Comfy Shada Edition
Comfy Shada Edition
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Series 5 marathon in progress.
We're at The Time of Angels. cytu.
When are we going to get an Irish Doctor? I can't believe it hasn't crossed their minds yet to do it. Maybe it's because they are afraid of offending the Irish?
4th for there was a child under the blanket in Listen
it is like the british would still prefer non-whites to irish
Moffat says it's because no writers on the show no anything about Ireland. We will have to wait until we get a showrunner who has lots of knowledge of Ireland.
I think it genuinely doesn't occur to them. They seem to forget Northern Ireland is in the UK
Doctor Who is dead.
poppycock excuse
I am not Irish and know a lot about it
yeah wtf there wouldn't be a real monster in doctor who
up the ra
>you did it again even after i helpfully told you how to fix it
Why would you have to know about Ireland to write an Irish Doctor? It's not like the character would become Irish.
In this case, the Irish are the minority. It would be evil british whiteys surely? I've met brits who thought Irish was a race too
yeah, but they seem to care a lot in tuning Jodie's accent
Dammit you beat me to it
No way in thell BBC would do a non-loyalist episode
Because the Doctor adopts human accents?? the Doctor might by an alien but 12 was Scottish in his quirks and accent which was referenced by clara and bill as was Nine.
The same would apply for an Irish accented Doctor, characters would comment on his accent which would be Irish, thus cultural sensitivity. The Irish wouldn't give a shite, but writers need to be careful and have knowledge of a nationality they are using.
It's also why we've had so few historical episodes with Moff: he once said he couldn't be arsed doing all the research, so doesn't bother and instead opts for present day or space
Want to be a part of /who/ secret santa? Here's how!
Step 1: Set up an amazon account
Step 2: If you don't want people to know your full name go to My Account > Personalization > Your public Profile to change your name to something
less tracky.
Step 3: Make a public wish list of stuff you want
Also make sure you add an address or your not getting shit. Go to List Actions > Update List
Profiles. Enable 3rd party to get things from
amazon sellers(and save a nice gifter a few bucks)
Step 4: You post your list with everybody elses
Step 5:???
Step 6: Profit!
Don't worry if you can't gift back, that's not what this is about.
Would like everyone who participates to receive a gift, so if you see a ** next to someone's list, move onto the next one that hasn't received a gift.
Gift Givers, please reply with the list you
purchased for so it can be noted.
Post your lists!
Will add them to the copy pasta for the next thread.
Sorry, i fixed it, but it pasted differently. I just bought this pc yesterday and i'm still getting used to it.
Surely you don't have to do that much research. What matters is creating an interesting story. The Girl Who Died had vikings with horned helmets for instance... not accurate, but it makes them more identifiable as vikings. Also Dr Who is for kids before anyone else, (and I wouldn't have it any other way) so strict historical accuracy isnt so important to the core audience. Kids just want a fun, engaging episode
Do you have a plan in place to sort out the liars? What if I replied to your post with a ** by a random list but hadn't actually bought anything?
Maybe Irish actors prefer to work in Ireland? I hear it's quite a nice place to live now that they have more than only potatoes to eat.
it is comfier than UK
>Because the Doctor adopts human accents??
Well, actually it might be a weird tone of voice some incarnations have that get translated to accents for his companions.
There's an audio in which Seven's German companon says he sounds prussian for example, which must be the cultural equivalent of a scottish accent.
It's an honor system, it's not been a problem before.I can compare the lists, from before and after. I take screenshots. A couple of times last time we did this, something had been purchased and they neglected to post it in the thread and I noted it thusly anyway and mentioned it ITT.
he is talking about non /who/res boardies who could get free gifts
unless you go telling people about secret santa, I doubt it's going to happen
Well I personally don't purchase anything unless I want to, usually meaning it's Doctor Who related. I personally also won't purchase anything over a certain amount. I have a limited budget for holiday secret santa gifting and I'm not going to splurge on one person when I can use that money to buy others gifts.Now that doesn't mean someone with deeper pockets than I will. It's the gifter's prerogative, and if someone "cheats" to get a gift, well I hope it makes them happy.
Flesh and Stone about to start!
I want to get paid already so I can get Anons presents
No, I'm talking about trolls who could claim they bought something just so one particular wishlist, or several, get marked as having something gifted, so they get passed over by nice anons and end up getting nothing.
You've got a month :)
You can check your own list and filter it so you can see what Items have been purchased. However that would spoil any surprise. Same for asking for a screenshot of an invoice.
I hope I've done this correctly: 2IZSELC8RIKC9
I'm a little hesitant about activating the third party sellers thing, because they're allowed to share your full address with the buyer (i.e. in a purchase confirmation email)... but if it would be better to turn it on, then I can do so.
Anyways, time to dig through the lists already on offer and see what I can afford!
everything I want amazon does not have it
Turning it on is up to you. I don't know how it effects purchasing on specific items, but some it will not let you purchase them at all. I wasn't aware of the confirmation email thing. The one thing I purchased only names , the name (trip in this case) and city. Also added!
