>most powerful jedi despite minimal training
who would have known it? maybe we should let women be presidents and stuff
Most powerful jedi despite minimal training
Other urls found in this thread:
Based Portman explains that woman shouldn't be like men in movies because men and woman ARE different
>men and woman ARE different
what ground breaking information
women are BETTER than men otherwise rey wouldn't be the STRONGEST jedi
>women are BETTER than men
>Once turned on they cannot turn off being horny unless a big dick thrusts inside them and they get satisfied
>Most do not look attractive with slight weight gain so they have to keep watching their diet
>Are not emotionally strong
>They experience pain a lot easier
>Sometime in their brain causes them to constantly like to argue with others and cause problems to make them feel better about themselves
>Groin cramps and periods
How is being a woman better?
all they had to do is make her a natural force user who didnt know what the force was (and was a outcast because of it) but was able to use it as a plaything/defense since she was a kid
this is how she can "beat up" a group of thugs not with kungfu skills but with "the force"
this is how she can beat kylo because he never had to battle another force user
>Most do not look attractive with slight weight gain so they have to keep watching their diet
Explain thiccmommies.
Maybe not since the only way they can seem competent is when they're portrayed as Mary Sues in a movie about space wizards
Have you ever considered that maybe it's Kylo Ren who sucks balls?
Even Finn did well against him despite losing like a bitch to TR-8R.
>Rey being natural force user
>being abandoned and forced to fand for herself from about age 5
>basically living as a slave
you're telling me there wasn't a simple occasion during those years full of hardship that promted her to use her magical powers?
>natural force abilities don't manifest until she gets captured by Kylo
>not even when she was raped by Unkar Plutt for food rations back on Jakku?
Are we being serious here?
This shit is so gay.
Also, remember, Kylo was injured from being shot by Chewbacca just before that fight.
Tr-8r is a nickname given to the storm trooper who shouts traitor
I would have had no qualms with her abilities if her character were the rough and tough "solo" of the group that was one of Luke's few surviving protégés. Instead they spend the whole movie making her look like an innocent little street rat who is as dense as a boulder, just to have her magically have crazy powers and beat the bad guy. It's an infuriatingly dumb level of writing that I have come to expect from blunt feminism. It's as if when writers shove feminism into their shit they just cease thinking altogether.
you have shit taste
Then that makes Luke an even bigger bitch for running away
what is the excuse for him losing in a force using battle then?
kylo ren and the first order plainly sucks search your feelings, you know it to be true.
from the wookipedia: (The first order) "was led by an unofficial triumvirate of General Armitage Hux, Kylo Ren and Captain Phasma"
>Kylo is a pathetic faget who can't duel or use the force for shit
>Phasma is a spineless weak-minded coward
>Hux might be good
two of the most powerful leaders are losers
the first order is so scary, i wonder if the heroes can ever muster up enough strength to beat them the joke is, they already did
>Then that makes Luke an even bigger bitch for running away
If Kylo is so weak and poorly trained then why didn't Luke just kick his ass?
Because kicking his ass would lead him to the dark side.
Luke was always on the verge of turning, he can't just go around getting into angry fights with family members, and he knows it.
>you're telling me there wasn't a simple occasion during those years full of hardship that promted her to use her magical powers?
well it was never shown in the movies so i don't fucking know
the writers are hacks, they write the story without ever thinking how believable the concept is, how will it fit the already existing world.
ask the peple who wrote it why did they make it retarded, i can't come up with answers for their carelessness
Shes a backwater scavenger. Shes naive, acrobatic, and skilled at melee combat due to the environment she grew up in. This makes logical sense. She is force sensitive. Kylo was very injured during their fight, having literally just been shot. She still barely managed to "win".
Why is everyone acting like this character is OP, she doesnt seem OP to me.
>A captain on the same level of authority as a fucking general.
Who writes this shit?
It is for faggots born in the 90s
Kylo is his nephew, you autistic faggot. I know it must seem shocking, but normal people value their family.
You mean to tell me that 30 years after his confrontation with his father and Palpatine, in which he decided he would rather die painfully than ever turn to the dark side, Luke has still not grown enough to be able to discipline one of his students without falling to the dark side, so instead he just runs away and lets the Galaxy fall into chaos?
That is a terrible way to write Luke.
So if your nephew became a mass murderer you'd just run away to an island so he can go on murdering people unchecked, even though it's entirely your fault and responsibility?
