>dude defeat the 2 most powerful sith to ever exist and ONLY then will you be a Jedi Knight lmao
Why the fuck was Luke's test to be a Jedi Knight so much fucking harder than everyone else's? You don't see other Jedi having to do that shit to get made a Knight, was Yoda just autistic?
Because Luke wasn't a bitch and needed to prove he was the best. He wasn't a millenial prequel soyboy full of entitlement like you OP.
Joshua Bell
Maybe because in the original trilogy, being a Jedi was about spiritual strength, so to become a Jedi Knight you would have to pass through some test of character - not a test devised for you by teachers, but a test that had been lurking inside you your whole life. Then time passed and Lucas, together with EU writers, turned the Force first into role playing game magic (Character X has 10 times the force of character Y!!!), then into pseudoscience (Midichlorians!!!).
Brody Cox
You yourself are a millenial, millenial. Maybe if you weren't so dumb, you would know that millenials are people born in 80-90s. What you're trying to call OP is post-millenial. You fucking degenerate millenial.
James Allen
What the fuck is up with you and trying to make soyboy become a new thing? Fat fucker