ITT actors that should have been bigger

ITT actors that should have been bigger

Alicia Witt

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she's so sexy and allegedly very smart!

>Actresses who didn't bow down to the Kikes

reminds me of asia carrera

Said to be a musical prodigy

She’s on hallmark channel right now

Danny Devito should have been much bigger.

more like alicia titt

at least one still has a career

she looks pretty big in that picture to me ;) if you catch my drift ;)

Is it true she posts on /x/?

whats going on with her hand?


She dated Ben Folds from 2012-14, then they got back together this year

Neal deserves better than the schlock he gets out in.

doing what???

She picks the good roles.

She is smart as shit from what Hollywood tells me.

Romantic lead in a very meta movie about aspiring romance writers staying at the Mistletoe inn


He was the best villain on Justified. Watching the slow process of him go from seeming like a suave cool criminal mastermind to a fuckin loony when everything starts to fall apart for him was great.

he gets stuck in villain roles, notatable exception being band of brothers



That's a really ugly man.

Is that the one where she plays the autistic who falls in love with the fireman?

whats with her hand

unironically this

great in that flood place show with the food and the music

that sounds really sexy

She was great fap material on Cybill, but then so was Cybill.

Fred Willard

Just got done washing dishes.

>Picks good projects.
>Acts the shit out of anything he's in.
>Quite famous but deserves Gosling level of recognition.
Dude so good he's the one on the poster for a film with Christian Bale and Russel Crowe for fucks sake.

hes a scientologist and no one wants to work with them



Thought these two were more talented than the person to actually hit it big from their show (Shia and Raven respectively).

Kel was the better performer between him and Kenan.

He has had some really good roles. Fucking loved him since Angels in the Outfield was my favorite movie as a kid.


If we’re talking the same show, Sheryl Lee.

She was so fucking amazing in FWWM, dunno how she didn’t get huge after that.

>So am I

>are you smoking oxycontin in my motorcoach?

Is she the fucking D girl?


shit tier medivh

oh for the love of god do not post dakota blue richards
no fap november is almost over
please delete this post

i dont think jenkins has any regrets his career is solid

She was such a cutie pie

His face pisses me off so much. The constant overacting in everything he's in doesn't help.

Legit mad that he doesn't have Zac Efron's career right now

She still is

>gives you a handjob
>doesnt wash the cum from her hands
best girl tbqh

He had the Cadillac commercial. He's already got a legacy.


She's just too patrician for the masses.


>Shes a red head in that netflix show


oh absolutely, i agree. i just wish he maybe had more recognition or bigger roles. i think a lot of people think of him as "that one guy"

Kenan was the straight man in their routine and sucked Lorne Michaels' cock.

I know he's been getting supporting roles in Hollywood, but he played one of the greatest TV characters ever on the greatest broadcast TV series ever, and Bloodline S1 was fantastic. His name isn't household, though.

Shit taste.

not fucking fair because she is my number 1 celeb waifu and is actually a pretty decent actress, better than and hotter than jlaw scarjew and amy addams

also that guy from john carter deserved more roles than he got


She's a good actor by female standards, with an amazing body of work.

you're legit retarded because he can't act and has no character as a person.

he's a tool, fag.

the bathroom scene in warrior is one of my fave scenes in movies for the last 10 years

It's kind of lame

i see why you would like her and i'm not a fan of any of those other actresses you mentioned and i still think they all easily out act and out heat her.

like if scarjo featured in house or command and conquer she'd steal the scene without even trying

i like ben foster fine but that's just bad marketing

Tom Hardy - he's kinda small for a big guy.

She aged terribly.

most people age badly
time comes for us all
im 27
in 13 years i'll be 40
what did you do this year

he's a midget with one of the best filmographies of all time. Even most of the films he directed were kino, he produced some of the best films made, and he's been on 2 hit tv shows. and he's been an actor for over 40 years.

He literally out lasted and out acted Jack Nickeson and Micheal Douglas. two of the best actors of that same generation.

how much bigger could Devito really get? it's like saying Paul Macartney should be bigger.

plus Devito has enough fuck you money and a good enough eye for scripts that he won't be in shit like De Niro has and fuck up his reputation.

Big, ole British biscuits

jerk off!



Terminal case of resting bitch face, and her natural hair a shit



Ohhhh mamma I had no idea she posted nude.






This is literally pornography


Fairuza Balk is one of the all-time unsung film hotties.

Just imagine those eyes looking up at you while she sucked you off. You'd have an erection of steel, with a little voice in the back of your mind telling you she might still bite it off.

I miss her.




Her face looks too much like my sister's, I just can't see it as attractive. I'll take burnfu Neve Campbell any day, she probably still smells like bacon

You do realize she's Jewish right


Winner. Looks like that and yet I just learned of her existence.

hes so hot
