Starfleet hoes edition
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Apparently, they'll make anybody a captain
Not anyone. Some people can't even make lieutenant
Watching with a quasi-critical eye,I simply cannot take the concept of the Holodeck seriously anymore. At first I started making my Holodeck posts as a joke ("Why don't they call it X instead of a Holodeck? The name is misleading") but I'm starting to get annoyed whenever anyone uses the Holodeck. I just can't stop thinking about all the plot holes, the unbelievable decisions that people make, the fact that it's possible for the technology to work flawlessly while not responding to controls because of some major spatial anomaly, there's so much about the Holodeck that doesn't make even a little bit of sense. And then there's the fucking Doctor. They put a bunch of EMHs in a cave system to mine dilithium or something, but they can't set up holoprojectors around Voyager? Actually, we know that they CAN and DO do this--in that episode with the Hirogen, we see it done, it's the entire plot--and no amount of handwaving can make me believe that there is some reason that makes sense diegetically NOT to have done this before. And the mobile emitter almost never malfunctions; when it does, they can fix it, no problem. It's even more unbelievable than Geordi's ability to operate on Data's positronic brain without actually being a cybernetics genius like Singh was. Why the fuck can't they make more Datas? Why the fuck can't Data experience emotions but Moriarty can? If a Holodeck replicates matter on demand, why can't the replicate and android? Why does that replicated matter lose cohesion when it leaves the Holodeck if it's replicated, rather than projected? Who decided that the Holodeck was a good idea?
>You will return this drone to the Borg
>I can't do that
Why wouldn't she comply with Seven's wishes? Seven is an individual. Janeway doesn't care about particular individuals, she only cares about individuality qua universal, just like most neoliberal talking heads.
if you live long enough you become a captain that is how it works most of the time.
wait, did the last thread die already?
anyways Was it rape?
>Counselor, when you get the chance, I'd like you to talk to the pasta shitposter. It's clear he has some sort of mental defect that precludes him acting in sane manner. His preoccupation with the holodeck is quite worrying and speaks to some deep-seated mania buried deep within the recesses of his fractured mind
They don't have a salary. He has the same responsibilities as Data on the Enterprise-D and E, so what difference does rank really make?
Why is her ship multicolored
>Same responsibilities
Data was second officer.
Should Orion females be allowed to attend the Academy given their biological processes?
Yes [ ]
No [x]
>Implying that Maquis ranks mean anything
Harry would be behind Tuvok, the real first officer.
As long as it can play softball and recreations of the 1998 Lilith Fair.
told you:
we wuz spacemen n shiet
This thread doesn't have enough tits.
I hate ghetto niggers as much as anybody, but she was an attractive, committed scientist and starfleet officer.
Neither does she
Kira-chaaaan ogenki desu ka
>her tits are too small
>posts someone with small tits
I think it's time for you to look up her nudes, user.
I wish she had gone back to the skirt uniform when Jellico came in and went Dwight Schrute on the place.
I feel responsible for sending a lot of people down this path a few months ago. It's better not knowing.
that getup makes her look like a Puerto Rican cheerleader.
I like her in this one better
They sure tried to make her look busty, though.
If circumstances were different and history took a different path in the mirror universe, how come all the crew ends up on the same ship or at the same posting in every series?
Also, why would they need a counselor
Because the Mirror Universe is unironically far more implausible than
>fluidic space
>non-linear wormhole aliens
But its so cool
The redpill is that Star Trek is actually about metaphysics
The wheel of fate, etc
>If circumstances were different and history took a different path in the mirror universe, how come all the crew ends up on the same ship or at the same posting in every series?
Plot convenience. You don't have to spend half the episode establishing who people are.
>Also, why would they need a counselor
She's a comfort woman.
Troi is not a counselor in the MU. She's something something torturer.
Why don't they just paint ships black? wouldn't they be invisible in space then???
>no mirrorverse Janeway going all dominatrix on the Borg, Hirogen or Kazon
I'm impressed that Voyager managed to go 7 seasons without having a single mirror universe episode. Closest we got was Living Witness
She killed millions...
can you say no to that face? save dozens
You just do NOT stand in the way of a woman and her first coffee of the day.
"There's coffee in that ensign"
And yet the roles they have, like tactical, or science officer seem to have no direct connection to their rank...
Honestly Star Trek organizational structure makes no sense at all.
Is Chief O'Brien an officer or not? Sometimes they seem to act like he's some kind of Non-com enlisted man, but at other times they act like he's an officer.
Does Starfleet even HAVE enlisted ranks?
O'Brien is an experienced, skilled, highly-ranked NCO. This gives him a lot of authority.
More like heros.
Was Kirk the Harvey Weinstein of starfleet?
No, that was Sulu.
>I'm impressed that Voyager managed to go 7 seasons without having a single prime universe episode.
Why didn't TNG ever do a mirrorverse episode?
Probably seemed to fan servicey for GR who was still alive at the time.
