*breaths in*
*breaths in*
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>*breaths in*
nice english capefag
wow a billion dollar company lost some money, who gives a fuck. Fuck capeshit u shit eating retard.
t. soyboys
>it's a newfag hahaha capeshit thread
Life as an oldfag is suffering.
life as an old dog is woofering desu
They wasted millions...
stop laughing guys, people will lose their jobs from this :(
Thank you, user. Made me chuckle.
nice rounding up you have there
first post of the fucking thread and someone takes the most obvious bait conceivable lmao
When did you start browsing oldfag? I created this thread and I've been here since 2007.
if you want to get people to talk about something here you have to make an obvious bait thread, you should know this by now if you really are an oldfag
>wanting to discuss capeshit in any way, shape, form, or fashion
I really don't want to derail your retarded thread with a pissing contest, so I'll just suggest that you end your life and abandon ship.
Hahahahah so in the end Wheadon quips didn't work afterall. WB should invest more money in propaganda department and should leave Snyder alone
>he doesn't like discussing the slow death and inevitable collapse of Hollywood
>he thought this thread was about capeshit
>he doesn't want to discuss box office and budgets for movies on Sup Forums - Television and Film
stay mad, marvelfags
This movie obviously is a money laundering vehicle. I mean, how else could you justify the casting of Gadot, Miller and Momoa.
It's actually 600 million budget including promotions. So yeah they're losing 100 mil
>stop laughing guys, people will lose their jobs from this :(
except for the people who keep fucking up
You're as sad as those people trying to defend the female Ghostbuster movie.
Don't make me beat some sense into you
>trying to bait with obvious shop
ok but you realise Warner Bros. only take 53% of the box office?
and that the $300 million only goes towards production and reshoots
and that there's probably another $150-200 million spent on marketing
and $100 million based on distribution
and another $100 million spent on merch and home release stuff for later?
This needed to be a billion dollar movie to survive
Goddamn retard
None of the people responsible though. DC execs will lay the blame on the lower rung and continue on to fuck up future entries.
>even niggers hate Coors light
White americans have no excuse
600 million?????? Kevin Tsujihara needs to resign. KEEP JOSS WHEDON AWAY FROM BATGIRL! FUCK THIS GAY EARF!
I just don't understand WB/DC.
their shoestring budget television shows have good enough special effects to keep people entertained, good enough actors to keep it going and is more successful and likeable.
and yet, they ignore all of it and make these enermously expensive awful movies, why do they do this? what is actually wrong with these people.
>films with hundreds of millions budget
Can someone explain to me what the fuck they could possibly spend this money on during production?
Is CGI THAT expensive?
Joss tried to make it a watchable movie, he tried.
It cost them about $20 million to CG out Cavill's moustache alone
And bear in mind it pretty much went through 2 productions since the reshoots cost as much as the initial shoot (more than 75% of the film was remade despite reports Whedon only reshot 20%, he did the entire third act and most of the first 2)
and $300 million is only the statement given by WB on how much production cost, reality of this is it could be a lot higher
All of their tv shows went to shit too though. And I loved the Flash s1 and half of s2.
Its nice to see you boys kowtowing to the feminist agenda and have stopped using the word cuck since it triggered them so much. Good goyboy there not using offensive slurs.
lmao shut up soycuck
>600 million
what the fuck?
is moustache cgi really that expensive?
Nice try.
Stfu soycuck
Movie budgets include advertising you retard
It did fine. WB is very happy with it.
see it's not doing fine, it's very much going to bomb at this stage
Coco is gonna rape its ass this weekend and then Star Wars will be out soon so all hype for JL will be dead
$25m alone for the mustache
Please stop believing what you read in the agenda-driven press
i agree, but as shit as they went, did they go hundreds of millions of dollars, motion picture bad?
>s-stop believing facts!
Ok pajeet, your movie will do just fine ;)
we get it, you have a soy diet faggot
How can they be happy with it making less money than any of their other movies when this was supposed to be their Avengers? Do you think Marvel would have been happy if Avengers 1 and 2 made less money than Ant-Man and Dr. Strange?
>10% loss on your money laundering scheme
>money you syphon into dummy "marketing" companies not accounted for
Sounds like a solid profit to me.
No no, guys hear me out. What if Warner Brothers is /ourstudio/ and they intentionally tanked Justice League in order to kill capeshit for good. They wasted billions of dollars in order to save billions of people from future capeshit.
This is what Snyder was trying to tell us in Watchmen with the "to save billions" line from Ozymandias.
Reported speech conditional =/= present tense (s)
Grammar just disproved your laughter.
They wasted $25m and they could've just let Superman have a beard. Who fucking makes these decisions?
Zack Snyder confuses depth with length, so a lot of the character development in the movie is cut or rushed. Especially with the villan Steppenwolf.
Honestly this. It was quite noticeable that Joss Wedon had rewritten some lines to increase the pace of the movie, but he did a damn good job, he also added the TWO post credit scenes which are damn good. One pays homage to a Supes vs Flash racing competition, and the other setups up the next movie. The whole movie kinda just fell apart when superman showed up though. He just BTFO of the villan and saved everyone, when he other JL members were struggling.
If it was a drop in the bucket I would understand but this is 100 MILLION. You don’t sink that much money for shits and giggles
they'll make that back in seconds, it's not like people will suddenly cancel their HBO subscriptions overnight.
It's not just about however much money will will lose on this one movie, but rather the box office ceiling of the whole franchize being nowhere where they hoped it would be. How do you move forward with a superhero franchize where your biggest all-star team up movie does worse than the solo movies?
i wish i could find the article, but way back when Cat Woman and Jonah Hex failed, and later Green Lantern.
