty, and only had things he needed to survive and his meditation chamber >Couldn’t express his emotions at all, not to anyone
Darth Vader is, undeniably, one of the most tragic, yet interesting characters in cinematic history. I wish he hadn’t been killed off and replaced by dumb nigga Kylo Ren even if it had to happen
Luis Scott
Everybody felt this way until the prequel trilogy completely ruined him and made him an emo bitch boy
Bentley King
Is the guy on the right supposed to be Mace Dindu?
Jaxon Bailey
That’s what makes it so sad. The only person Vader has to blame for all of the mistakes in his life is himself. Anakin was an idiot, and that’s why Vader hated him
Nolan Taylor
Possibly, I didn’t make this art
Colton Carter
It's absolutely supposed to be Mace. He's being haunted by all the people he's killed here.
Lucas Richardson
Technically Palpatine killed mace, but yeah I’d assume so.