Too close to TOS, they were sensitive to being compared to the first show
Because there was no way of returning to the mirror universe without it being shit. Look at DS9. The lesson to take away from the Mirror Universe due to DS9 was no longer "cooperation is better than conquest", it was "if you conquer then you might as well keep conquering because if you ever stop then the galaxy will enslave your entire species".
I loved the Elite Force videogame as a kid and I just downloaded it last week and play it, it's still great. But I wanted to finally learn more about all of this and so I started watching Voyager which I've only seen single episodes every now and then before
I'm currently at the end of season 1 of Voyager and the entire ship literally just got disabled by fucking CHEESE
how much worse can the show get from this point on
>how much worse can the show get from this point on
youll make it through, I did. season one was probably the most of a chore to get through because the Kazon were so fuckinggg borrring
>tfw no TNG episode where mirror Beverly is a Josef Mengele type mad doctor who gets off on seeing people in pain and does cruel experiments on prisoners in a sexy variant of her uniform.
Just end my life already.
They made up for it by whipping the holodeck like a lazy field nigger.
Except when he was a lieutenant. Everyone knows it’s one of the first retcons put in place by RDM once Gene kicked the bucket.
>second episode is “The Naked Now”
>Was it rape?
Idk... was it cake?
Having seen most of Voyager in middle school I can't help jumping around now that it's available on services to which I subscribe. The Doctor really carries the show. Kate Mulgrew has some moments but I am not a big fan of her performance, I think the first woman captain could have been done a bit better. I'm not opposed to the concept in principle. I also have issues with some of Avery Brooks' acting choices but they're more glaring than the subtle things that annoy me about Captain Janeway. Her having a husband kind of limits the capacity of her relationships with men aboard the ship to grow and develop over the course of the show. Instead of a Picard-Crusher style tension, we get the Kes-Neelix and Paris-Torres romance arcs, neither of which involves more than one at least tolerable character (B'Elanna is one of the best characters on the show). Compare her to the President in BSG and you'll see how short she, as a dynamic character developing over time, comes up. I don't think it's Mulgrew's fault (DS9 has the best scripts of the shows set in the 24th century, VOY usually just has a 'Holodeck gone wrong' scenario or rehashes the Kazon or has Tom Paris fixing up a representation of his penis or a combination of the two) but she's limited enough by her character's past that they had to introduce 7 of 9 as a new main character just to make things interesting.
>It's a 'B'Elanna and Tom are stuck in spacesuits connected by a tether while salvaging the warp core' episode
give me an episode. no memes
This, the mirror universe is too grimdark for TNG
Scorpion, VOY
>it's a sweaty angry horny B'Lanna episode
now do that gain but use 3 fingers this time
Half a Life if you want Lwaxana feels
The thing that bothers me the most about that episode is that it made me root for Wesley. When Data saved the day at the end was badass, though.
Why didn't you bump it? Spite? Pride? Cowardice?
trek general threads regularly get archived before the bump limit too
Journey to Babel, TOS
Not him but I wouldn't expect someone to bump one of my threads just because. If people want to continue, they'll bump it. If not, the thread dies. I've been lucky though. I'm not sure how many threads I've made now but only a couple have died prematurely.
I've made a lot that got to 300, some of which were sequels to other bump limit threads.
What if the Discovery accidentally jumped through time instead of space, and now it's in a post Voyager timeline? The only ship in the fleet capable of using the network disappeared so that's why no one else used it, 'normal' Klingons can elucidate that the new weird ones were a splinter sect, like how the Romulans broke off from the Vulcans, and we'll finally have the show we all wanted. It's gonna be LIT.
They would never do that because that would mean possibly having TNG cameos, and I would actually be excited for that and want to watch it.
how was Data incapacitated again? what was he doing that episode in the first place?
Akoocheemoya I hope you all were thankful about my peoples destruction Akoocheemoya
Beverly deactivated him. They rarely mention it, but she's also a cyberneticist.
What's the deal with Spiner's over active nipples?
They turned him off because they knew he was the only one who couldn't be affected by the game.
Reminder that Beverly is the one that knew how to turn Data on.
O'Brien is a Chief Petty Officer, but he's also the Chief engineer aboard DS9. My explanation for this (this is just me trying to make sense of things), is that this entitles him to special priveleges above what his rank would normally receive, on account of his role. Similar to how a medical officer can "pull rank" on a captain and relieve them of duty if they deem them medically unfit for service, O'Brien attends senior staff meetings and is given broad control over the engineering staff because of his position as Chief Engineer.
Why is Beverly able to fix and check up on all Data's positronic cybernetic bullshit? I can buy that Geordi would vaguely understand it, but she should be clueless.
She was engaged, not married.
Even less of an excuse
Hey that one where she's on the Malon ship and there's that radioactive guy trying to kill her was pretty good. First time I saw it I was like 8 years old and it scared the shit out of me.
Modern Medicine in the 24th century is mostly "point this regeneration device at the patient" and looking into microscopes. This gives her plenty of time to learn other skills.
Barclay: "The Romulans have always been interested in Voyager!"
He shown to be a captain in the future. Proves Starfleet will make anyone a captain eventually.
> having tastes this superior
I seriously hope you guys do this.