Ridiculous right? But this is what we've come to.
exactly everybody. star wars has been destoryed with this lazy naruto shit tier fanfic jj writing
Im pretty sure being shot with a fucking bowcaster is enough to throw anyone off their force dueling game.
Kylo is also young, inexperienced, undisciplined, and conflicted with being drawn to the light side.
Kylo will redeem himself, and be the first character is Star Wars history to rejoin the light, after succumbing to the dark side. Excluding Vaders final redeeming moments. That is just my personal prediction.
It's the other way around. After the events of episode VI Luke learned a valuable lesson that fundamentally changed his character. Getting into a fight with Kylo and killing him is going backwards on that development.
A true Jedi master should be able to know when a person is too far gone into the dark side for his influence to redeem him, and should be wise enough to let go of his attachment to him at that point.
this is a typical anime setting tbqh
A horrifying reminder:
Children born in 2001 are now 16 years old, and more than likely posting here.
I'm not going to get into a philosophical debate on Sup Forums. With family it isn't always black and white, and any well-adjusted person can see that.
>Most do not look attractive with slight weight gain so they have to keep watching their diet
While we're being honest, most men look like shit as well.
A fat partner has no right to respect a /fit/ body from their partner.
THICC is a disgusting meme for either sex.
it's not just about that. apparantly the galaxy is getting planets destroyed and shit. and if there was anything to be learned from episode vi like you say, there is nothing that has developed. leia would have been a jedi in lucas' star wars. luke would have restored the jedi order. han would not be a smugger still. stop trying to justify your fake star wars made up on the go by slopper writers plz
>in lucas star wars
>leia would have been a jedi
>luke would have restored the jedi order
>han would not still be a smuggler
This hurts, too much, please stop.
>Shes a backwater scavenger
So how did she manage to fix the Millennium Falcon, a highly specialized and custom piece of machinery, faster than the people who have been flying it for decades?
How did she then manage to operate said craft better than the elite trained pilots sent to get her?
She was a scavenger, not a martial arts student. Her environment gives her some technical know how and a lot of survival skills, granted. But it doesn't afford her any combat prowess. Yet she's a one-man army, that effortlessly outdoes everyone around her. To the point where even Finn's hero arc is hampered, because she's so fucking powerful she's not even allowed to be rescued by the sidekick.
>Shes naive
Not enough. Luke was naive, headstrong, and got himself into trouble. Rey is often the most levelheaded in any scenario and fully able to deal with her surroundings.
I'm aware of that, but Vader was Luke's father and he still overcame his doubt, insecurity, and fear and confronted him to bring him back to the light. Because he cared about him.
If he really cared about Kylo, he would have at least tried. But he didn't. He just fucked off into exile. That completely contradicts Luke's character.
>it's not just about that. apparantly the galaxy is getting planets destroyed and shit
That starts in episode VII, and would have happened with or without Kylo.
>leia would have been a jedi in lucas' star wars. luke would have restored the jedi order. han would not be a smugger still
Citation needed.
Also, fuck that perfect fairytale happy ending, Star Wars is about balancing the scales, not muh good guys getting a one sided win and everyone lives happily ever after.
I'm not saying he has to kill him. Luke should be skilled enough to stop Kylo without killing him.
>Star Wars is about balancing the scales
The whole light side dark side thing makes it seem like one is clearly the better choice.
The 'morally grey' shit only seems to come later. Even Luke's decision to disobey Yoda and attack Darth Vader out of anger isn't 'good'. It just had a positive result.
What does stopping him accomplish? it's not such a big loss for the empire. There's still Snoke and that Hitler guy and many others.
The only reason to fight Kylo should be trying to redeem him and making him go back to the light, and apparently Luke has realized he can't convince him. That's where Rey comes in.
>The whole light side dark side thing makes it seem like one is clearly the better choice
It does? which one is crearly better? because I honestly can't tell.
>What does stopping him accomplish?
Aside from removing a prominent member of the FO who answers directly to Snoke and may have vital intel?
Why do you think she has that staff in the beginning?
It implies she has been fighting her whole life.
She is naturally force sensitive, and clearly had a much harsher upbringing than Luke.
She is level headed because she grew up fighting and scavenging.
Maybe in scrapping spacecraft her whole life she learned a thing or two about repairing them. I dont know, how come Chewbacca can deftly operate any vehicle in the galaxy?
>What does stopping him accomplish?
Well for one Han would still be alive. Snoke would be out an apprentice. Luke should have at least tried.
>Luke has realized he can't convince him. That's where Rey comes in.
