Is this the kino that will save DCEU?
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no, this is
I know who she is, but I'm struggling to think of anything she's been in.
Johnny Depp
Does she appear in Justice league at all?
Haven't seen her in any trailer
For like 5 minutes, yeah
The Informers
She's a less sleepy looking Blake Lively, and I don't think she's any better of an actor
genuinely surprised he hans't been cast
Here have your (you)
She also got her entire personality of a centerfold bio.
>I'm a busty bisexual that shoots guns and drives a mustang, but I also love classic literature and sensitive guys
She's manufactured to draw in teenage boys and orbiting betas and unfortunately capeshit already has that audience locked down so she doesn't bring anything new to the table.
Blake Lively is better. And hotter.
Damn, how terrible do you have to be that Blake Lively is better than you?
You're out of your mind.
could he do the laugh? if so he's perfect casting and it's crazy he hasn't been casted before
lol you wish whore
Amber is a natural Texan cheerleader homecoming queen 10/10
Blake doesn't even get close even after plastic surgery
>Batman did i ever tell you about white supremacy? you wanna know how i got these scars? David was a drinker, he used to complain about sabboth all the time. Until one day I put a smile on his face.
What do you think?
AquaWan is going to easily clear 2 billion dollars on opening weekend
I'm glad Wan went on record saying there's going to be underwater talking scenes, when Mera made the air bubble to talk I was kind of disappointed.
Fucking perfect.
Did you see JL? Amber Heard was worse than Gal Gadot
Blake was lame but definitely better in Green lantern even
I liked that scene. But I don't see how they could do that for an entire film. Plus Mera is the only one with water controlling powers
I'll just chalk it up to her wanting to have a private conversation with Arthur