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Probably got mad when he was outdone by a female student who was dating a african american and gave into his white male cis heteronormative born racist hatred and didnt check his privilege

He means how did he get this leak.

thats definitely a dark version of lukes leitmotif
dont worry about it, fag.

I can't listen rn, how does it prove it?

Doesn't mean Luke turns, could mean his 'student' turns. Music seems more sad than it is evil.

really dark and hans zimmery feeling version of lukes theme incorporated with the chime of the bells in the dark trailers

>He means how did he get this leak.
probably because they oversaturated the market last time and thats why there is nearly no marketing this time so we get "leaks" instead

It sounds really ominous, like a horrible revelation.

>no Rey, snoke is my father
You know it's gonna happen

Sounds quality is really poor. Sounds like it was done on a cheap keyboard.


Fuck yourself

no u

So, someone went through the effort of making a full fake soundtrack that actually sounds quite good? (Minus the quality itself of the video).

lol this is fake as fuck, how can anyone be fooled into thinking this is the work of Wiliams?

plus it's already known the soundtrack is 77 min, and this video still happens to be up despite being a supposed "leak", so...

It all makes sense. The red title. The name. Luke is a Jedi no longer. Rey is the last one

Stop shilling it you fucking looser, its fake yo, and its peppered with fucking ads.

Its one guy with a piano and chorus samples.

"the last jedi" is supposed to be in plural, all the translations to different languages prove it

rian said its singular. different languages are not a 1 to 1 copy in translation. read a book

fake and gay sage

no, he's right - fuck yourself.

If one guy made this whole thing that's actually pretty impressive

so fake, so very very fake

It is, it has some really good songs, like the one starting at the 38th minute.

It's missing opening credits and stuff, so that could explain the time difference.

Obviously fake as fuck as it mostly recycles stuff from the prequels, doesn't sound at all like John Williams (with the piano stuff), and ignores Rey's Theme.

Still kind of neat, though.

lmfao this was made on a $80 electronic casio keyboard by a singaporean music major. OP is probably the sad gook fishing for ad revenue who made it

>another Disney score that is complete forgetable garbage
They don't care at all

its fake, dummy.

DJ Tiesto - Star wars theme.mp3

the twist is Luke was dead all along

Good compilation of Lucas King's music OP (check out his youtube channel, he's got some pretty cool stuff on it)

Lol, that shit ain't official, it's just stolen from this.

It's way too good to be a nu-Disney score

>the LotR-style song at 38 minutes
>the weird synthy style to some songs that feels less "MEMBER SYNTH" and actually well incorporated into the music
>Evil Luke theme with dark ending score

>darkside luke
nah luke is still in the middle

Insider here not a larp.
The line here is literally "I was a jedi, like my father before me." And we see luke now has dark side eyes for some reason. Its so fucking dunb. I get why Mark was so pissed at the script.

>dark side eyes

Lies. They scrapped that shit since its from the prequels.

Nnnnnnope. Disney isnt dumb, they knew the backlash on some of the fringe sites where people nitpick dumb shit on movies.
It was a no brainer for them to use it to tie in something like that fron the PT.
It shows how Luke fucked up like his pops but for different reasons this time around. Basically showing the cycle is repeating and its up to marey sue to finally bring peace to the force. Joining up with kylo to kill luke, literally now being, the last jedi.