And Rey is more qualified to convince Kylo why? She doesn't even know him.
im an antisemite because natalie portman isnt my gf
>Light side
>hermits perfecting their craft and living alone
>Dark side
>maniacs trying to conquer the galaxy who are physically deformed by how monstrous their powers are
I don't see where there is even room for a compromise
>most powerful jedi
is this made up bullshit or confirmed from the leaks?
Dooku did a pretty good job avoiding becoming deformed, though he's about the least "evil" Sith there's ever been.
Has there ever been a character who just followed the will of the force? The sith used it to gain power while the jedi used it to secure peace. In both cases the users were manipulating the force for their own idealistic ends. Qui-gon was would act in the interest of the force at times, even if it meant going against the jedi order. I wish his character character would have gotten more development, even if only as a force ghost.
i miss playing my bounty hunter in that shitty kotor mmorpg
it was fun to dunk on jedi shitters in pvp
>Has there ever been a character who just followed the will of the force?
Yeah you nailed it, pretty much Qui-gon. Council didn't like him for that very reason, since the will of the force sometimes contradicts what the Jedi want. Remember he was literally the ONLY one who wanted Anakin trained, and the first to figure out the ghost trick.
it's made-up bullshit
Wasnt having Anakin trained, like, the worst decision ever though? Qui-gon basically got them all killed. Am I missing something?
>Why do you think she has that staff in the beginning?
It's a staff, not a fucking plasma rifle. Its primary use is to help with walking, not combat. That's why walking staves have the word walking in their name.
>She is naturally force sensitive
So what? Lots of people are. Her actions don't indicate "force sensitivity", they indicate that she's a one-in-a-generation level savant. Kylo is pretty powerful himself and she's able to outdo him without any training, almost immediately? Come on.
>She is level headed because she grew up fighting and scavenging
Which means she isn't naive. Her entire character is built around being alone on this planet, scavenging to survive. She's never seen giant space ships like she encounters in TFA. She's meant to be surprised or overwhelmed by these new situations, but she's not. It's frustrating, because that would at least give her some desperately needed depth.
>Maybe in scrapping spacecraft her whole life she learned a thing or two about repairing them.
Right. A thing or two. As in, "Hey Han, I can try to take a look at the ship, but don't expect any miracles".
Not as in, "Hey fucko, I did a better job than you ever did and this is my first time here".
It was the only way to ultimately destroy the Sith. I know it's stupid, but word of God from Lucas says Anakin becoming Vader and destroying himself and the Empire was the will of the force.
It sucked for the Jedi in the short term but long-term it was how things were meant to happen.
Of course, not 30 years later the force is out of balance again so whole lot of good that did.
The women that made this movie dont even know who nomi sunrider or bastila shan were
Does anyone know if that Marvel Darth Vader comic series is any good?
>who nomi sunrider or bastila shan
And who the fuck are these two?
It's decent if you want to see Vader's early years in the suit hunting down the remaining Jedi and dealing with Sheev. The art leaves something to be desired though, like all of the current comics.
>Has there ever been a character who just followed the will of the force?
If you only look at the OT, yes.
The Jedi in that were all about understanding the force through a lifetime of meditation and isolation.
>she's a backwater scavenger
>she's naive acrobatic and skilled in melee combat
So the local homeless guy is skilled in melee combat? Since when does scavenging makes you an MMA fighter? It makes as much sense as me being rich as Bill Gates because I'm a software engineer.
Furthermore evidently she knew all possible languages and knew the MIllennium Falcon even better than its owner, Han Solo. And also for some reason she is better than the elite trained pilots from the empire. But I guess scavenging also explain how she can fly spaceships n shiet. And scavenging explains how she can handle a lightsaber - a tool that I believe was said to be a whole other ball game from a normal weapon, partly because it's weightless.
Oh did I mention that she also managed to overpower Kylo himself with her force powers, a person that has Skywalker blood in him (so you can't say 'but she is a Skywalker' because even if she is, Kylo is also) and a person that has trained practically his whole life to be a jedi/sith. And also evidently has faced combat numerous times before and is quite adept at using his force powers given the opening scene.
>Kylo was very injured in their fight
Oh yeah, Kylo was so injured that he actively chased and catched up to them, proceeded to toy with Finn with no visible pain from the wound apart from him hitting himself on purpose and then proceeded to toy with her until she closed her eyes and somehow became a jedi master easily outdueling Kylo and easily overpowering him with her force powers.
All of this is explained because she is a scavenger in the minds of some people... and probably Jew Jew Abrams.