DC/WB said that they would really think about how to properly utilize their IPs going forward, something like that.
yeah, they didn't do that, i think SuperMax turned into Arrow which was a good thing, and Flash from that, but the soltution for all of this is stop trying to make a shitty Cinematic Universe, and focus on the fun-to-mediocre television shows and just release a movie based on the shows down the line.
and make some goddamn good movies based on their IPs, a comedy plastic man should have been made over 15 years ago, WB/DC are literally braindead it seems
Relax. Breath
Are those CW shows in syndication? Looks like the tv universe is a lot more lucrative than DCEU.
>who gives a fuck
He's already been fired from that project.
2011ers aren't old fags you faggot. Why don't you make a difference and make your own 5 star oldfag Sup Forums threads to make the board a better place
Ideally this would put both Whedon and Snyder into movie jail but it won't happen.
It's soyim you faggot, and soyboy triggers them more right now.
kek this nigga woke af, not even mad
Renny Harlin and Paul W.S. Andersons movies you can actually sit through and maybe even rewatch at some point, and they are within budget and actually make money.
and yet, AND YET Harlin and Anderson are seen as hacks not worth any film projects, and Whedon and Snyder are praised to high heavens.
i don't understand this reality.
Had Harlin not made Cutthroat Island his career would be very different.
>WB/DC are literally braindead it seems
There's a video on YouTube where Kevin Smith talks about his experiences with WB when they hired him to write Superman Lives in the 90's. Hilarious stuff, and it confirms your suspicion. I truly believe that the majority of the DCEU's woes stem from WB.
Costs 600
Nets 545
600-545 = 55
55 isn't 100
What sort of Jewish math trickery is that?
Harlin finally bounced back, the Jackie Chan/Johnny Knoxville flick was a massive hit in China.
$300 million production and reshoots
>average blockbuster costs $150 million to market and $100 to distribute
>this movie's been marketing since July 2016 so the costs for marketing will be higher
>not accounting for the cost of producing merchandise and a home release later on
it costed well above $600 million
And Warner Bros. get 53% of the box office revenue
It's been consistently confirmed that WB are run by complete retards
fucking LMAO
Is this autism?
Thats not too bad considering they reshot half the movie.
Firstly it cost $300m production + reshoots, the P&A would be closer to $200m making the total cost $500m
Secondly studios take a percentage of box office receipts, so out of te likely $200m domestic, WB will see $150m from that, meanwhile the $350m international will net WB around $180m, giving them a total of $330m back, losing over $170m by the end but this doesn't account for the various methods studios have of mitigating loses
>making the total cost $500m
IIRC the confirmed break even point was $600m according to forbes
similar to the story of superman lives and the giant spider.
#ForTheFans #LittyLeague #JusticeLitty #MarvelsPantsPissy #LittyAF #DailyReminderThatDisneyPaysForGoodReviews
that Cutthroat Island shit needs to be rectified, there is NO WAY, the money lost on that project is as much of a loss as Snyder at this point, the sheer amount of manpower and years wasted into DCEU
Is this shooped?!
Rapist League should be at like, 2%-7% Fresh Rating.
DC is such a fucking joke and all their fans are pathetic losers too.
I absolutely refuse to believe that.
This has to be a meme, like, can just 1 guy do it in 10 days going frame by frame in after effects. No more than fucking 10-20 thousand dollars.
No fucking way, you guys are memeing me right?
If the break even point was $600 million that would be approx. $318 million for Warner Bros, which implies they spent that much on marketing, distribution, producing, reshooting and merchandising the film. What they mean by that $600 million is they need to make it, which means it's box office has to be at least a billion and a bit
They've brought up how Cavill's moustache affected the budget pretty heavily because it was such a rush job. From the sounds of it WB pushed for it to be done in less than 10 days, plus tracking his head movements constantly and making it look consistent can be a bitch
It's not that unusual really, that corporation big wigs are relatively unaware of how things are actually done.
The same can be said about almost any industry. For an example there's good stories from the gaming world about Sierra, that was one of the first, if not the first, big game developer/publisher, that was sold out in the 90's.
The more corporate the company went, the worse the games begun to turn, as they were pitched by people with no actual idea about the actual game development. They just saw what other companies did and jumped in demanding that games in development would be turned like that, no matter what the game was originally about.
someone explain why this is a big deal?
i haven't been able to watch anything. I want to watch Justice League, Thor and Coco. Just haven't gotten to it yet.
They can't be in trouble just because of that, can they?
Yeah but... 20 fucking million. Whole movies with better CGI have been made with that amount
This was supposed to be like the Avengers and make over a billion dollars. Instead it might not outgross a Thor movie.
Because threads to discuss credible movies instantly slip to page 5 or are derailed by faggots like yourself that have just discovered politics.
Warner Bros. They really know how to fuck things up hard
>They can't be in trouble just because of that, can they?
Yes, yes they can. If a studio puts a lot of faith and money into a project for the SOLE purpose of bringing in mega money...and then it loses them this amount? Then that's when people start to lose their jobs or projects get canceled.
Execs don't like this shit. It's one thing if a low cost film bombs, but this? Yeah, it's bad.
it's not okay if any film bombs, as it's not just money that is waster, it's years of resources poured into something that should have been allocated into other project.
maybe some really small movies, okay, arguably, but not medium or large scale projects, no way.
Durrr if it's successful in the box office that means it's not a shitty movie!
>it's not okay if any film bombs
Not really. There is Oscar bait, there are projects studios dump unwanted talent into, there is blowing through unsuspecting investors' money, not letting IP rights expire etc. Also, budgets are ridiculously padded, studios bill themselves for everything, same with marketing budgets. With all the distribution avenues years after release, Hollywood accounting etc the only movies that REALLY lose money are hugely expensive ones that don't bring in $1B+.
I bet that exec was Snyde's wife