>Saturday morning
>wake up early
>Mom and dad still asleep
>the tv is all yours
What did you put on?
Saturday morning
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As you child you woke up before your parents? I'm guessing you grew up poor and breast fed on grade A soy milk?
>sleeping in on the weekend as a kid
Friendless loser detected lmao
t. virgin loser shut in detected
>wake up too early for Reboot and sonic...
I would put on CITV for toonattic so I could watch American cartoons, since I only had freeview tv.
Toonattic was shit and I hated every cartoon on there except avatar
What kind of loser didn't wake up at 7 am on saturday mornings?
The kind of loser that had no friends to talk about all the awesome shows with on monday. Saturday was a complete waste after about 11 when they started showing bullshit like bozo the clown that nobody wanted to watch
My step brother always insisted on watching this garbage.
>After these messages... We'll be right back!
One Saturday Morning
How was the Reboot reboot?
If by saturday morning you mean 2 am then I was watching the girls gone wild commercials on comedy central because it made my peepee feel funny
good memories.
Let me guess, you were a loser with no friends that got bullied
>commercial break
>you get the cowboy bumper
every morning before swimming lessons
>Dick and Dom are hung low
seriously ?
Not sure you guys remember splash pages for cartoons (usually in comic books), but this image is pulled directly from my childhood and I watched every cartoon here.
Also, this kino...
My parents wouldn't let me watch Power Rangers because I liked to imitate the show and I kicked the furniture around. So, Power Rangers.
This is the most embarrassing post I have ever seen. Didn't you have friends?
LMAO this dude. have you ever had any friends?
I would watch Saturday Disney
>Kim Possible
>Dave the Barbarian
>Brandy & Mr. Whiskers
>Emperors New School
>Lilo and Stitch
>Proud Family
was always comfy until they started playing more live action shows
The transformers cartoons were okay
Put me in the Reddit screencap.