I never felt like movie Luke was anything special. Sure, he could take on Vader, but at that point (again, only movies being the source here, mind you) Vader was a walking hospital bed who could barely move without tripping over himself. I'm unironically expecting Luke to be confirmed not that awesome in the upcoming parts.
Luke wasn't even that good of a Jedi in his own movies anyway.
Sure he could beat Vader, but he never managed to actually understand what being a Jedi meant. He never got the philosophy down or the inner-peacefulness.
A small profit for such a great risk.
Risking the best Jedi in the world and the guy who can rebuild their order just to kill a non-vital member of the FO? No one in his right mind would even consider it.
>Well for one Han would still be alive
Oh, I didn't know Luke could see the future.
>And Rey is more qualified to convince Kylo why?
For starters, Kylo doesn't hold a grudge against her like he does for Luke, that alone gives her better chances. Rey is also a mirror for him, she's a living example of what he could be if he were to choose the light, and she has seen the depths of his mind as he has done with her.
In other words, empathy and connection is possible between those two, Luke on the other hand can't reach Kylo anymore.
Even if Luke is nothing special, you'd think he could beat his own apprentice who he taught everything he knows.
>he never managed to actually understand what being a Jedi meant
He did though, at the very last moment of his fight against Vader. That's why he spared him even though that would have meant his demise.
>Risking the best Jedi in the world and the guy who can rebuild their order just to kill a non-vital member of the FO?
But Luke has made no attempt to rebuild the Jedi Order after Kylo turned. He fucked off to an island. His X-wing is underwater, implying he never intended to leave.
>Oh, I didn't know Luke could see the future.
He can't, but that doesn't change the fact that Han would still be alive. And since he can't see the future, your other argument that Rey should be the one to reform him doesn't make any sense either, because Luke had no way of knowing Rey would ever appear again.
Everything we know adds up to this
>Kylo went dark
>Luke felt bad and didn't even try to stop him or bring him back to the light
>Luke ran away and gave up, assuming nothing would ever fix the problem
Only if he has the high ground.
>Perfect girls don't exi-
The staff is clearly to defend herself, if you want to pretend its a walking stick go ahead. The main point is she has the benefit of a rough upbringing, so she can handle herself in a brawl.
Being force sensitive is basically the same thing as being a savant. She has naturally enhanced reflexes, same as how kid anakin was winning podraces despite not having any force training.
Kylo was shot just before that fight, he was badly injured, she still barely managed to "win."
She made some tweaks to the Falcon. Han is a smuggler, not a mechanic, big deal.
Kylo is younger, may or may not have more "raw power", and then there's the whole "dark side is an easier way to power" aspect.
>who can rebuild their order
Who's order? The Jedi are all but extinct and Luke is a force unto himself. He's not a vital member of the New Republic like Leia is.
Your stance comes from this idea that Luke has some allegiance to the Resistance, like he could be assigned to other more important missions. But I think it's more that removing Kylo is a benefit for them as well as Luke. Ultimately, he's going to go back to his hermit life, why not use him to turn a powerful enemy into an ally?
I'm of the belief that Kylo and Luke never actually fought. The massacre of the new jedi probably occurred while Luke was away.
you mean like all of disney?
>Without training
This is women's dream: power and respect without having to earn it
>For starters, Kylo doesn't hold a grudge against her like he does for Luke, that alone gives her better chances. Rey is also a mirror for him, she's a living example of what he could be if he were to choose the light, and she has seen the depths of his mind as he has done with her.
None of that makes sense because Kylo has no reason to hold a grudge against Luke considering that Han was the one who was absent from Kylo's life. Not to mention that Kylo has zero reason of being part of the dark side. He has no desires, no motivation for anything, he wants to be dark because of what? Because it's cool?
Anakin, for all of Lucas' faults, at least had some motivation of wanting to join the dark side. He wanted to save Padme, he felt betrayed by the Jedi Order (and which good reason, they were keeping him down because they were paranoid), he found a friend in Palpatine who he could confide in. It's not the best reasons, but they are something at least. With Kylo you have zero motivation for wanting to join the dark side.
That desire isn't exactly restricted to women.
I think she's pretty and is probably a nice girl.
Fair enough.
Anakins bloodline could still set the force to balance yet.
Or maybe the flux and wane of light and dark is the natural balance.
>Luke has made no attempt to rebuild the Jedi Order after Kylo turned
Because after that he realized rebuilding the Jedi order would inevitably cause a resurgence of the dark side.