>tiocfaidh ar la, cunts!
Thank you, Cloister! I made sure everything on my list was purchasable directly from Amazon rather than a third party, so hopefully it should be okay.
And yeah, I double-checked because I wasn't too sure but... there does seem to be a risk that the seller would pass the address on to the buyer, if they sent some sort of invoice. As long as the item's purchased directly from Amazon (or through third party but fulfilled by Amazon, which most items will be) it should be alright!
Doctor who is dead
If the Doctor can be Irish (as in from the Republic of Ireland) why not Australian, American, Kenyan. South African etc.? It's a slippery slop.
That's probably a good idea. I'll add something to the effect of selecting only items fulfilled by amazon for added safety. I'm glad you raised the issue and provided a solution for it.
You would only get a bag of coal anyway you ban evading samefagging selfreplying cunt
I agree, why not?
>The Return Of The Living Dead [Collector's Edition] [Blu-ray]
Because he's always been British so it's a part of his character by default. You can be all for radically changing the character traits of a cultural icon that have been in place for over half a century but don't also pretend that you care about that character.
what did he mean by this?
So the doctor is a magical alien from outer space that can change his appearance to anything as long as it's a straight white male from britain?
the doctor's affinity for british culture is a pretty iconic part of their character
What's /who/ with you?
I just watched five episodes in a row. Can't remember when the last time I did that was.
No. The Doctor's sexuality should either be non-existent or ambiguous as portrayed in the first 33 years of the show.
>white male
He's been that for over half a century; again it's part of his character by default and changing that would damage the character by making him less consistent and recognisable. The Doctor is supposed to be an actual character with many incarnations not just a title who can be played by anyone. If you're a Doctor Who fan you should know that.
Hello hoodie!
Vampires of Venice is on in the stream. You know. If you care about that
no, things change and should change
as long as we remember what it used to be
sounds like Matt's exit
if you want same thing over and over again, subscribe to BF
the only problem that I see, is when it changes to fit an agenda instead of exploring boundaries of creativity
I've forgotten this episode existed
Is the Pirate Planet any good?
By the way, I added the Liz Shaw page, the Romana 1 page, and some others on the wikia.
>things change and should change
Then let's change the TARDIS to be an ice-cream van, the Daleks peace-loving hippies and the Doctor a wom- oh.
Doctor Who is as much about tradition as it is about change and if you don't understand that you don't understand the show.
>its a judy talks to himself thread
if you have a good plot to apply those changes, whay not
Why are you worried about the change?
Yeah, let's change it so the Doctor can't even Time Travel or go to space, just stuck on earth for years, working with UNIT or something.
jk I actually agree with you, I just couldnt help myself
Because no matter how good it is there's always going to be a bit of me that goes "this isn't Doctor Who".
If you're a fan of Adam's writing, then definitely.
Doctor Who is actually 0% about tradition, this is a stupid argument and always has been. You can even remove the Doctor from the narrative entirely and it'll still be as good, if not better.
Yes. It's got a really neat central concept and lots of entertaining antics.
That part of you might learn to love it, eventually. And right now, the only thing that's a confirmed change is the Doctor's change into a woman. If that was the only thing that really changed, would you still be worried?
absolute kek
Immigrant, give up trying to convince hoodie on anything. You and I both know it's pointless.
nothing you say will prevent jodiekino
it looks like hillary too much
I agree that changing central concepts like "making the Daleks hippies" would be weird.
But what about the Doctor necessitates the character being a man?
>Daleks hippies
in ST 2.5 maybe?
Heh, As long as you had an alternate universe Doctor, or spin-off characters, or was companion-focused, that would be a good alternate universe tale for ST 2.5.
They had Daleks as religious fanatics in S1, which was actually more interesting than anything from the following NuWho series
Yeah, but they were war religious fanatics. Even the idea of peaceful Daleks could work, though.
One idea I read somewhere was that it would have been cool if, in the power vacuum left from the destruction of Gallifrey, if the Daleks had become the new Lords over Time.
Found the villian for my ST 2.5 story, radical 12 vs hippie daleks
Was that the story where the actor was literally crying about his role? I loled at that, user.
Write it, user.
>"this isn't Doctor Who".
What is "Doctor Who"?
The marathon is moving onto Amy's Choice in about 3 minutes. (I know we saw that before but it's kino so watch it again.) cytu.
My Doctor would be as if Tennant metra crisis was interrupted and he became her
Now, now. Let's not mock people who are afraid of change.
Is that for ST 2.5, Judy? I like it.
Yes that's the one, where he's dressed in neon colors and has a skateboard
Amy's Choice now on in the stream, S5 marathon all that
Looking forward to it.
Any other anons thinking up ST 2.5 ideas?
I just realised I havent watched Dr Who since s10. After seeing that Shada clip I'm kinda missing it
S10 was only this year, that's not that long.