What did he see?
What did he see?
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I don't get it it's just sunlight what's the big deal
t. dumb roastie
Ultimate sadness.
He should be instantly blinded if he isn't instantly vaporized. Then he probably began to have illusion of seeing things.
Why do they keep dreaming of falling into the sun?
shes always sad
attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion
I dreamt of falling into a black hole once, shit was fucked up
It's depression. The whole movie is a metaphor of depression.
He's wearing a future suit and he's partially protected by the ships shield, then he gets vaporized.
The Sun is a literal god. All of the calories you consume fell from the sky as sunlight. Every day you should be grateful to the Sun for the energy it grants the chemical reactions required to activate all of your bodily functions. Last night at Thanksgiving dinner we were each asked to say one thing for which we were grateful, and I said "The Sun."
Praise the Sun.
If he is fully protected, he sees the wonder of surface black spots of the sun, which everyone likes
If he is partially protected, he only gets blinded instantly. He probably see some purple afterimage like the one you get from looking at sun too long.
If he dies he dies
So I really don't know what they expect to see, when they already had the best view possible in the sun room.
what movie?
Blade Runner
Little miss sunshine
The Core (2003). A crew of scientists pilots a drilling vehicle to the Earth's center and detonates a nuke to jumpstart the dying core.
I liked it when I was a kid.
Murph getting blacked
Name the last movie with an actual decent OST. All I can think of is Interstellar and that came out 3 years ago
we can be sad together
Happiness, because he got out early.
>Name the last movie with an actual decent OST
Blade Runner 2049.
t. brapposter
Fuck no. As much as I like the movie itself, the OST vcompletely failed to capture that feeling of wonder the original had on any track that wasn't directly referencing themes from original. Anything new on it was completely forgettable.
>flavour of the month shit
back to r*ddit you go
Just because it's not as good as the soundtrack of the previous movie doesn't mean it's not good.
Zimmer is a hack
I love the movie, but I can remember only one track out of the whole ost. And you know what track I'm talking about. Rest is just ambiance and electronic BWAAAANNgs. That's not good or memorable music.
I don't think that a good soundtrack needs to consist of memorable tracks. After all the music is supposed to be in the background and listened to in it's whole unlike say a rap or rock or pop album.
> music is supposed to be in the background
See, this is where you're completely wrong.
>worshipping a burning ball of gas
Idiot, do you worship my farts as well if I set it on fire?
> a burning ball of gas
Oh, you poor naive child, you have Idea, do you?
cant deny that theres something mythical about it. Especially given the fact we humans are made from carbon that stems from stars.
We literally came from the sun.
The sun must have divine powers if it can burn in a vacuum.
Sunshine (2007) by Danny Boyle is the serious answer. The other ones are trolling.
Justice Leagues box office numbers
>Ron Jones provided critically acclaimed work for the first four seasons (1987–1991) of Star Trek: The Next Generation (Star Trek: TNG). In total, Jones composed forty-two episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation. He was interviewed by Bill Florence for the article "Ron Jones - Sounds in Space", published in The Official Star Trek: The Next Generation Magazine Vol. 14, pp. 16–22. After three seasons and starting in the fourth the producers choose other composers to assume Ron's position scoring the series. No specific reasons were given other than they wanted a less dramatic approach to the score and less emphasis on melodic content. Despite the success of his work, Jones was fired from the crew of The Next Generation under controversial circumstances near the end of the fourth season. His firing was supposedly because his music was thought to be "too noticeable" by Rick Berman.
Man of Steel
>Only dream I ever have, is it the surface of the sun? Every time I shut my eyes it's always the same