This sappy piece of shit won Best Picture

>this sappy piece of shit won Best Picture

What the fuck was the Academy thinking?

people like fake irish and scottish shit since no white person not from the continent wants to admit they have english blood.

Movies soyboys will Never understand

>cucks will never understand Man kino.

>sappy piece of shit
The main character gets tortured to death at the end. Fuck you.

Mel Gibson, Kyle.Mel Gibson.

>most gruesome, realistic pre-gunpowder battle scenes ever put to film
>wife throat cutting
>homosex prince
>"sappy" movie

t. jew or nigger or truly retarded

the only mark against it in my mind is Gibson's OUTRAGEOUS accent, everything else MASTAPIECE

>most gruesome, realistic pre-gunpowder battle
>battle of Stirling Bridge has no bridge