>your other argument that Rey should be the one to reform him doesn't make any sense
I'm not saying he didn't stop Kylo because he knew Rey was going to appear, he didn't stop Kylo because he couldn't turn him. But now that Rey has found him it's another story.
Yeah, like Disney's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, where everyone from the main cast lives happily ever after.
Rey can turn Kylo because he wants to fuck her, basically.
Why have a staff instead of a gun, by far the more practical weapon?
Just because she endured hardships, doesn't make her an elite level soldier. That's the problem. Characters across the Star Wars universe have struggled and had their own crises. They didn't develop in the way she did.
>same as how kid anakin
Kid Anakin WAS a god-tier level savant. The kind that comes along once in a generation. That's why people call her bullshit, because it's like the writing in an anime.
Look, if you're going to downplay literally every accomplishment of hers, and write off her obvious progression flaws with something as simple as her upbringing, then this is pointless. You're blinding yourself to why there was such a massive outcry about her character. She does well at everything she does. She impresses everyone she meets. She's never lost, scared, or in a situation that she can't resolve on her lonesome. I honestly question whether adding characters like Finn or Han are just so we can have even more people to applaud Rey as she waltzes through every encounter.
Even Leia fucking hugged her when Han died and they had known each other for like a day.
>explain anakin, 8 year old podracing prodigy. Shes force sensitive.
>he was injured, his reaction to being injured does not make him not injured.
They could have avoided a lot of complaints about Rey with one simple change - she doesn't escape from captivity on her own. That alone would have done wonders.
Maybe she tries the mind trick and it fails, the stormtrooper is like "what are you trying to do?" and it doesn't work. Then Finn actually does rescue her.
>Kylo has zero reason of being part of the dark side. He has no desires, no motivation for anything
Literally what? he idolized Darth Vader and wanted to be as strong as him but uncle Luke's pussy training wasn't giving him enough power.
Not to mention Luke was the one who kicked Vader's ass yet he was holding Kylo back and being a complete hypocrite since he used the dark side to win that fight.
When did SW become morally grey though? Even the movie made clear that Luke freaking out against Vader was a bad thing judging by the fact that John Williams makes the scene as tragic sounding as possible followed by Luke realizing just how badly he just fucked up. It looks pretty standard good versus evil.
That aside, why do plebs keep thinking that there has to be a balance between good and evil when there is no reason why you should want any evil to exist in an ideal world?
>Why have a staff instead of a gun, by far the more practical weapon?
Because have you seen how piss poor their accuracy is? not even the highly trained Stormtroopers can use guns efficiently in Star Wars.
Exactly. The problem with Rey escaping on her own is two fold. While it makes her seem even more unbeatable and pointless, it also completely invalidates Finn's hero arc. He resisted his urge to run away, finally, and was going to help his friend after she helped him. But then she's fine and he's the incompetent fool again.
>Maybe she tries the mind trick
That could work. Like she knows she has some force power, but it's a skill she's going to have to train.
Rey had no problem hitting people with a blaster after a few seconds of getting used to it. Seems like being force-sensitive would help out your accuracy, right?
>Like she knows she has some force power, but it's a skill she's going to have to train.
Yeah, I mean she knew about legends of jedi and everything. It's not unthinkable that she once heard a rumor that the jedi could mind-control people. So she tries it but it doesn't work and she realizes she has a long way to go.
Oh well, it's too late now.
>she doesn't escape from captivity on her own
Yeah, let's fix our brand new strong female lead by making her a generic damsel in distress.
She got caught in the first place and couldn't do shit about it, that alone is enough to establish the fact that she can occasionally be weak.
Yeah as I said, Luke freaking out against Vader has a positive result, but it wasn't the 'good' action. The fact that he was explicitly told not to is just more evidence.
>why do plebs keep thinking that there has to be a balance between good and evil
II and III had some morally grey stuff going on, I think. With this idea that the Jedi aren't all they're cracked up to be. Rogue One's plot was built around something similar.
Yeah, the force explains it. Luke was also far more accurate than the average stormtrooper or rebel soldier.
she has the power of the cute
>that she can occasionally be weak
And that she will also be able to fix her mistakes and get away too.
It's just pointless. Her being rescued helps give her a relationship with the other characters and it makes Finn's arc a lot stronger. As it currently stands, there's zero reason for Rey to be around anyone because they're all practically baggage to her by comparison.
Why didn't they give the role of Rey to Felicity Jones back then?
Everyone would masturbate to her 24/7