Hey Arnold TV movie thread

It's on now on Nick

So far it's great

DAE LE 90'S xD

Found the Gen Z retard. Hey Arnold was maximum comfy and probably my favorite cartoon ever.

Me too

Do the voices sound any good? Are there any that sound especially bad? That's my main fear for this movie.

Is it good? I was very excited when I heard they were making it but I have very little faith in Nick.

Everyone sounds good but Gerald voice is much different

Thanks for the info, one or two off voices isn't too bad.

So far good. 35 mins in

So what happened to the parents? Are they trannies? Did they die in some fire like grandpa said?

>Hey Arnold: The Jungle Movie

Is that the one where Mr Hyunh goes back to Vietnam to track down and kill the vietcong informants that led his unit into an ambush?

50 mins in didn't say. Arnold last name is shortman. Revealed. That was his nickname his grandma kept calling him

Have they even mentioned the parents at all? What the fuck are they doing?

No, Arnold and kids go to the place his parents vanished. People dying left and rignt.

The mural of Arnold’s dad is actually fucking Chad

Oh, his dad is actually Chad

Wait, is this new?

Yeah it is, came out today i think


Arnold kissed helga back

That was actually pretty good. I'm still kind of confused about the completely different art style, but the story was satisfying.

>after 13 years, it's really actually over

I don't know how I feel about this

>The whole boarding house comes along with Grandpa/Grandma to rescue the kids
>Mr. Hyunh walks foward and says he'll handle the baddies
>everyone looks confused
>reveals himself to be an ex-ARVN special ops and guy in pic related
>fucks them up

I would have preferred this