What the fuck was this

What the fuck was this.
Why was it so depressing and mopey and without any message.
Why did we need to see 30 minutes of some teenage love drama.

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>moobie ned massage


It's one of the most honest portrayals of grief in cinema history, aswell as self-imposed social exile.
Film isn't just about empty escapism "entertainment", it's about being able to go through experiences you don’t normally go through.

>without any message

What degenerate pieces of shit human beings. Did they not see the part where he tries to blow his brains off because of it? Did they not see the part that for the rest of his life he will live as an emotionally empty zombie that just completes daily tasks?
Pretty sure it was some dumb minority couple as well

the most autistic reddit take

>no message

movies aren't always about messages. they can show portrayal of events and how they occur to people. It shows how intense grief cannot be overcome and the people who choose to live with it barely function.


I could watch a 7 hours movie of casey acting like in the beginning of the film

People like it because it felt realistic and didn't feel like a movie. I agree about the kid's girlfriends being stupid and pointless though.

>without any message
i thought the message was that confronting your past is the only way to move forward.

also i haven't seen many films explore the idea that grief and trauma can be connected to a place.

one of the best dramas i have seen in a while. it just gets it right. this scene was rough. i need to watch some of the director's other works.

how did this bit make you feel?

>explain this movie to me

This movie had the realest portrayal of depression I have seen yet.

>those awkward silences with the family after the suicide attempt
>the brother helping him go buy furniture for his new place
>the sullen acting, and less of sadness just a flat carelessness

It hit way too hard for me.

Jesus Christ user, is it that you thought it was poorly made or that you are a heartless autist?

>i thought the message was that confronting your past is the only way to move forward.

It wasn't that. He did not move forward. He didn't even try to move forward. Not with a psychologist or a priest. In fact it portrayed Christians as evil hypocrites. The message was that shit happens and life has no meaning.

That scene and the one with Michelle Williams were good, but could not carry the movie because there was a lot of pointless dull shit in it

It got ruined for me because of shitposters on this board, so I i kept thinking it was how the movie ended, and him not actually killing himself was a bit of a let down.

>He did not move forward
The ending shows one shred of hope for Lee with him getting an extra room in his apartment for Patrick and wanting to see him again. The ending shot on the boat is similar to the opening shot on the boat.
He will never recover and forgive himself for what he has done, but there is progress in his character because of Patrick.

Also that baseball exchange at the end summarizes their whole relationship in just one scene, where Lee says "just let it go" but Patrick doesn't let go of the ball and keeps throwing it back at him until he keeps it.

if it had anyone single meaning, I felt it was that sometimes it just never gets better. Some people can never recover from a tragedy. There's no solace for the audience because there's none for the character

>Movie about man so crippled by his grief from accidentally killing his children he tries to kill himself and then shuts himself off from society, refusing to forgive himself
>Couple sees this pain and thinks, "that's for me."

Some people just don't deserve to live.

i thought the ending of the film was pretty hopeful though? the guy and his nephew depart on good terms. he has a life away from manchester. he has an opportunity to live a normal life.

i think it would've been interesting if manchester by the sea had been done like the richard linklater's before films. maybe come back to the characters 10 years from now and see how they are doing.

OP you are without a doubt a brainless nonwhite

Wouldn't happen they keep their guns locked away and only take them out to arm the Muslim population.

It's certainly optimistic in that Lee is able to make a huge step forward by even getting a place where Patrick can stay with him on occasion but it's still a far sight from the Hollywood endings people have come to expect in film. It suggests there's no easy path back from grief and for some it's almost insurmountable. It was an honest ending but I don't doubt there were a lot of people who saw it and wanted Lee to just get over his grief and become the surrogate father but life is rarely that simple.

Yeah, but there was also pic related.
Which is way I liked it. Too many dramas treat tragedies as something you move on from, and too little portrayed them as something there is no escape to sometimes

We would make good friends, user.

that line was powerful. really great script in this film.

I don't see much people mentioning how Manchester by the Sea was actually quite funny. Genuinely funny situational humor inbetween all the heavy drama and it doesn't break the tone at all.
Loved it.

couldn't stop staring at her tits though.

It's hilarious at times, the banter between Lee and Patrick is top notch. Feels so real.

This was the first film that made me feel disconnected from the white pov, im convinced only white ppl understand it. I had easier time relatinf to american history x.

>without any message

It was about taking responsibility faggot

in what way?

>casey affleck
more like manchester by the rape

it's depression porn

Niggers aren't as capable of empathy as white people. He probably can't understand why the guy cared so much about losing his kids.

Please don't be a part of the delusional uninformed twitter whores are still whining like he raped them and beat their family on the side too, while it was just slightly inappropriate teasing and joking around. Never was rape even mentioned or did the females who he teased every said or imply there was any physical contact at all. You read a news headline on the Internet and took it as a fact, don't be such an ignorant sub intelligent degenerate please.

>teenage love drama
>all movies need a message

the fuck kind of viewer are you.

I think it was good, but I was kind of bored and I was alone at home so I watched porn and played with my dick while the movie was playing
It was a mistake in hindsight.
But I paused the porn and cried when the house burned down

>watching some pasty ginger fuck trying to get laid was absolutely essential and not just

Fuck off

You’re a great actor, Casey. Way better than that mess of a brother of yours.

Without Patrick Lee would have never progressed at all and would never confront his past again.
But yeah you go with the meanigless DUDE LMAO buzzword all you want

manchester by the sea is great but to the wonder is a masterpiece

>Without Patrick Lee would have never progressed at all and would never confront his past again

Except he didn't do any of that, he just ran away.
pseud idiot

you just dont fucking get it do ya dumb fuck.

lee's children never got to grow older into teens, so Lee has no fucking clue how to deal with an awkward teenager whos keen to fuck. The entire point of Patrick was to have someone bounce off of Lees misery with added twists. Otherwise the whole rest of the film is Lee moping around miserably depressed without any contrast to give dumb fucks like you a better idea of a shitty situation.

Fuck right off.

>what is a character study

watch margaret next, imo it’s even better than manchester

Ofcourse he can't just forget about what happened and never will, but there is progress because of Patrick, otherwise he wouldn't even get an extra room at the end.
I direct you to this post

it's a perfect masterpiece and lonergan's best

It was their deaf, incontinent and retarded adopted child, btw.

I doubt anyone would remain unaffected by that sequence, but really the movie just went on for two and a half hours I was bored out of my mind by end and I didn't care about any of it

Why would somebody adopt an incredibly handicapped child in the first place?? Not excusing what they did, but I mean what the fuck did they expect?

This movie was great. What was the thing about with the hockey players being like "you know that story is bullshit, right?' to their coach when the coach was like "that's Lee!?"

Did the town think he killed the kids on purpose? At first (before I knew his kids died) that he was like some local thug or something with a street rep or something. And that woman that worked on the docs chastising her husband for even entertaining the idea of hiring him.

fuck you I liked it

Does Williams ever star in anything non depressing?

i think word had just got out around the community about what happened to him and his wife. i mean something like that happens near where you live it reaches you soon enough. probably just pity.

you're right.i think it just takes the right company.

But it seemed the opposite of pity. The lady demanded that her husband not hire him and the kids saying "you know that story is bullshit" implies there was some negative made up legend about him or something.

I thought it was funny. The dynamic he had with Patrick, even in the flashback parts was good. Like when they were on the boat and he was asking him who he'd rather be on a deserted island with, him or his dad. Or that scene when he came back from fishing and shares bantz with his kids and wife.

some people in the community blamed him for it. it's not his fault, but he did leave the heater on

the film does really good flashbacks. it is cut really, really well.